What part of ILLEGAL do they not understand??

You kind of get that the oil market is a global one and that it doesnt matter much whether the consumer is this or that side of the fence, right?

Maybe youre really just that simple-minded. Go buy some more ammo.

It's not a global one. I mean it costs $0.05 cents per liter of gasoline in venezuela. In turkey it costs nearly $10 per gallon. How does this not coincide with the laws of supply and demand and looked at as being on a global scale? The fact of the matter is, if our country pulled out of all these foreign wars and quit acting like the fucking world police, then deport them to our US borders the price for anything for that matter (not just gas) would be much less. It's simple business.

I really don't understand the debate about legalizing immigrants.
Yes, they go illegally to the US, which is not a good thing of course but, you americans, are getting cheap labour. It's not that mexicans (or any other minorities) are stealing jobs from US citizens. I've yet to know a case where an employer has been forced to hire mexicans instead of americans. If you don't want mexicans in the US, don't hire them. This double moral is just a case of hypocrisy from either greedy employers or ignorant citizens.

I'm not justifying illegal immigration, just telling the other side of the story.

If you were to walk into any store and pull 20 products, I can assure you that 19 of these things will be made in china or some other horrible country. So I agree completely about our country being in the situation it's in due to cheap labor - this my friends, is why democracy does not work. There should never be an equal opinion, but rather intelligent decisions made in our government, similar to that of my political beliefs. The leftists, liberals and all those currently in government power should be tried for treason and executed or deported. There should be laws enforced not allowing consumers or businesses to freely trade amongst foreign countries (UNLESS) no one within that nation is unable to perform, manufacture or supply that product or service. This would fix the unemployment rate since so many would be put on customer support (as opposed to indian call centers) and so many other forms of possible jobs.

If the majority of illegal immigrants were Europeans, this would not be a problem.

In any case, the more multicultural a country is, the more social/racial/economic strife there is. One last thing. Non-Westerners always yap that the US is not multicultural enough. But what about non-white countries? Why is China not whiter? Or India? Or Mexico? Or Africa? Why is it only Western countries that must become more multicultural?

Third world people create third world countries... What do we not understand about this? No one's running into china, mexico, africa, etc - because well, look at it. This similar analogy can be used when asking yourself if you'd want to move to the ghetto's here in our own country. Why wouldn’t you want to live there? Because the racial demographic is predominately not white...

If we didnt hand out welfare like we were handing out a tissue, then the lazy fat fuck americans would have no choice to work and fill the jobs. thus, no mexicans would come here because there would be no jobs for them.

god fucking forbid an american has to do manual labor. fucking worthless faggots.

Agreed, somewhat. This goes back to the other day when I told you I saw a white guy washing cars, and now he's my full time car washer. I believe in employing my own people or doing my own shit (like how I mowed my own lawn the other day - lol). ...........And when you say americans, you're referring to a nation as opposed to a race. Are you implying that whites are not hard working, or just the american people? Our people do work extremely hard ly2, it's just the ability to 'find work' is minimal due to those treasonous bastards in washington outsourcing jobs, buying shit offshore or filing lawsuits against arizona when trying to make our country progress as a nation.

I have been to Berlin several times.
I saw lots of Turks there (non-white)
I saw lots of homosexuals there
I saw lots of people not judging others because of slight differences.

I saw a gay turkish couple making out on a street corner, surrounded by people not giving a single fuck, enjoying their bottles of Becks on the streets. Germany sure has changed. Good for them. Bad for idiots.Dresden is a traitor to German values. He'll never be a true modern European.

Dresden may be a traitor to 'current government values', but the fact of the matter is my political beliefs have always been the primary thought, even here in america. After world war 2, our people were coming back to segregated bathrooms, restaurants, etc - so stfu and eat a dick.

I'd have no problem with anyone living wherever they want if my money wasn't stolen and given to them. Taxation->Handouts is the root of the problem.

If we got rid of that, no one would have any good justification to get pissed off about people coming to live in "their country" (which is a stupid fucking idea, nationalism).

