What do you do when you get depressed?


WF Premium Member
Jan 7, 2009
US, unknown
Been depressed a lot lately... Can't focus, can't get shit done... Don't even know where to start. Not sure if its because I tried quitting smoking, move the schedule or whatever a dozen other reasons I try to come up with. Sure some of you had the same where nothing makes you happy, everything feels the same, stop giving a shit about everything, yet feel even worse at the end of the day/week for not getting shit done...

Tried getting on regular schedule, but seems like I can do more at night. So screw it, going back - 12am, starting my day after a couple jugs of coffee... Hopefully will get some shit done tonight, yet wake up at 2pm and feel crappy all day again.

What do you do when you feel down?

Get some black guy thinkin' time. Lot of people will act all hard "JUST MAKE MORE MONEY" but not always avoidable. Go take a drive or a walk, if you play an instrument do that. I get all gay webmaster and take my F.horn or mellophone by the lake shore and play there (the echo sounds awesome)
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Every time I feel down I take a deep breath and only then can I catch the faint scent of the marijuana growing on my deck. All better.

Or just get drunk and become a nuisance. Whatever works for you.

HOLY SHIT I JUST LOL'D HARD IRL. My Friend was talking bout Polish Vodka and I'm like:

Classy! and since its polish and im polish ill drink it like water!

and hes like:

And I'm a disgusting mixture of so many nationalities including Polish I'll just drink it to drown my sorrows of being an accident!

Word for word. Provides a surplus of comical value friend.


And remember KGB always watching.

No but seriously, I had an extremely productive day today and even though its the next day Ima keep it going. 12:30am now grind till 2:30-3 go for a jog ya?

i think physical activity is good for combating depression. it just i feel like errbody be judging me when i work out or go jogging. so i guess thats why ima go jog at 3am.

Seems alot of people grow tomatoes here we need a post your tomato plant thread here soon.
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Get some black guy thinkin' time. Lot of people will act all hard "JUST MAKE MORE MONEY" but not always avoidable. Go take a drive or a walk, if you play an instrument do that. I get all gay webmaster and take my F.horn or mellophone by the lake shore and play there (the echo sounds awesome)

Doesn't work for me anymore. It did a few years back when I was single. I used to think because I worked too much, coding 50hrs at work + at home staring at the screen that makes me sick now, so I took a break. Been working 2 days a week for the past month. Tried spending the remaining 5 days with my kids and wife, going to the lake, pool, parks, etc... Thinking to relax a bit, but for some reason just keep coming back home depressed and empty inside. Took almost a month off just trying to relax thinking it would help. Now the month is gone but I feel the same. Tried doing other things here and there like house work, just relaxing and watching a ton of movies, etc... Tried learning maya, just clearing my head and doing some 3d crap, bought a wacom tablet, tried sketching in ps, just drawing a lot of shit that I ended up deleting later, etc... It works for a few hours while I am at it, I still feel like shit once I am out of it and feel that I just wasted a shit load of time doing worthless things. sigh...
Don't really get depressed anymore, but do get frustrated quite often from putting up with the day-to-day bullshit that comes with living here. During those times, I just strap a leash onto my dog, and see how long I can keep up to him. After 30 mins, I'm way too tired to be frustrated, settle down with a cold beer, and seemingly forget whatever bullshit was previously going on.
Or just get drunk and become a nuisance. Whatever works for you.

Thats how I feel right now... Just get wasted for the next month and ignore that life exists... But there is another part of the brain that tells me "don't". Egh, maybe I should go get some beer to help with creativity...

And remember KGB always watching.

WTF? Do I know you? How did you come up with this phrase? I just used exact phrase a few days ago meeting with some Russian...

i think physical activity is good for combating depression. it just i feel like errbody be judging me when i work out or go jogging. so i guess thats why ima go jog at 3am.

