What do you do when you get depressed?

Get drunk man !:repuke: With some good music in the background like this
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaHMG_SvUkw]‪The Pogues Streams Of Whiskey‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Find something to do that makes you feel like a human.

For me it's playing my music really loud whilst singing the lyrics, playing the drums, going on hikes, walking on the beach, and lying out in the sun. Find that something that you like doing, and make a habit of actually doing it every day (especially if it's an outdoors activity), even if it's just for a short time.

From a biological standpoint, it just makes sense that humans need to get outside as much as possible. This is how it was for 2 million years, before the invention of office jobs.
I was thinking about this the other day, and the one thing I always came back on was to just look at whatever is depressing you relative to anything else in the world. Its cliche and corny but I was a little depressed near the beginning of the year - right out of school, trying to find work, no family around, friends all went back home - and I was just down. I remember laying being mad about some show or game I didn't get to watch or play and I seriously looked around my room and I just thought 'What the hell am I whining about'. First things first - you have a computer and internet, your already better off than 75 percent of the world. I just continued on that type of thinking and my problems seemed a lot smaller and I felt way less depressed...enough to get me productive :music07:
eat raw organic food + organic meat
workout like a bitch

download sleep hacks ebook and read it.
If you live in WA, I'm guessing it's western WA and you've seen sun maybe 5 times since March. Start taking vitamin D, workout, split beav, eat well. Be good to yourself.
How is your social life? Sounds like all these fixes you're attempting involve doing things alone. Maybe you need to have a few laughs with some friends.

I don't have much of a social life, been moving a lot, most of them are in other countries. The only time I get social is when I go gamble with with some of the friends that I have left... I don't think that this is a problem as I know 0 people when I first came to US and was able to study, focus and do shit left and right.
Do some online educational courses. Think of something you would like to learn and enroll in a course. Once you have begun the course and start receiving good results you will feel great because you are achieving something very productive, new qualifications.
You can never learn too much. I am half way through a course and receiving great results and feedback from the teachers so I am looking forward to the next course.
It is challenging but very rewarding.

And when do you stop, lol? I already went to school longer that a doctor, got 2 BA degrees + some extra, there are always things to learn, but school is not that place... I think I can teach the teachers in the things I wanna learn. lol
This may sound weird, but cut back on your vitamin K and increase your vitamin D. You're probably getting more vitamin K than you're used to since you're spending more time outside with your kids. Cover up a little more.

I also agree with the heavy-lifting stuff.

Finally, look for things in your life that aren't in line with the way you were raised and see if you can bring them back in-line.
sounds like you don't like what you do for a living

Not sure... I always liked programming, design, figuring shit out... Was working 100 hours a week just wearing off the keyboards a couple of years ago. Now it just feels all the same. I think I still like it but I may starting to get bored a bit. A few years ago I would go days without forums, aims, etc. just being so much into it where now I have to check shit every few hours or so... :-/
IMHO, nothing better than exercise to make you feel better... BUT... you gotta find a sport that you like. No point going to the gym if you hate doing it. Your brain won't release any endorphins if you're hating every second of it. You gotta find something you truly like to do, then integrate it in your schedule 3 times a week. (e.g. biking, running, swimming, hiking, climbing or even just walking)

Another thing, being SOCIAL really helps and that's something most of us forget because we work from home. Human beings aren't meant to be alone. There has been a lot of studies showing that social people live longer and are happier. (I can get you some links to back this up) So go grab a few beers with some friends or join some kind of club. Anything that makes you interact with people is good for your mood. Even if people are annoying as fuck, you'll feel much better when you get back home and you'll start getting shit done.
Just got back from an hour run around the city. I am so out of shape, had to stop and catch a break every other block... + My shoes were full of ball sweat withing the first 2 minutes.

Another question for runners/outdoor activity people - do you think about online stuff while you exercise or do you just set your mind free and look at the trees/houses/whatever is around, trying to get some brain rest?