Wanna Beat the New Google Algo? Article Marketing has just got more Powerful!!

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Anyone have any good reviews on this service? Im interested as it looks like a great service.
I ordered an article blast from you and now I began to getting pingbacks to my website.

I checked couple of them and the articles posted are 100% duplicated content not spun at all, not even on word level.

Was there an error on your part or was it intentionally? If the latter then you should know that article marketing with duplicated content stopped working 2-3 years ago.

I took for granted those articles will be spinned.

Just checked my order and I came across the same thing. 100% dupe content, not even spun. Mistake or not, this should not happen and is inexcusable. Penguin will definitely penalize sites for this.

PM'd you Harry with the details.
Mailed you 4 x 6$ article submissions
Waiting for details of payment to make it
Try to order directly from your site but got error ..


Order and details received, Thanks!

Anyone have any good reviews on this service? Im interested as it looks like a great service.

There are a number of reviews on this thread and the other threads quoted on the First Post

Payment Sent (Unique Transaction ID # 62B65695RR8234432)
For my 4 orders article submissions !

Thanks! Payment and details received,

Just checked my order and I came across the same thing. 100% dupe content, not even spun. Mistake or not, this should not happen and is inexcusable. Penguin will definitely penalize sites for this.

PM'd you Harry with the details.

Hey This must have been a problem in the submissions as I have checked the article the guys submitted and it was spun to over 64% unique. If you want we will do another submission for you free of charge as a sign of goodwill.


Just got my order back and have about 200 live links from this and I'm sure more to come as most article sites do not approve immediately. Are the articles the quality that you would want on your site? NO. However, that is not what this offer is about. It is certainly too soon to see If I get any boost from the package, but at this point I am sure that I will order again. You simply can't beat the price for what you get.

Just got my order back and have about 200 live links from this and I'm sure more to come as most article sites do not approve immediately. Are the articles the quality that you would want on your site? NO. However, that is not what this offer is about. It is certainly too soon to see If I get any boost from the package, but at this point I am sure that I will order again. You simply can't beat the price for what you get.


Harry is the man!

Best service that I've ever tried on WF.

5/5 stars.

WOW Thanks for your great reviews. Much appreciated!

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