What part of ILLEGAL do they not understand??

I have been to Berlin several times.
I saw lots of Turks there (non-white)
I saw lots of homosexuals there
I saw lots of people not judging others because of slight differences.

I saw a gay turkish couple making out on a street corner, surrounded by people not giving a single fuck, enjoying their bottles of Becks on the streets.

Germany sure has changed. Good for them. Bad for idiots.Dresden is a traitor to German values. He'll never be a true modern European.

Helmut Schmidt, the former German chancellor, has inflamed the country's debate on immigration by saying that multiculturalism can only work under authoritarian regimes, and that bringing millions of Turkish guest workers to Germany was a mistake.

I have been to Berlin several times.

Berlin is one of those cities where a select few elitist artists live off the taxes the peasants in bavaria and its neighboring state generate. Berlin isnt germany. Its more like a museum for the worlds visitors where germany plays out how theyd like to be perceived.

I saw lots of Turks there (non-white)

Turn on the tv and youll see reports of turkish teenage thugs beating those to death whose taxes they live off.

A couple months later when they go to court, reporters explain to the world how tough their life was, with all the prejudice, and that they shouldnt have to go to jail because of that. and they wont.

I saw lots of homosexuals there

Like thats a good thing? I dont give a shit about homosexuals, but could we please quit treating them like theyre better than those lowly baby makers with their silly traditional relationships?

I saw lots of people not judging others because of slight differences.

I saw a gay turkish couple making out on a street corner, surrounded by people not giving a single fuck, enjoying their bottles of Becks on the streets

Youve visited berlin. Visit some famous place in new york. Chances are they wont club homosexuals who are making out to death either.

Visit rural bavaria and it will feel more like rural texas. Youre comparing apples to oranges.

Germany sure has changed. Good for them. Bad for idiots.Dresden is a traitor to German values. He'll never be a true modern European.

From hitler times? Of course. But it hasnt forgotten. Germany is the most self-conscious country in the world. If theres not one law passed favouring immigrants over "germans", the press is back to playing the nazi card. Want to kick greece out of the union? Nazis. Want to not finance their shit? Nazis. Nazis Nazis Nazis. Anything they do that is just a tiny bit less selfish than saving the world, theyre nazis.

And it shows. Germans are bitter. Theyre the scapegoat for every fuckin disaster in the world. They pay all their shit. They get ridiculed, often by their own press. They cant be proud of their country. I understand that thats not the picture youd like to have of germany, but you are a mere tourist. Germany isnt all berlin kudamm glamour. Go visit the banking district in frankfurt. You wont see a single happy face. Go anywhere off tourist territory, and all youll see is people complaining about the misery that their life is. They wont be able to tell you whats pissing them off so much, but theyre all miserable.
Making a person "illegal" based on their current geographical location is funny to me. People should be able to freely visit and maintain residence in any location without the threat of violence from a group of individuals (thugs) known as the state.

Wrong, I only want the state to enforce laws that benefit me. Other than that I don't like the state being in my business.


merika land of the idiots...
Berlin is one of those cities where a select few elitist artists live off the taxes the peasants in bavaria and its neighboring state generate. Berlin isnt germany.

my exact first thought... berlin is like williamsburg or east village in nyc...

the rest of germany is totally different than berlin.
I really don't understand the debate about legalizing immigrants.
Yes, they go illegally to the US, which is not a good thing of course but, you americans, are getting cheap labour. It's not that mexicans (or any other minorities) are stealing jobs from US citizens. I've yet to know a case where an employer has been forced to hire mexicans instead of americans. If you don't want mexicans in the US, don't hire them. This double moral is just a case of hypocrisy from either greedy employers or ignorant citizens.

I'm not justifying illegal immigration, just telling the other side of the story.

Someone who finally gets it.

The biggest beneficiaries of illegal immigrants are White business owners who hire them. Notice that during these illegal immigration debates the focus is always on the illegals themselves. No one is going after the business owners who own these companies that want cheap labor. They can't get free labor like they used to because slavery has been outlawed, so the next best thing is cheap labor. Of course they'll say "You Americans are lazy", but when they figure out how an American can survive off the meager wages that illegals can without living 20 to a house like they do, then they need to shut their traps. Further, the biggest increase in population is from the Hispanic population, due to their high birth rates, well who do you think is paying for hospital bills that are incurred as a result of all these live births? And the WIC vouchers? Umm, yeah. Oh, and go by any construction site and you'll see a "God-Fearing, Flag-Waving, Red-Blooded Christian Conservative American" supervising a team of short brown laborers:evil_laughter:. The middle class jobs that can't be exported overseas to Asian countries are being done by the cheap labor that can just walk across the border.
Yes, get rid of all those illegal immigrants. That way, we can finally stop listening to all the white Americans constantly bitching because a Mexican stole the strawberry picker job they were hoping for @ $5/hour.
I'd have no problem with anyone living wherever they want if my money wasn't stolen and given to them. Taxation->Handouts is the root of the problem.