If we got rid of that, you would quickly see most racial stereotypes vanish because no one could get by solely on the theft of others. Auntie Sheniqua & Trailor Park Jane would have to get a job and stop pumping out kids.

Go move to the ghetto for a week and we'll see how you like it... Unless of course you're 'one of these people', which may explain this irrational senseless thought.

Yup, as you pointed out, no politician is going to stop them. Occupy Wall St. focused on the wrong end of the problem. You don't fix it by imposing regulation on a group that controls regulation, you fix it by getting rid of the thugs they will and always will buy/lobby/corrupt.

The politicians are pussies is why. Again, they need to be thrown the fuck out. But the way I see it, is that this current form of government and political belief is to keep its power by keeping those people within political positions. This would explain why ron paul and others don't have a chance. Even if the mass vote was for them (which imo this is the case), it wont happen because the 'powers that be' wont allow it to happen. For those of you whom believe in voting, lol.

White people fuck for fun. Non-white people fuck to procreate. That is why the white race is losing the game of demographics.

Look at Canada for instance, we're the 2nd largest country in the world, yet we're only like 30 million people (and there are more seniors than kids).

Our government has no other choice but to open the doors to immigrants (and open them wide!) because we're simply doomed without them. There is no way we can properly exploit such a large territory without more manpower.

The U.S. had the same problem a couple decades ago, which is why they brought in millions of people from all over the world. You guys brought in some of the smartest engineers/doctors/scientists, but you also brought in tons of uneducated folks to do "field work" and agriculture type of jobs that no one wanted to do.

Immigration has its price...

Canada = LOL

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYbsyl3Uew8]South Park The Movie Canada - YouTube[/ame]

Open the borders; close the welfare state.

Someone shoot this man

Go move to the ghetto for a week and we'll see how you like it... Unless of course you're 'one of these people', which may explain this irrational senseless thought.

I wouldn't want to move to a ghetto right now. The state has created that environment by welfare and conditioning them into believing they're owed something because the white man is evil.

If you get rid of that though, in time, ghettos would no longer be ghettos.

Someone shoot this man

Why? It's the best approach. If you close the welfare state you won't have hoards of people coming here to abuse it.
Dresden, do you agree or not that the white race is losing the game of demographics though? How many white kids do you see running the streets these days?
Another thing is that they are not easily assimilable. Even if they learn the language, their skin pigmentation prevents them from fully assimilating.

US minorities becoming the majority, census suggests | World news | The Guardian

How would we define assimilating to American culture? Living in a teepee and going to pow wows? Wearing clothes like the founding fathers wore?

Being a Christian? A higher percent of blacks and hispanics are Christian compared to whites in the US. Would it be eating fast food? Blacks and hispanics are more overweight, so maybe they also eat at McDonalds more.

Who lives in the US and does not eat some form of a "multicultural" diet? Who only eats "Native American" food, or who only eats like the Puritans did?

How do we define American music culture? Rap music and most of its major artists were born on US soil, whereas the Beatles weren't. Frank Sinatra's parents were Italian immigrants and he hung around with Sammy Davis Jr, who was a black bisexual jew, so umm yeahh.


"Look here, you, everybody else is quiet and peaceable, and you're all the time a-kicking up a row!'"

"the raw Irishman in America is a nuisance... They never assimilate... They are a burden and a misery to this country.... clear the Irishman from Uncle Sam's lodging house, where all races and nationalities, except the Irish, get along with each other!" - Puck, 1882

In any case, the more multicultural a country is, the more social/racial/economic strife there is.

The USA is the most economically successful country of all time, it's also the most multicultural.

Report: Immigrants Found Nearly Half of Top Start-ups | Inc.com

America's Secret Growth Weapon: Why Immigration Really, Really Matters - Derek Thompson - The Atlantic

Immigration and Misplaced Blame - Joel Poindexter - Mises Daily

"Georgia farmers had to leave $75 million of produce to rot in their fields because of labor shortages"
It's not a global one. I mean it costs $0.05 cents per liter of gasoline in venezuela.

