Switch Up The Style
Never use the same strategy more than once. Whether in marketing or just in life. When you keep them guessing and on their toes, it keeps your name on their lips and in their minds. Example, this experience, right here, right now...
"Be water. If you pour water in a cup, it takes the shape of a cup. If you pour it in a teapot, it takes the shape of a teapot. Be fluid. Treat each project differently. The best style is no style. Because styles can be figured out. And when you have no style, they can't figure you out." - Jay-Z & Bruce Lee
"The 'mountain-sea' spirit means that it is bad to repeat the same thing several times when fighting the enemy. There may be no help but to do something twice, but do not try it a third time. If you once make an attack and fail, there is little chance of success if you use the same approach again." - Miyamoto Musashi
Copycats will come and go, but only the originators will become legends...
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