True Detective

ok ok. so i watched the 1st 2 episodes and couldn't see what the fuss was all about. i agree that Harrelson and mcconaughey are tremendous in their roles. but the pacing seemed super slow. i had to hit pause a couple of times just to verify that the episodes weren't 2 hrs long.

then i got to the end of ep3


i'm officially hooked

Just finished the series. God damn, on another level. Matthew Mcconaughey's performances right now are motivating as hell. The dark philosophical dialogue doesn't hold a lot of weight with me, but damn the performances were amazing and it was all put together very well. One of the best series I've ever seen and for sure some of the best acting performances.
I wonder if the other seasons will revolve around the Tuttle family or if it will be completely different. Prob completely different.
[ame=""]Marty Hart from True Detective watches the Red Wedding - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Detective Hart Sees Something That Cannot Be Unseen - YouTube[/ame]
That was part of the point..

*Don't read this shit if you haven't finished watching.

I get that, as far as not being able to get everyone involved, I liked that part because that adds to the realism. But to build up the Yellow King to be such a major part of the lot, only to be completely ignored in the end is just weak sauce. Plus, what the fuck was with Woody's daughter and the dolls - odd coincidence?

I dunno, I think the middle few episodes were too good and left the show unable to deliver on the same level in the end. Plus, it's too unrealistic to expect Rust not to die from being impaled.
As with so many great shows, I thought the ending was rather anti climactic. It felt like they reached the 8th episode and then remembered they weren't actually making a 12 episode series. The girl and I both said at the end of the 7th, "how the fuck are they going to wrap all this up with just one more to go?" They didn't really.
Been through a couple episodes. This is great TV. The dialogue between McConaughey and Harrelson in the car is just great writing. Great location for this story (I really liked the location setting for 'The Killing' as well) - its about time we get out of New York, Chicago, L.A., Miami, etc. Gonna savor this one...
^^ Yeah, the whole point of the show is that it's a detective genre "anthology", or, short stories. Different story and different cast each season.

Which is actually kind of cool in that it can attract actors of the caliber we've seen who otherwise might turn down a 4 or 5 season series for fear of getting locked into a role and unable to pursue other opportunities.