Yeah, I need to work out or something... Except every time I do, I get sick for some reason. Used to be really active but the last 5 years sitting at the desk turned me around. :-/
I'm going through a similar phase, I'm seeing a psych and all but it doesn't help much. It's winter in Australia ATM and I'm planning to backpack around the country come mid spring. I'm going as minimalistic as I can as I plan to go by foot and public transport. I'm still mapping my route but I plan to write a review of each area, take photos etc and toss it up on an Australian tourism-styled blog... figure I might be able to create a blog of memories and capture a tonne of longtail while I'm at it.

As much as I enjoy working by myself and online, the isolation and constant sitting leads itself to depression and shitty health if you let it (I do at times).
Well I think you know what you want to do with your life but you just dont have the balls to change it accordingly.

I was in the same situation for the last 2 years. Things were fucked. I decided to change my life.

I just read this book: The Art of Non-Conformity » #1 on the AONC Bestseller List

It helped me a lot to reconsider what I really want in my life. It was just a small push into the right direction and made me feel way better again even I have lesser income and more work then before :p

i make it a point to go outside every single day. I know its easy to just spend a few days in the house grinding. I drive to this gas station about 20 minutes away and back every day, it helps.
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Think-Grow-Rich-Teaching-Money-Making/dp/B000S890ZU/ref=sr_1_23?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1311754338&sr=1-23]Amazon.com: Think and Grow Rich: Teaching for the First Time, the Famous Andrew Carnegie Formula for Money-Making, Based Upon the Thirteen Proven Steps to Riches: Napoleon Hill: Books[/ame]
... tried sketching in ps, just drawing a lot of shit that I ended up deleting later, etc...

Ah, found one that might be close to wickedfire's topic...

Been depressed a lot lately... Can't focus, can't get shit done... Don't even know where to start. Not sure if its because I tried quitting smoking..

It's because you quit smoking.

Exercise, exercise, exercise. And I mean high-intensity shit like powerlifting - throw out those pink dumbbells (your treadmill goes too).

Working out is a strain on your immune system in the beginning when you're not used to it (plus gym = sweat + sweat + more sweat, 'nuff said) but long-term you'll become a fucking immune powerhouse. Take vit-c and zinc to help your t-cells get over that initial rough ride.

Then go get laid.

Edit: just saw pic above - you definitely need to get laid.
I'd suggest a speedsport. Doesn't matter which -- speeds relevant.

Even getting on a bicycle and riding that bitch at breakneck speeds down a steep, windy and narrow path a few times will cure this. The focus required, the fear (if you ain't skeered your not going fast enough), and the exertion will cause your brain to chemical stew in the good stuff.
Doesn't work for me anymore. Thinking to relax a bit, but for some reason just keep coming back home depressed and empty inside. It works for a few hours while I am at it, I still feel like shit once I am out of it and feel that I just wasted a shit load of time doing worthless things. sigh...

Kinda sounds like existential angst. Try reading "Nothing Special" by Joko Beck. (I'm re-reading it the second time, it's THAT good) Reading it won't immediately solve your problem but it will point you to the right direction.
I'd suggest a speedsport. Doesn't matter which -- speeds relevant.

Even getting on a bicycle and riding that bitch at breakneck speeds down a steep, windy and narrow path a few times will cure this. The focus required, the fear (if you ain't skeered your not going fast enough), and the exertion will cause your brain to chemical stew in the good stuff.

I've been dreaming of a crotch rocket for years... :( My dad's cousin got in the accident which took his legs off, so as soon as I get a bike, I am not his son anymore... Bicycle, good idea...

Here is the plan so far:

1) Sign up kids for swimming lessons, start swimming every day for 2 weeks while they learn.
2) After 2 weeks start lifting heavy weights an hour a day.
3) Take time on the weekends for the outdoor activities like bike riding.

Hope it will help. Tired of being tired and down.
Think about boobs, try to be asleep as long as possible, watch an episode of MST3K, alchohol