WF Troll of the Year Award: 2011. Cast your votes.

WF Troll of the Year: 2011

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No way!! Someone back me up on this... Don't you guys remember him posting under the username p-e-w-e-p when he was posting pics of himself drinking Red Stripe? We said, "you're a nigger!" and he was bitching about no girlfriend...

Come on, I know I didn't dream it. He was banned and all his posts went away...

I think I saved a pic of it... Let me see.

I remember that he admitted having 4-5 inch dick, however I guess I missed the pics.


Completely agree but since they aren't there I had to vote jcash for the epic trolling effort in the end of the world seo contest thread - that fucking site he put up is just too priceless

I agree. It takes more than a random dickroll to make me laugh... however cleverly disguised it may be. In any case, a dickroll isnt really trolling.

Jcash on the otherhand has this shit down to an art, and is the most likely candidate to make me spit coffee over my keyboard.
Stick2Herbs (Remember "LUKEP COMMUNIST?") seemed to live for the art of the troll... But even he was bested by JCASH and IMHO, they were both bested by SEOisEVIL.

That was the troll attempt of the year, NO CONTEST.

Of course If this thread were titled: "WF TROLL OF THE YEAR THAT HASN'T BEEN BANNED" I'd say it's JCash.

Honorable Mention is a Tie. Both Grindestone's IRL prank and BlokBloks' new biz are totally off the chart troll singularities. Once in a decade kind of shit... But they don't hammer away at it daily like Jcash and some others here do. (And I'm sure SEOisEVIL would still be trying if he didn't get the wrath.)