Venezuela subsidizes oil to keep its people happy. They have their own oil supply. Comparing some tiny dictatorship to a global power is kind of ridiculous.

In turkey it costs nearly $10 per gallon.

That might be correct. In germany, a litre costs about 1.60€ right now. Lets say thats about $2. If a gallon is roughly 4 litres, were at 8. Germany has ridiculous taxes on gas, but not the highest in the european union. Sounds a bit high but totally possible. Most of the price would be taxes tho.

How does this not coincide with the laws of supply and demand and looked at as being on a global scale?

If this is a reference to the last two sentences, the questions been answered. If not, elaborate.

The fact of the matter is, if our country pulled out of all these foreign wars and quit acting like the fucking world police, then deport them to our US borders the price for anything for that matter (not just gas) would be much less. It's simple business.

Thats correct, but has to do with the inflation that is caused by spending. Has nothing to do with illegal immigrants.

As others have already pointed out, illegal immigrants are only a problem when they qualify for welfare.
If you were to walk into any store and pull 20 products, I can assure you that 19 of these things will be made in china or some other horrible country. So I agree completely about our country being in the situation it's in due to cheap labor - this my friends, is why democracy does not work. There should never be an equal opinion, but rather intelligent decisions made in our government, similar to that of my political beliefs.

The leftists, liberals and all those currently in government power should be tried for treason and executed or deported.

There should be laws enforced not allowing consumers or businesses to freely trade amongst foreign countries (UNLESS) no one within that nation is unable to perform, manufacture or supply that product or service. This would fix the unemployment rate since so many would be put on customer support (as opposed to indian call centers) and so many other forms of possible jobs.

This line of thinking is so fucked up that I don't even know where to start.

First, I agree that democracy sucks, but you're blaming our problems on democracy and then arguing that an even more authoritarian state would solve the problems. And do you actually believe that democracy exists, anyway? Guess what, the elites are in complete control now, and things are running just as they want them to. We're on a marketing forum - everyone here should easily recognize how easily the masses are manipulated. Creating a more authoritarian government would not change anything fundamental about the United States.

Second, I am disgusted by politicians as much as anyone, but on what grounds and by what authority are you going to kill or deport a massive amount of people.

Third, the biggest cause of unemployment is laziness and ignorance. I guarantee I can get a job tomorrow. I guarantee I could spend a week looking for a job and have several choices by the end of the week. This isn't even the important issue here. The important thing to realize is that Americans have access to cheap labor that can be leveraged to increase their personal productivity far beyond what they'd be capable of with a job.

Oh fuck, I don't have a job, but I'm surrounded by all these Mexicans trying to work for $8/hr... hm... guess I'll just eat some more Twinkies. Oh shit, all the unskilled manufacturing jobs are in Taiwan and India... and look at all these people trying to buy iPad cases... nah, no opportunity here. Fuck off.

Finally, why should I take responsibility for the lives of my unemployed white brothers? You're saying that if they can't survive in a free market, we should regulate the market to make it more favorable to white people. Wtf? How about letting those who are best fit for the job do the job.

True Story:

I worked as a mason tender five years ago. All white crew - one Sicilian immigrant. The head mason tender (laborer) kicked ass at the job and eventually left to join the union. The other laborer was a white trash piece of shit and eventually got fired. Once the other two laborers left, my boss spent months hiring white workers. They all sucked. This was an extremely physically demanding job and every white person we hired either stopped showing up or just acted like a complete pussy on the job site.

After running through a dozen white workers, my boss picked up two Mexican wetbacks (they legit swam across the river to get into the U.S.). The Mexican workers we're better co-workers in every way. They worked harder without complaining, they had a good attitude because they were grateful to have the job, they put effort into learning the job better and being able to work with less supervision, and they were reliable - at work at the right time, everyday. They even worked at improving their English, learning jokes, etc.
Someone explain to me how making white people pick fruit for $15 an hour will not hurt the country by jacking up food prices.
Someone shoot this man
Haha. It's cool bro. I was advocating for two things you probably hate. A reduction of state and immigrants. I'd want to shoot me, too. If I was a literal nazi.
How would we define assimilating to American culture? Living in a teepee and going to pow wows? Wearing clothes like the founding fathers wore?

