This is why the majority of Americans support Arizona

First post I read today and my head already hurts. This is probably the saddest and at the same time funniest thing that I have seen in a while.

PC bullshit has gotten so out of control that all you got to do is be offended by the simplest think and the whole freekin world has to stop to make amends for it.

Funny how you seem to think the UK is worse than America for letting this crap happen. Cause we don't give a crap about stupid things like what flag you have on what bloody day. Any of the immigrant communities in the UK have tried to demand there counties laws for the UK and there counties teaching for there kids and you know what happened - feck all.

Furthermore, the goddamn flag of the united states should be flown not worn on fucking t-shirts.

Yeah, its totally unheard of to display the United States flag on clothing.


All I can say is that while most Americans may be zombie sheeple, there are enough of us that aren't, and you can only push people so far before something happens. There's gonna be some serious blood in the streets if mexicans and other illegals think they can keep sneaking into our country and fucking shit up forever. At some point people will say enough is enough and do something about it. If our fucked up government doesn't take care of the problem, it may take a full on revolution...
All I can say is that while most Americans may be zombie sheeple, there are enough of us that aren't, and you can only push people so far before something happens. There's gonna be some serious blood in the streets if mexicans and other illegals think they can keep sneaking into our country and fucking shit up forever. At some point people will say enough is enough and do something about it. If our fucked up government doesn't take care of the problem, it may take a full on revolution...

Nope. USA will be majority Hispanic pretty soon.
Probably already is, since the definition of 'white' gets changed every few years.
Nope. USA will be majority Hispanic pretty soon.
Probably already is, since the definition of 'white' gets changed every few years.

So once whites are a minority they will be OK with having their rights shat upon? Yeah right. Personally, I can't wait to be treated like a minority. Preferential treatment with grants, loans, employment laws etc...fuck yeah!
Scanned through the posts and when I saw bay area I knew it was going to be some liberal douchebag trying to set policy through his position within the school district. San Francisco is the largest sanctuary city in the US so this comes as no surprise.

Also a big fuck you goes out to all the racist hate groups posing as human rights advocates. This means you La Raza, Maldef, Ford Foundation, ACLU and a thousand others. :action-smiley-052:

Just come up to LA and gaze in wonder at what tolerance and turning the other cheek has accomplished. It's a blueprint for a tijuana barrio development.
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Wrong. They live in America, their choice of clothing shouldn't be bound by popular holidays in other countries.

+1 Good point man. It's sad america is royally fucked by all these immigrants. Just wait, they will be the majority and vote their own kind as president then shit on this country too. I hate liberals who want to loosen immigration laws.
+1 Good point man. It's sad america is royally fucked by all these immigrants. Just wait, they will be the majority and vote their own kind as president then shit on this country too. I hate liberals who want to loosen immigration laws.

Thats what the Indians said. Nothing lasts forever.
If the adminstration had played it right they could have just said he was a distraction as it was obvious he was trying to be.

"sensitive to mexican americans?" that's just stupid. Why? because they're mexican Americans, we all have the same flag, dumbass(es).
I think you guys are forgetting what is was like to be a shithead teenager. Yeah, it's ridiculous that any person young or old should be reprimanded for wearing patriotic clothing, even on a day like cinco de mayo. But you're not taking into account that these kids were probably just trying to be assholes, instigate conflict, get attention, etc. I'm sure they don't go to school dressed like that every day.
I think you guys are forgetting what is was like to be a shithead teenager. Yeah, it's ridiculous that any person young or old should be reprimanded for wearing patriotic clothing, even on a day like cinco de mayo. But you're not taking into account that these kids were probably just trying to be assholes, instigate conflict, get attention, etc. I'm sure they don't go to school dressed like that every day.

Probably. But I think that's the point - why should an American flag on clothing instigate anyone in this country on any day? We're not talking about someone flying the confederate flag during black history month. Wearing an American flag should not in any way be offensive, or contradictory to the celebration of Cinco de Mayo if you know anything about what that day represents. It's not like that's the day Mexico gained it's freedom from America. The two are completely unrelated so why would it offend anyone?

I think you guys are forgetting what is was like to be a shithead teenager. Yeah, it's ridiculous that any person young or old should be reprimanded for wearing patriotic clothing, even on a day like cinco de mayo. But you're not taking into account that these kids were probably just trying to be assholes, instigate conflict, get attention, etc. I'm sure they don't go to school dressed like that every day.

Everyone here knows this but we're pretending not to for the "caint wear no 'murkin flag shirt in 'murka no more" benefit.
Being an immigrant in American myself.
I dont understand why Mexican's are getting some kind of a special pass. Nobody gives a fuck about my mother land holidays, and I dont expect them to. Oh yeah one more thing, we all had to wait in line; before we got here.
So many things are wrong with this. You soft pussy extra PC Americans need wake the fuck up. Your country and freedom is being taken away from you and dont even see it.
^ Lol. (edit: @ Cinco De Mayo pic)

Well, the hispanic teenagers are probably just as big of shitheads as the caucasian ones. At least where I went to middle school/high school (which sort of resembled a prison), kids looked for any old excuse to cause a little chaos. I just doubt any of them really care about national pride as much as they do excluding each other and being dickheads.

Dang...I think I still have high school issues I need to work through.
Being an immigrant in American myself.
I dont understand why Mexican's are getting some kind of a special pass. Nobody gives a fuck about my mother land holidays, and I dont expect them to. Oh yeah one more thing, we all had to wait in line; before we got here.
So many things are wrong with this. You soft pussy extra PC Americans need wake the fuck up. Your country and freedom is being taken away from you and dont even see it.

Good thing we let you in to remind us of that.