Turbolapp on the cover of issue 7 of FeedFront Mag

Turbo's a cover girl! Good for you! Nice article too, but what a piece a shit that Scribd interface is to navigate.
that is an epic idea turbo.

how about a wii ea sports active type setup where you can do things online with your movements?

imagine dick rolling n00bs just by doing punching motions with the wii remote.
Major props to Turbo... definitely gotta give it up for the first ever Wicked Fire cover girl... Just remember all of us now that your famous! Especially, those of us who followed in your treadmill desk footsteps... keep on trekin'
I'm really proud of you guys that have made your own treadmill desks and struttin your stuff right along with me! Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

@IA PM if you need some help setting it up.