When in Rome, do as the Romans. At the bare minimum, learn the language and speak it. The mere fact that many stores have Spanish signs tells me many don't want to assimilate. In fact, they are subtly forcing reverse assimilation. Seriously, do the invaders not care enough about their new country that they cannot learn the English words for hammers and saws. I'm talking about Home Depot signs. Also, I shouldn't have to press one for English when calling a company or the gov't.

The USA is the most economically successful country of all time, it's also the most multicultural.

It did not become the most successful because it was multicultural. The US was about 90% European until the Immigration Control Act of 1965. Since then, we've had waves of both illegal and legal Third World immigration. Basically, we've been importing poverty and peasants. In case you didn't know, Third Worlders are polluting the cities with litter, run down housing, gangs, graffiti, welfare dependency, crime, etc. Since most pay no income taxes, they are leeching off taxpayers. Of the 50% or so that actually pay federal income taxes, I doubt more than a handful are illegal aliens.

FWIW, both of my parents are foreigners. They learned English immediately on arrival and speak English wherever they go. They blend in completely, even pigmentally.
When in Rome, do as the Romans. At the bare minimum, learn the language and speak it. The mere fact that many stores have Spanish signs tells me many don't want to assimilate. In fact, they are subtly forcing reverse assimilation. Seriously, do the invaders not care enough about their new country that they cannot learn the English words for hammers and saws. I'm talking about Home Depot signs. Also, I shouldn't have to press one for English when calling a company or the gov't.

Oh boo fucking hoo. Anywhere you go in the world they have english translations for things on signs, recordings, whatever. We have spanish translations in areas with high spanish speaking populations.

If a business wants to offer alternative languages, it's their fucking right, it's their property.

One of the many examples of contradiction are those who are against big government meddling in people's lives, while at the same time would support a law requiring immigrants to learn English. But don't think I'm only picking on conservatives, you libtard fuckfaces are full of contradictions as well.

Let people live their life and speak whichever language they choose.
If a business wants to offer alternative languages, it's their fucking right, it's their property.

One of the many examples of contradiction are those who are against big government meddling in people's lives, while at the same time would support a law requiring immigrants to learn English. But don't think I'm only picking on conservatives, you libtard fuckfaces are full of contradictions as well.

Let people live their life and speak whichever language they choose.

Sure, they can do what they want. The point is that they're doing it because the illegals are not learning English and attempting to assimilate. Either the illegals are too stupid to learn English or they don't want to. Which is it? I think they don't want to.

Also, when I call 911 I shouldn't have to press 1 to speak English as is the case in LA. Also, voting forms and driver license tests should only be in English. If you don't want to learn English, go to another country. There are plenty of choices, amigos.
Oh boo fucking hoo. Anywhere you go in the world they have english translations for things on signs, recordings, whatever. We have spanish translations in areas with high spanish speaking populations.

Because they have no respect for their host country (the US) and don't want to learn English? Most of the English translations in other countries are for tourists. Not because Americans are flooding their countries and refusing to assimilate.
It did not become the most successful because it was multicultural. The US was about 90% European until the Immigration Control Act of 1965.

Europe is very multicultural. English is the main language for only 12% of people in the European Union nations, which doesn't include Russia.

The Articles of Confederation were printed in not just English, but also in German. There used to be hundreds of non-English newspapers in the US and non-English schools. 23% of US immigrants did not speak English in 1910.

I'm not sure what is going on in the drawing below, but it does show how European immigrants were not all viewed as one big similar group :


Third Worlders are polluting the cities with litter, run down housing, gangs, graffiti, welfare dependency, crime, etc.

Non-drug crime rates continue to fall all over the US.

New York City crime rates at record low: police | Reuters

67% of NYC residents are now non-white.

They blend in completely, even pigmentally.

Anyone can blend in pigmentally now if they go to New York City, Los Angeles, etc.

Except for this guy I guess :
