This is why the majority of Americans support Arizona

Students Kicked Off Campus for Wearing American Flag Tees | NBC Bay Area

Incidents like this is why the majority of Americans favor the new legislation in Arizona.

The burning of American flags at protest, attacking police, refusing to learn english and not accepting American culture doesn't help their cause. It just makes them look like the muslims in Europe.

This is why schools should have uniform policies. School is supposed to be where you go to learn, not to put on a fashion show.

This is also why american students will be taking orders from chinese robots when they grow up.
That's pretty pathetic of those school administrators. What is it about public school administrators, they always seem to be the most hard core PC Nazis?
i don't know the school administrators's intention but i will send them home if i am the principle. Wearing an American flag tee on Cinco de Mayo is just asking for trouble. I would send them home before they get beat by those Mexican kid.

the Principle Nick Boden is white though
i don't know the school administrators's intention but i will send them home if i am the principle. Wearing an American flag tee on Cinco de Mayo is just asking for trouble. I would send them home before they get beat by those Mexican kid.

the Principle Nick Boden is white though

Wrong. They live in America, their choice of clothing shouldn't be bound by popular holidays in other countries.
i don't know the school administrators's intention but i will send them home if i am the principle. Wearing an American flag tee on Cinco de Mayo is just asking for trouble. I would send them home before they get beat by those Mexican kid.

the Principle Nick Boden is white though

They are supposed to have the freedom to wear those t-shirts bound with the freedom to possibly get their asses kicked for wearing those t-shirts.

The point is it's supposed to be their choice either way.
Wearing an American flag tee on Cinco de Mayo is just asking for trouble. I would send them home before they get beat by those Mexican kid.

If I saw a Mexican wearing a t-shirt with the Mexican flag on it on the 4th of July I wouldn't even notice it, I would wager 99.999% of other gringos wouldn't either. This is just PC police projecting their own paranoia, feelings of white guilt, and self loathing onto others.
School administrators always fuck up like this. Hopefully those kids get some money out of it, and the offended people remember that by living here they are Mexican-American and to start respecting the freedoms and rights that allow them to be here - such as the boys' rights to wear whatever the hell they want no matter what random culture's holiday it happens to be.
If I saw a Mexican wearing a t-shirt with the Mexican flag on it on the 4th of July I wouldn't even notice it, I would wager 99.999% of other gringos wouldn't either. This is just PC police projecting their own paranoia, feelings of white guilt, and self loathing onto others.

Prolly cause mexicon isn't important enough for us to know what the flag looks like. amirite! highfive
99.99% of hispanics wouldn't notice, care or take offense to an american flag t-shirt on any day of the year. Suggesting that people may get beat up for it is bullshit propaganda. Most hispanics are down with the US AND Mexico, why does it have to be one or the other?, can't they be cool with both? you know like italian-americans..., they are Mexicans not al qaeda. Stop hating
If they got that uptight about American flags, I'd hate to see what they'd do if it were Confederate flags.
If they got that uptight about American flags, I'd hate to see what they'd do if it were Confederate flags.

I don't think it resonates with Mexicans the same way it does with blacks, I imagine there would be a collective que?
i don't know the school administrators's intention but i will send them home if i am the principle. Wearing an American flag tee on Cinco de Mayo is just asking for trouble. I would send them home before they get beat by those Mexican kid.

the Principle Nick Boden is white though

You're a fucking retard.

I was going to go more in detail, but most of the others covered it, so yeah - what they said.
Dumb ass principal would have probably sent him home for wearing a Corona shirt too on Cinco de Mayo ... can't win either way.

Now that's a policy I can get behind.


Dos Equis FTW!