Turbolapp on the cover of issue 7 of FeedFront Mag

don't go getting all Hollywood on us. Unless that includes leaking a sex tape.
I'm really proud of you guys that have made your own treadmill desks and struttin your stuff right along with me! Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

@IA PM if you need some help setting it up.

Congratulations Lauren,
BTW, how much did the setup cost you?
I'm talking about the Computer mounted treadmill.
Look, this is all I'm sayin'


Congratulations Lauren,
BTW, how much did the setup cost you?
I'm talking about the Computer mounted treadmill.

Really it's just what you choose to pay for the individual parts.

32 inch flat screen was around 400 (You can get it a little smaller, this was almost too big at first, but I got used to it)

The computer below (in the pic) is a Virtual Machine but I usually don't use that one I usually just plug in my laptop so I have all my stuff with me.

Wireless keyboard and mouse got on amazon for about 60 bucks.

The mount was almost as much as the freakin screen something like 200 or 250. Jeez.

We already had everything except the flat screen and the mount so it wasn't that much of an upgrade for us.

EDIT: I don't remember what the actual treadmill cost, like I said we already had that from before. I did get it at sears in February when they were all on mega sales cause everyone had given up their new years resolutions. But like I said in the interview, you can find some steals on CL.
Just finished 3 miles on my honky-rigged treadmill/desk setup.
A small piece of wood from the garage on the free treadmill from my in-laws. Total cost= $0.00

Thanks for the idea, turbo!
First off, this is shit. THAT'S FRONT PAGE NEWS? with all the shit going on in this industry? Really? That's pathetic.

and u know this.
Nice one turbo, fuck you salsa.

Nice why? wtf has she taught you on this forum? Any real fucking advice that made you expand your business or make more money? This place is really a joke at times. You see guys who really know their shit getting trashed in threads because they gave input, and then shit like this where you guys kiss the turbolapp's ass.

Get fucking real, that this made the cover of a so called industry magazine over a cover story of what has been going on the past few months is a total fucking joke.

If it was fucking mehta or one of the guru faggots on the cover you'd all be talking so much shit and making photoshops etc.

and u know this.
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