What do you do when you get depressed?

Eastern, but the weather has been crappy this summer so far. Yeah, WA may be depressing a bit and add on to the mood...

Eastern WA is awsome, so much to do...unless you live in Crackima or the Tri Shitties...or don't like being outside. I grew up over there, plus some of my favorite WF members lurk in or about there. We should do a meetup, get you so hung over you'll forget to be depressed. :)
i murder people less fortunate

Eastern WA is awsome, so much to do...unless you live in Crackima or the Tri Shitties...or don't like being outside. I grew up over there, plus some of my favorite WF members lurk in or about there. We should do a meetup, get you so hung over you'll forget to be depressed. :)

Spokane. I loved it back when I used to have friends here, but some moved, some made bad choices that I dont support, etc. I am up for a meetup... Last time I went to Seattle for a meet up, so within 300 miles or so its not an issue.
Another question for runners/outdoor activity people - do you think about online stuff while you exercise or do you just set your mind free and look at the trees/houses/whatever is around, trying to get some brain rest?

For running, I have to listen to rap and imagine I am a gangster or training for a boxing match a la HBO 24/7 - it just doesn't work any other way for me...

But for low intensity stuff, silence...

I have read it in so many different places - self improvement stuff mostly - that solitude and silence are so important. I thought it was BS too when I first heard it, but when I went for a 45 minute walk with no iPod, just absorbing my surroundings, things in my mind just started to clear out and things made more sense overall.

Sometimes I think we all get too caught up in music, radio, reading, conversation - just too much "mental traffic". Letting your mind go blank for 45 minutes really can do wonders.

Just my opinion...
For running, I have to listen to rap and imagine I am a gangster or training for a boxing match a la HBO 24/7 - it just doesn't work any other way for me...


Sometimes I think we all get too caught up in music, radio, reading, conversation - just too much "mental traffic". Letting your mind go blank for 45 minutes really can do wonders.
Just my opinion...

thats what I'm thinking... Just run and forget about everything for a moment but on the other hand, you can still get some stuff done in the head while you run... :-/
lots of people have said it - high intensity exercise.

Consider martial arts of some sort. I took up taekwondo about 6 months ago and always feel good after class and the next day.
Eat right, exercise (a jog, pullups, pushups), and (as much as this sucks) try to avoid drugs and alcohol. Supplements are good too (multivitamins, alkalizers for your blood, B-vitamins).

The thing about drugs - they tend to make things worse. I only like to abuse substances when my brain is right...

Its easy to say 'look at how fucked up everything else is in the world' but honestly that never seems to work for me. I keep my problems right in front of me. Attack your depression like a to do list - write down what bugs you and address it in your life.

Getting laid, helps, but sometimes winds up just complicating things more at the end of the day. Seek alternate forms of therapy in this realm until you're comfortable with yourself enough to have someone else in your life.
Almost forgot...even if it isn't your religion -- a buddhist or hare krsna temple and some meditation to their ceremonies - praying for others less fortunate and turning your brain off to your own problems and turning it on to the problems of the world, putting positive prayer out there for others -- really does amazing things for you and your mood.
IMHO, nothing better than exercise to make you feel better... BUT... you gotta find a sport that you like. No point going to the gym if you hate doing it. Your brain won't release any endorphins if you're hating every second of it. You gotta find something you truly like to do, then integrate it in your schedule 3 times a week. (e.g. biking, running, swimming, hiking, climbing or even just walking)

Another thing, being SOCIAL really helps and that's something most of us forget because we work from home. Human beings aren't meant to be alone. There has been a lot of studies showing that social people live longer and are happier. (I can get you some links to back this up) So go grab a few beers with some friends or join some kind of club. Anything that makes you interact with people is good for your mood. Even if people are annoying as fuck, you'll feel much better when you get back home and you'll start getting shit done.

This... definitely good. But at the same time, if he's out of shape, nothing is gonna feel too hot, but some things will definitely be more enjoyable than others.

Just got back from an hour run around the city. I am so out of shape, had to stop and catch a break every other block... + My shoes were full of ball sweat withing the first 2 minutes.

Another question for runners/outdoor activity people - do you think about online stuff while you exercise or do you just set your mind free and look at the trees/houses/whatever is around, trying to get some brain rest?

Good job. Do it again tomorrow.

I myself get pissy when I haven't been in the water (pool or ocean) for a while. As far as thinking, it doesn't matter for me, I will simmer in whatever comes up. When swimming, I get really hooked on work thinking.