If we got rid of that, no one would have any good justification to get pissed off about people coming to live in "their country" (which is a stupid fucking idea, nationalism).

If we got rid of that, you would quickly see most racial stereotypes vanish because no one could get by solely on the theft of others. Auntie Sheniqua & Trailor Park Jane would have to get a job and stop pumping out kids.
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I'd have no problem with anyone living wherever they want if my money wasn't stolen and given to them. Taxation->Handouts is the root of the problem.

If we got rid of that, no one would have any good justification to get pissed off about people coming to live in "their country" (which is a stupid fucking idea, nationalism).

If we got rid of that, you would quickly see most racial stereotypes vanish because no one could get by solely on the theft of others. Auntie Sheniqua & Trailor Park Jane would have to get a job and stop pumping out kids.

What about the construction and restaurant industries? Americans have always performed those jobs. I'm against abuse of the welfare system by ordinary citizens but I'm also against corporate welfare which in this case is the government allowing business owners to undercut the wages of Americans by hiring illegal immigrants who are in a desperate position and will take anything they can get.
This is just another way for this asshole to:

1. Get more votes
2. Make money

I don't see why this kind of thing doesn't have to go through Congress first.
Yes, get rid of all those illegal immigrants. That way, we can finally stop listening to all the white Americans constantly bitching because a Mexican stole the strawberry picker job they were hoping for @ $5/hour.

There's a lot of things people like you don't take into consideration, like the fact that we don't have enough hospitals to support all these illegal immigrants, especially here in SoCal. So while it may not be a problem where you live, it is for us.

Nobody wants to wait 6 hours in ER while the illegals in line ahead of them get to see the doctor first.
What about the construction and restaurant industries? Americans have always performed those jobs. I'm against abuse of the welfare system by ordinary citizens but I'm also against corporate welfare which in this case is the government allowing business owners to undercut the wages of Americans by hiring illegal immigrants who are in a desperate position and will take anything they can get.

I'm against any group of individuals, whether they're the state or not, telling other groups of individuals what they can and cannot do. Get rid of the initiation of force (and the threat of) and the problem you speak of will vanish, because the minimum wage law wouldn't exist anymore, many people would have 15-40% more of their income in their pocket with the absence of taxation, anyone could hire whoever the fuck they want and all things would be level.
I'm against any group of individuals, whether they're the state or not, telling other groups of individuals what they can and cannot do. Get rid of the initiation of force (and the threat of) and the problem you speak of will vanish, because the minimum wage law wouldn't exist anymore, many people would have 15-40% more of their income in their pocket with the absence of taxation, anyone could hire whoever the fuck they want and all things would be level.

Point taken. At the end of the day, bitching about the illegal immigrant problem is for naught because Corporate America ultimately will get what they want. They wanted to export middle class jobs, they did it. They want cheap labor, they'll get that too and no politician whether it be Obama, Romney, democrat or republican is going to stop them because they are all bought and paid for by Wall Street. So while people are pissed off at illegal immigrants, Wall Street is laughing all the way to the bank and are not held accountable for destroying the middle class.
Point taken. At the end of the day, bitching about the illegal immigrant problem is for naught because Corporate America ultimately will get what they want. They wanted to export middle class jobs, they did it. They want cheap labor, they'll get that too and no politician whether it be Obama, Romney, democrat or republican is going to stop them because they are all bought and paid for by Wall Street. So while people are pissed off at illegal immigrants, Wall Street is laughing all the way to the bank and are not held accountable for destroying the middle class.

Yup, as you pointed out, no politician is going to stop them. Occupy Wall St. focused on the wrong end of the problem. You don't fix it by imposing regulation on a group that controls regulation, you fix it by getting rid of the thugs they will and always will buy/lobby/corrupt.
But what about non-white countries? Why is China not whiter? Or India? Or Mexico? Or Africa? Why is it only Western countries that must become more multicultural?

White people fuck for fun. Non-white people fuck to procreate. That is why the white race is losing the game of demographics.

Look at Canada for instance, we're the 2nd largest country in the world, yet we're only like 30 million people (and there are more seniors than kids).

Our government has no other choice but to open the doors to immigrants (and open them wide!) because we're simply doomed without them. There is no way we can properly exploit such a large territory without more manpower.

The U.S. had the same problem a couple decades ago, which is why they brought in millions of people from all over the world. You guys brought in some of the smartest engineers/doctors/scientists, but you also brought in tons of uneducated folks to do "field work" and agriculture type of jobs that no one wanted to do.

Immigration has its price...
Open the borders; close the welfare state.
Yup, as you pointed out, no politician is going to stop them. Occupy Wall St. focused on the wrong end of the problem. You don't fix it by imposing regulation on a group that controls regulation, you fix it by getting rid of the thugs they will and always will buy/lobby/corrupt.

I always laugh around election time. People arguing over which joker is going to get to 1600 Pennsylvania. Obama and Romney are two sides of the same coin. They're just figureheads in the same way Ronald McDonald is a figurehead for McDonald's or Colonel Sanders is for KFC, lol.