What time do you wake up? What time do you go to bed?

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Darn you kid-less people.

I'm in bed around 12 and up at 6 am to get the kids ready for school.

If left to my own devices, I would stay up way too late. :sleep:

Dear God some of you sleep a lot. 11pm-4am sometimes 3am. I get my best work done in the wee hours of the morning. I admit I sometimes crash in the afternoon for an hour though.

I don't get interrupted when I work this early.
Bed about 3 or 4 and up at 12. For a while there I was in an awful routine of going to bed about 6 or 7 and up at 3 or 4, it was well unhealthy.
Have to see if I can get melatonin here.
Yes, dreaming IS a perk with melatonin.

Oh..my schedule..

Wake up 6-8 to go to work
Sleep 0-2 am if at all... obsessing too much about work

It varies. Lately I've been going to sleep around 4:00 a.m. and waking up around 9:00 a.m. But I take naps during the day as necessary. Doing computer work is draining. I think that people should do whatever works for them.
It's all over the shop... often bed at 4am, up at 11.... or bed at 6am... up about 2.... it slowly gets later and later.... try to reset my body clock every now and then by staying up... doesn't work, still up til 3-4.

Kinda given up on sorting it out - been like this for years now. Recently seriously cut down on smoking weed, so it's lot harder to sleep (but I remember my dreams now!)
It's all over the shop... often bed at 4am, up at 11.... or bed at 6am... up about 2.... it slowly gets later and later.... try to reset my body clock every now and then by staying up... doesn't work, still up til 3-4.

Kinda given up on sorting it out - been like this for years now. Recently seriously cut down on smoking weed, so it's lot harder to sleep (but I remember my dreams now!)
Ya I've done the same recently and damn its hard to fall asleep without it.

Bed: 12-4am
Up: 630-10am for work
You forgot to mention the part where Melatonin gives you INSANE LUCID DREAMS. An old roommate of mine gave me some of his Melatonin when I was having trouble sleeping. He swore by it. And for a good reason... it works. It's all natural; it's what your body naturally produces when it's time to sleep. It makes you sleep like a baby with no side effects the next day... but the nightmares you'll have on this stuff are UNREAL. Therefore, I highly recommend it.:rasta:
Yea true, the first day I took it I thought I was trippin. I kept waking up in the middle of the night and seeing all sorts of colors and crazy patterns. But after that first time I stopped waking up, but definetly had some deep dreams.
I can sleep all day and all night... ))) and then the same time without going to bed))) Not healthy, I know... but what can I do?))
i wake up when my body tells me to, usually like 10:30 -11:00. That kills the people i know that have a real job
I do my best work at night, unfortunately, which means I end up staying up until 2:30-3am and still planning on being into the office at 9.

Of course, this never really works out and I end up in the office at more like 11am and I'm super groggy. I would really like to get to bed around 11pm but I seem to have an addiction to my news feeder.
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