This is why the majority of Americans support Arizona

devils advocate: the school has not only a high concentration of mexican students, but very active mexican gangs. the Principal warns the kids but does NOT make the ultimatum they proceed to get jumped in the parking lot after school, the violence escalates and a gun is pulled and during a struggle an innocent girl walking home is shot in the face and killed.

I *promise* the Principal would be accused of wrongdoing because he 'could have prevented this from escalating before it did.'

I do NOT agree with this, but that guy's in a no-win position.

devils advocate: the school has not only a high concentration of mexican students, but very active mexican gangs. the Principal warns the kids but does NOT make the ultimatum they proceed to get jumped in the parking lot after school, the violence escalates and a gun is pulled and during a struggle an innocent girl walking home is shot in the face and killed.

I *promise* the Principal would be accused of wrongdoing because he 'could have prevented this from escalating before it did.'

I do NOT agree with this, but that guy's in a no-win position.

Exactly. If these five opies got their clocks cleaned it would be the school's fault.
Exactly. If these five opies got their clocks cleaned it would be the school's fault.

What if those 5 (opies you called them?) were attacked and then proceeded to beat the shit out of the Mexicans? Wouldn't that attack have been considered a hate crime? Oh wait - whites can't be victims of hate crimes...never mind. Oh wait - at least one of the kids wearing the America flag shirt was Hispanic...damn did you even watch the video?
devils advocate: the school has not only a high concentration of mexican students, but very active mexican gangs. the Principal warns the kids but does NOT make the ultimatum they proceed to get jumped in the parking lot after school, the violence escalates and a gun is pulled and during a struggle an innocent girl walking home is shot in the face and killed.

I *promise* the Principal would be accused of wrongdoing because he 'could have prevented this from escalating before it did.'

I do NOT agree with this, but that guy's in a no-win position.

I have enough respect for mexican gangs that I would hope they would spend their time after school doing more productive things, like trafficking drugs.
Wrong. They live in America, their choice of clothing shouldn't be bound by popular holidays in other countries.

whats really funny is that Cinco de Mayo isn't even huge in Mexico.

Totally an Americanized drinking day.

And who gives a fuck about what teenagers wear... let them wear whatever they want. The attention paid to this in the bay area is flabbergasting.
the Principal warns the kids but does NOT make the ultimatum...

He didn't give them an ultimatum?

"They said if we tried to go back to class with our shirts not taken off, they said it was defiance and we would get suspended..."

The school isn't responsible for fights that occur. The retards that start the fights are. Here's a thought: if you're so worried about Mexican gangs starting fights, maybe you should threaten THEM with suspension, not their potential victims. Now American kids have to fear displaying American pride in their own country?

This is what happens when you allow millions of citizens from a foreign nation to enter unchecked, give them free healthcare, free welfare, and free education. Just like in Britain, the liberals have intentionally pursued a policy of free flowing illegal immigration in order to dilute the conservatives vote. Bring in a bunch of illiterate and sociologically inferior Mexicans that can be susceptible to your demagoguery and maybe you'll actually win an election or two. Hey, if it worked in Britain, why not here? All that matters is winning, right? Now there's a voting base you can be proud of.
What if those 5 (opies you called them?) were attacked and then proceeded to beat the shit out of the Mexicans? Wouldn't that attack have been considered a hate crime? Oh wait - whites can't be victims of hate crimes...never mind. Oh wait - at least one of the kids wearing the America flag shirt was Hispanic...damn did you even watch the video?

It's easy to be indignant about things when you don't have to make the call.

The reality is you've got a school full of hundreds of nationalistic Mexicans celebrating 'their day' and a group of dumbasses wearing their flag shirts as a deliberate response to the Mexicans as a provocation.

Do they have the absolute right to do this? Yes.

You have the right to wear a Yankees jersey to Fenway park and anywhere else in Boston if you like. However, each year a certain number of people are stabbed, shot or beaten into comas for exercising this absolute right.

Should the principal send home the 300 mexicans, or the five squirts or call out the national guard?

