What do you do when you get depressed?

Need to rework the whole thing, as soon as I wrote the essay above, this came to mind:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6X0Qqxx3f0]‪Chris Rock-Never Scared-Married Life‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Not that my wife minds at all... Its me not doing shit anymore for some reason. :-/

Just spoke with my wife.

Me: married and boooored... wtf?

Her: Thats the reason I wanted you, you were all active and shit - lets go there lets do this...

Me: Cool, gonna do shit again.

Her: Cool, get out of the house! Go do your shit, dont forget to come back.

I think at some point where I started working 100 hrs a week I got changed and now its just killing me. :-/
Also just thought of this:

Take a hard look at your diet. Look at your Omega-3:Omega-6 fatty acid ratio. Shitcan anything that's providing too much Omega-6's and start supplementing fish oil (the ones high in EPA / DHA are great for your heart too).

As Michael Pollan says in The Omnivore's Dilemna (great book but I'm just halfway through), "eat the leaves, not the seeds".

I'm a paleo dieter and fully believe it can help people with any number of problems.

Definitive Guide: The Primal Blueprint | Mark's Daily Apple

Colorful Veggies + Eggs + Fish + Nuts + Meat > Grains
Being in front of computer 24/7, there're lots of positive ions..

Positive ions are known to cause depression.
intense work out
fast good loud music
good action comedy flicks

The above will get you out

That's actually a pretty good formula, those 3 definitely help me when I'm in a rut.

Also not feeling bad about that you feel bad can help, just accept it, feel it & don't fight it. It gets the focus off it and allows you to move on sometimes totally forgetting about it and turning things around.
One day about six months ago I finally understood what it means to be happy. It was the same day I understood women. (This is not a joke btw)

After that I have not being sad once.

If you hear the secret to happiness you will think to yourself "duh".

Are you ready?

Here it goes:
You are a man. Men do not seek or need external validation. Once you get rid of the need for external validation you will also realize that emotions can either be self generated, or generated from the environment.

I choose to generate my own emotions. Simply I choose to be happy.

If I catch myself even for a second thinking depressing thoughts I just tell myself "be happy".....BE HAPPY

That's it.
Jump on mountain bike. Ride it to the top of Beacon Hill or down to Bowl and Pitcher. Still need something, ride out up the backside of the South Hill from the Downriver golf course side, over the top and drop into the Dishman Rocks Recreation Area. Killer single track and no bikes allowed, so you'll want to pedal fast and not stop. Should spit you out right behind the Deja Vu. Go look at skanky pussy. When you get home, you'll be stoked to see the wife and whining kids. :)

Pocketrockets nailed it, there's so much life to be lived around you, either out in the desert or up this way. Get out there and get some. Come up here and let's do the east side approach to Chimney Rock, takes 4-6 hours and you'll be so sore you won't remember to be depressed.
Getting outside and absorbing the sun, exercise and socializing will always help. If you think you're lacking in some good ol vitamin D then that should definitely be the utmost priority. Personally, this is what helped me the most and could help you:

Start writing down your thoughts that get you depressed, then write more self-fulfilling thoughts. It sounds mundane or pointless but if you do it properly it'll help you snap out of your negative mindset. It's usually only a couple of beliefs that get you depressed but once you find and resolve them, it could help a bit or a lot (in my case).

You need to get back in the habit of thinking positively and if there are any bad thoughts in your head, lurking in the back of your mind that you haven't resolved, it'll continue to make you depressed until you resolve them.

The ones that I had to figure out and resolve were "It's impossible for me to feel good if I'm depressed, don't have a gf, low on funds" etc. Then and there I figured out I keep myself in a negative mindset throughout the day and never think positively about life whether it be about myself and my situation or others.
If you are making money, comfortable, etc and are lacking motivation it is because you literally have nothing worthwhile to do.

1. Pick a cause. Now that you have attained security for your family etc you are looking for something more - something with meaning.

2. Look at Maslows hierarchy of needs - where are you on it?

3. Man was meant to conquer, to battle, to be a warrior. If you are non of these things and see no frontier ahead - you wither and die. Find a new frontier.

4. Get around positive people who have a real life. You mentioned drugs, alcohol, gambling - these are the most depressing things around. Really, as you get older the people that do these things are not fun anymore - they are pathetic and they drag you down.

5. I have more but most here are probably not interested.

Never try to change your life/routine suddenly and with bundles of changes, first of all start with simple steps and few things not many.. i don't know what things you are talking about for which you are going to give up but even giving up requires time and determination so stay calm and do your not-so-best.. coz when you will give your best with giving up that will tease you a lot.. so start with little things.. Good Luck ;)
You are a man. Men do not seek or need external validation. Once you get rid of the need for external validation...

Good post Niko. I'll admit that I sometimes get sucked into this problem. How'd you attack it? Do any NLP kind of stuff, or read any cool books? I love this kind of psychology, been a while since I read some like it though.

Oh, and OP - Another supplement to consider is Rhodiola. We discuss it in the Supplements thread. I've actually had the most success with Vitamin Shoppe's Ultra Rhodiola. The dosage is a bit high but I LOVE it.
Originally Posted by wiredniko
You are a man. Men do not seek or need external validation. Once you get rid of the need for external validation...

When I was young I thought this. I lost it for a while and then was re-invigorated by Atlas Shrugged. Then lost it again.

Keeping it is the hard part.
Every time I feel down I take a deep breath and only then can I catch the faint scent of the marijuana growing on my deck. All better.

Or just get drunk and become a nuisance. Whatever works for you.

HOLY SHIT I JUST LOL'D HARD IRL. My Friend was talking bout Polish Vodka and I'm like:

and hes like:

Word for word. Provides a surplus of comical value friend.


And remember KGB always watching.

No but seriously, I had an extremely productive day today and even though its the next day Ima keep it going. 12:30am now grind till 2:30-3 go for a jog ya?

i think physical activity is good for combating depression. it just i feel like errbody be judging me when i work out or go jogging. so i guess thats why ima go jog at 3am.

Seems alot of people grow tomatoes here we need a post your tomato plant thread here soon.
Zywiec all the way. i lech
Also just thought of this:

Take a hard look at your diet. Look at your Omega-3:Omega-6 fatty acid ratio. Shitcan anything that's providing too much Omega-6's and start supplementing fish oil (the ones high in EPA / DHA are great for your heart too).

As Michael Pollan says in The Omnivore's Dilemna (great book but I'm just halfway through), "eat the leaves, not the seeds".

I'm a paleo dieter and fully believe it can help people with any number of problems.

Definitive Guide: The Primal Blueprint | Mark's Daily Apple

Colorful Veggies + Eggs + Fish + Nuts + Meat > Grains

I've been looking into some diets, paleo being one of them.. might be interesting to have a diet thread.. paleo, keto, slowcarb and what not
I had been in that phase for nearly 4-5 months but now I've gotten so much more better! Exercise mate. Nothing like it. Hit the gym EVERY FUCKING DAY for atleast an hour and a half and you'll feel amazing when you see those six packs! trust me. It's better than a six figure income on the internet. No point of working so hard when in the end, you get depressed! But the again. It's easier said than done. I've been there mate. If you need any help, just message me.
Kinda sounds like existential angst. Try reading "Nothing Special" by Joko Beck. (I'm re-reading it the second time, it's THAT good) Reading it won't immediately solve your problem but it will point you to the right direction.

I picked this up a few days ago based on your suggestion. I too have been feeling a little down lately. I read about a third of the book so far, and it is really good. It seems to reflect the way I intuitively feel the way things should be felt, only I have conditioned myself over the years to feel otherwise. Good reading, thanks.