This is why the majority of Americans support Arizona

Here's an idea. Take what Arizona is doing one step further. To shut up all the pussies who are moaning and growing, just let the cops stop anyone they want, for any reason, at any time. I wouldn't mind the occasional inconvenience if it helped get rid of all the illegals ... it's the lesser of 2 evils and that's reality.

That's a great idea.. voluntarily give up all your constitutional rights to the government in the name of national pride, ironically.

Lesser of two evils?... I rather have an illegal walk my dog, than an all-powerful gestapo cop kill it on a "hunch"

At least I can drop the illegal with lead if he ever sets foot inside my house uninvited...

And why exactly is it that life in Mexico is worse than America? Although it may seem obvious, it is a fundamental question worth realizing to the fullest extent. What makes America a more desirable destination than that of Mexico?

Exactly, this is the question nobody thinks about. I had a Brazilian friend who supported illegal immigration until I explained it would be better if we taught Mexico how to be successful financially instead of their citizens fleeing their country and totally forsaking it. It's the old "Teach a man to fish" thing, the U.S. may not be perfect, but we've had a decent economy for a while. I'd much rather help Mexico become prosperous than simply house, clothe and feed all of their citizens.
why is it these people apparently can't stop singing its praises and are so gungho about celebrating it
Holy shit. I just explained to you why, and you are asking that same question in a response to a post. You truly are a moron.

I'm not justifying what those groups of immigrants are doing. I'm just explaining why that happens.
Holy shit. I just explained to you why, and you are asking that same question in a response to a post. You truly are a moron.

I'm not justifying what those groups of immigrants are doing. I'm just explaining why that happens.

Your schtick is boring, troll. And you have no idea what's "happening", you merely vomit up hypotheticals like a leftist professor who's never stepped outside of a classroom. And don't bring up the fact that you were once in Russia or something, no one cares.
And don't bring up the fact that you were once in Russia or something, no one cares.
Really? Russia has the second highest amount of immigrants (US being the #1).

Russia is surrounded by a bunch of "little Mexicos" with people "jumping the border" to get shitty jobs so they can send money back home.

I know your rant from both perspectives. There are plenty of morons like you in Russia who march around yelling "they take our jobs" and other bullshit.

You would be surprised if you knew how much you resemble them.

As for me, I'm both a "victim" of immigrants ruining the country and an immigrant myself. And as before, this gives me a much better perspective on things than you'll ever imagine.

I understand that it's hard for you to accept that some people are actually much more aware about the reality than you are, but that is the case once again.

Oh, and I wasn't "once in Russia". I live both in Russia and in the US.