The way things should be has nothing to do with the way things really are.
This has to be the dumbest thing popeye has posted not to mention one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. I am not sure words can express how stupid this is.
I live in the Bay Area, saw this on the news last night. It is fucking disgusting and offensive that this happened. Every patriotic American should be rightly outraged by this. Just the fact that the Mexicans are offended by Americans wearing the American flag is laughable. The fact that the school took this course of action goes to show what is wrong with the Bay Area and California in general. If you are offended by the American flag even if its on some Mexican holiday then get the fuck out of here.
The reality is you've got a school full of hundreds of nationalistic Mexicans celebrating 'their day' and a group of dumbasses wearing their flag shirts as a deliberate response to the Mexicans as a provocation.

Wearing the American flag in America is "provocative"? Are you drunk? Your quisling-type rhetoric embodies everything that is wrong with this situation. You don't simply put up with bullshit, you change it. We're not a Mexican colony, if you crawled across our border the least you can do is sit down and shut the fuck up. Unbelievable that these people have the gall to act this way in a nation they snuck into. Wow, and they wonder why people are angry about this?
Wearing the American flag in America is "provocative"? Are you drunk? Your quisling-type rhetoric embodies everything that is wrong with this situation. You don't simply put up with bullshit, you change it. We're not a Mexican colony, if you crawled across our border the least you can do is sit down and shut the fuck up. Unbelievable that these people have the gall to act this way in a nation they snuck into. Wow, and they wonder why people are angry about this?

OK so why don't we change it by sending your kid to the school to have his head cracked open?

Furthermore, the goddamn flag of the united states should be flown not worn on fucking t-shirts.
This is a great post. It shows how stupid and how manipulated Americans have become. Sent home for wearing an American flag to school on Cinco de Mayo? Are you freaking kidding me? Do people still not get what's going on? Wake up. The "minorities" would have been rewarded and praised for wearing a Mexican flag on July 4. It would be showing "diversity" and that America welcomes all people. Are you people really that stupid? Is it that hard to discern what's going on?
I had a uniform in private school.
It actually isn't that bad, all I had to do was roll out of bed and find my dirty uniform.
OK so why don't we change it by sending your kid to the school to have his head cracked open?

Furthermore, the goddamn flag of the united states should be flown not worn on fucking t-shirts.

The fact that someone wearing an American flag in this country should have to worry about getting there "head cracked open" by some Mexican is the fuckin point. What right do these fucks have to attack citizens of this country for being patriotic? Maybe everyone should kick the shit out of the Mexicans wearing their flags in this country which they do all the time around here. Oh right that would be racist. Lulz
He didn't give them an ultimatum?

"They said if we tried to go back to class with our shirts not taken off, they said it was defiance and we would get suspended..."

The school isn't responsible for fights that occur. The retards that start the fights are. Here's a thought: if you're so worried about Mexican gangs starting fights, maybe you should threaten THEM with suspension, not their potential victims. Now American kids have to fear displaying American pride in their own country?

This is what happens when you allow millions of citizens from a foreign nation to enter unchecked, give them free healthcare, free welfare, and free education. Just like in Britain, the liberals have intentionally pursued a policy of free flowing illegal immigration in order to dilute the conservatives vote. Bring in a bunch of illiterate and sociologically inferior Mexicans that can be susceptible to your demagoguery and maybe you'll actually win an election or two. Hey, if it worked in Britain, why not here? All that matters is winning, right? Now there's a voting base you can be proud of.

no no no - you misread.

I was saying IF he did not (I KNOW in reality he did) you have potentially another problem on your hands.

I'm just saying imagine being in that guy's position, you can't win, all you want to do is keep your job in the midst of a terrible economy so you can make your mortgage payments and now you're faced with this exact issue and the potential of many outcomes none of them good.

Do I AGREE with what he did? NOPE. Do I understand how someone just doing their job with pressure and recommendations and warnings from other members of the staff could make this decision (*EVEN if they themselves despise it) - absolutely.

Do I think the media would have blown it out of proportion regardless of any negative outcome? Absolutely.
WTF are you talking about? Don't you know that Jesus was crucified while wearing an American flag t-shirt??

No Jesus was wearing the three wolf shirt when he was crucified. Where do you think the concept of the Holy Trinity comes from?
