what would you do if a girl punches you in the face?


New member
May 4, 2012
last night I was at a bar with 2 friends.. long story short, there was a lot of people ordering drinks at the bar so I was waiting there for like 10 mins to be served, this tall chick (like 6'1) shows up and basically pushes me with her shoulder to get ahead of me, I look at her and basically tell her that it's rude and she could have just asked.. she tells me to fuck off and that she didn't do anything wrong.. we start arguing for a bit, then she pushes me really hard to the side harder than the first time, I go back to her and say that it's uncalled for and that she is being a real bitch.. then, I didn't see it coming but SHE PUNCHES ME in the mouth so hard I thought I lost all my front teeth, my reflex was to push her back hard with both hands, she fell on the floor and hurt her arm or something, next thing I know her 3 guy friends jump me and I'm being kicked and punched from all directions.. bouncers come and kick us all out, cops show up immediately after and listen to both sides of the story, then tell both of our groups to take separate cabs and fuck off.. which we did.

anyways, thankfully I'm okay today and aside from the lip swollen and a few light bruises, I'm fine.

question is.. should I feel bad for pushing her back? apparently she hurt herself real bad and she was bleeding from her arm. Her friends were calling me a woman beater.. what would you do if a girl punches you hard in the face to the point where you're bleeding? should a girl be allowed to beat the shit out of a man and get away with it just because she's a girl?

Ha, this reminded me of one time when I met this crazy chick at a party that asked me to slap her, I said not until she slaps me first, she did, so then we were slapping each other pretty hard for a while and probably would end up having some kinky sex, but there were too many people around and besides, her boyfriend was sitting right next to her.
equal rights, equal fights


I mean, just because she's this hot tall blonde that was spoiled all her life, should she be allowed to punch guys in the face and walk away with it like it's no big deal?

in many countries, she'd get gang raped for doing something like that.. some women in America are just getting way too much power and think they can get away with anything.

I mean, just because she's this hot tall blonde that was spoiled all her life, should I let her punch me in the face and just walk away?

had I done that, she would feel like she was right and she'd probably do it again and again..

Beta gonna Betamax
eh, not sure how I feel about this.

I mean if the bitch had a knife or a gun you would feel OK to protect yourself then right?

What's so different about her fists then? People have been known to die from getting punched in the head, or getting punched then falling and busting their head open when they hit the floor/table behind them.

The odds are pretty low, but it has happened.
ok, let me ask you.. what would you do if a girl punches you in the mouth so hard you lose a tooth in the process?

Women don't look at me and think " that would be a guy I could punch". It's all in your demeanor. She saw you as nothing but a bitch. I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings.
Are you skinny or something? How much do you weight? How tall is you? Are you sure she wasn't a tranny or something?
Women don't look at me and think " that would be a guy I could punch". It's all in your demeanor. She saw you as nothing but a bitch. I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings.

it hurts, but you bring a valid point, she obviously didn't have any respect for me from the get go. I have to accept that.

but like I said she was a tall and athletic girl, unless you're a 6'5 football or hockey player, you will look small compared to her.
Are you skinny or something? How much do you weight? How tall is you? Are you sure she wasn't a tranny or something?

I'm the average guy, 5'10 155 lbs.. not big but not small either. she was definitely not a tranny, just a tall chick with an athletic build (probably hits the gym regularly)