But during a crazy surf session with mother ocean... shit, the last thing I think about is work. I'm just trying to not break my neck and die out there. (Despite being a good swimmer and having my avatar, I'm really not that good once the waves get over my shoulder level).

That post about SPEED made sense in that aspect.
I get away from technology for at least an hour and a half every day: walking my dog in the woods for an hour, along with 30-60 minutes of olympic lifting.
Sometimes when feeling depressed its kinda nice to shut off my phone and all outside communications, close all the shades in the house and sit down in a low to very dim lit room and just sit on the couch (TV off) and just stay inside for a few days and "reflect" on life. That quite alone time just recharges the soul.

This strategy is not for everyone, so if not for you maybe try one of the other recommendations in this thread
Sometimes when feeling depressed its kinda nice to shut off my phone and all outside communications, close all the shades in the house and sit down in a low to very dim lit room and just sit on the couch (TV off) and just stay inside for a few days and "reflect" on life. That quite alone time just recharges the soul.

This strategy is not for everyone, so if not for you maybe try one of the other recommendations in this thread

I do it every once in a while, relax on a recliner with no lights, thinking about what I am thinking while trying to stop thinking. While it feels good, it doesn't necessarily makes me feel better in the long term and the next day or even as I get up, I still feel the same.
Another question for runners/outdoor activity people - do you think about online stuff while you exercise or do you just set your mind free and look at the trees/houses/whatever is around, trying to get some brain rest?
I run, among other things, and I always think about biz while I'm out there. I don't mean to, but running always sparks my creativity. I'll be thinking about new angles and various ways to set something up etc, it's great.

I don't look at the trees much, as I pretty much just focus on the running
look at this image below:


repeat step 1 at least 10 times. Then proceed to STEP 3.

profit again???

cash checks and roll around in it naked while watching an episode of Pokemon
You live close to some great hiking and camping. A strenuous hike into the mountains does wonders! Or take the family for a weekend and go camping at Banks Lk or Lake Coeur d'Alene. Some of the most beautiful and scenic places in the U.S. I always feel recharged after being outdoors for an entire weekend.
You live close to some great hiking and camping. A strenuous hike into the mountains does wonders! Or take the family for a weekend and go camping at Banks Lk or Lake Coeur d'Alene. Some of the most beautiful and scenic places in the U.S. I always feel recharged after being outdoors for an entire weekend.

True, that's what makes it worse atm. I used to go camping with friends a lot before, now I have no friends close by. Used to go to Coeur d'Alene a lot too when I first got here, at least 10 times per summer, same story here. Even long lake every other weekend was cool. Now I have nobody to go with.

As for family, yeah, I go with them, but its not the same with 3 and 6 year olds. You can call me selfish, but when I go with wife and kids, I go mostly for them. :) Its still fun, but not the same kind of fun if you know what I mean. Instead of tubing, boating, drinking with friends its a picnic and walking around the shore and playground. Went to lake Roosevelt and Banks last year a few times, this year the summer passed us by, went a couple of times last month sitting on the shore while kids splashed around, thats about it. Going from spring straight to fall.

The friends that I do have left here are different now, I am different too - I settled down a bit, no crazy crap, no troubles, fights and those problems anymore. Kind of keeps us a part too. I am all for drinking and partying here and there but not like before either.

As for hiking and wild nature, I used to like it when I was single - a gallon of vodka and bam - you don't give a shit about bears and cougars. :)

Even fishing, ice fishing, all fun with a 6 pack and friends. Haven't done it in years. Last time my daughter was wining the whole time about the mosquitoes. May be I need to change the kids, they wine a lot. :-/

Tri-cities mentioned before can be cool too - Walla-walla - wineries, river rafting, snowmobiling in winter... but same story.

Sandpoint is close by, used to work there for a few months. Cool place, Schweitzer... Went to Silver Mt. this winter with family too, don't get that excitement I did before for some reason. Wanted to snowboard, ended up spending all the days in the waterpark. But it feels like it doesn't matter much, I became a bit different for some reason, the color of life is missing.

Montana has a few things - hot springs and such.

Oh well, my dad is supposed to come over this winter, haven't seen him for 7 years, saving up for some good times. May be I will get all the shit out off my head.

Was single didn't care about spending all the money I had either as long as I had enough for rent, bills, a few mcchichekens and a box of ramen. Blow it all in a week and not even think about it. Got married, got a house, sending a kid to private school, thinking about sending a second one soon etc. While I still can afford to go out, it is a bit different too, need to budget and shit.

Agh, fuck, now I am even more upset.

Need to join some meetups in the area for sure...