This is what made me rack up muslim kills

Which foreigners? Do you think the US sends aid to every single country out there?

More importantly, do you actually think it's done out of kindness of "your" hearts? Seriously?

Let me illustrate my original point with some examples of "aid" and helping "those in need" when it comes to domestic affairs, and some common responses by the "half" of the country that "isn't buying it".

Minimum wage is not meant to help the struggling working people, but is simply a mechanism for the unions to rake in more money through minimum wage "multiples" contracts. The unions, in turn, bribe the politicians (with money and/or votes) to keep it going.

The health care reform will force yet another tax onto the productive members of the society without yielding any actual benefits. As a matter of fact, the overall quality of the health care is likely to decrease. Death panels hurr-durr.

When it comes to domestic issues LotsOfZeros would probably be the first to point out the same arguments I posted above if some "libtard" dared to talk about how it's done for the good of everyone.

Yet, when it comes to "helping" those in need and the foreign policy, what do we have? He is eager to start munching on your balls right then and there.

(LotsOfZeros, thanks for helping me prove my point, BTW.)

Who is questioning the motives behind this "help" to other countries, the true motives behind it? And whether it actually helps or hurts.

The real fallacy here is the fact that you failed to either state your agreement with my point or to post a logical rebuttal. Instead, you just went on a tangent. But that's another matter altogether.

Stick to the topic. You wanna talk about foreigners and foreign policy, don't change the subject to health care reform.

The fact is it doesn't matter why the US gives aid. It's indisputable that they do. Keep in mind that you don't deserve it. You haven't earned it. It's a gift and an incredibly generous one. Be thankful instead of bitching.

If the way aid is handled, distributed or given out needs to be changed or reformed, the US is typically on the forefront here too.

But if you have any specific reasons why you think aid is bad, and the helping of others is bad, go ahead and spit it out.

everyone on the internet talks like they could rule the US better than the current authority.

i have NEVER met anyone who has served that openly brags about killing people. So my guess is we got trolled.
everyone on the internet talks like they could rule the US better than the current authority.

i have NEVER met anyone who has served that openly brags about killing people. So my guess is we got trolled.
It takes a real piece of shit to brag about ending multiple people's lives, regardless of what they did to deserve it.
everyone on the internet talks like they could rule the US better than the current authority.

i have NEVER met anyone who has served that openly brags about killing people. So my guess is we got trolled.

You got trolled and wasted how many minutes of your life in this thread?
Stick to the topic.
ROFL. Dude, are you serious?

Changing topic? Me? Who gives a fuck about the aid?

I was illustrating how Americans seem to be unable to grasp (or admit) that those same politicians who fuck shit up at home also fuck it up abroad.

That was my original point. Care to stick to that?

A good example of you actually disproving my point (about Americans' inability to grasp things in the context of foreign affairs) would be for you to talk about how the US aid is mostly meant to loot the federal budget.

It's all about American corporations ripping off American taxpayers by lobbying aid to foreign states with provisions which require those foreign states to spend the aid on buying shit from said corporations.

Very similar to what's happening inside the US, just requires one extra step before "profit".

When it happens in the US, at least half of the country actually sees what's going on. Yet, when it's happening abroad, most of Americans turn into morons thinking in terms of "good", "evil", "deserves" and other nonsense.

That, and that alone is my point. And you just keep proving it.





Can we get these two in a makeshift boxing ring at AdTech and end this crap once and for all?
ROFL. Dude, are you serious?

Changing topic? Me? Who gives a fuck about the aid?

I was illustrating how Americans seem to be unable to grasp (or admit) that those same politicians who fuck shit up at home also fuck it up abroad.

That was my original point. Care to stick to that?

A good example of you actually disproving my point (about Americans' inability to grasp things in the context of foreign affairs) would be for you to talk about how the US aid is mostly meant to loot the federal budget.

It's all about American corporations ripping off American taxpayers by lobbying aid to foreign states with provisions which require those foreign states to spend the aid on buying shit from said corporations.

Very similar to what's happening inside the US, just requires one extra step before "profit".

When it happens in the US, at least half of the country actually sees what's going on. Yet, when it's happening abroad, most of Americans turn into morons thinking in terms of "good", "evil", "deserves" and other nonsense.

That, and that alone is my point. And you just keep proving it.

When you describe the issue in those terms, you are taking part in the "good and evil" moronisms that you decry.

In the end, as long as people are helped, the goal is accomplished. If there is reform needed in the process, fair enough. If there are inefficiencies that need to be addressed fair enough.

But the way you want to portray it, it's as if foreign aid that goes to buy goods from corporations that lobby for legislation ends up hurting people.

The same moronic nonsense you are decrying.

Bottom line: Difficulties and challenges in the process do not take away from the end result.
But the way you want to portray it, it's as if foreign aid that goes to buy goods from corporations that lobby for legislation ends up hurting people.
I don't give a fuck about foreign aid. Remember, you brought it up, not me. I just followed up because it was a very good example of what I was trying to explain.

And you are doing it again right there.

So lets try again.

Think about healthcare, minimum wage, etc. You don't automatically assume that those things can't hurt people. As a matter of fact, many Americans actually see problems with those things and debate about them. They see the dirt and corruption of the politicians.

That's because those are domestic issues.

But when it gets to foreign politics and actions of the US abroad, such as foreign aid, then by your own statement above it looks like you don't even allow for the possibility of it hurting people.

I would argue that foreign aid actually hurts the recipients on many levels. But that would drive the conversation even farther away from my point.

But the point is not about foreign aid, health care or minimum wage.

So let me simplify it:

- For domestic shit, Americans see both the good and the bad; they see bad motives behind seemingly good deeds. Politicians are corrupt and do fucked up shit.
- For foreign shit, Americans see only the good; they fail to see bad motives behind seemingly good deeds. Politicians are honest and never do anything fucked up.

So if politicians are corrupt and the corporations are greedy when it comes to fucking over Americans, why isn't it obvious that the same politicians and corporations are just as fucked up when acting on foreign soil?

That's all I ever said in this thread.
I don't give a fuck about foreign aid. Remember, you brought it up, not me. I just followed up because it was a very good example of what I was trying to explain.

And you are doing it again right there.

So lets try again.

Think about healthcare, minimum wage, etc. You don't automatically assume that those things can't hurt people. As a matter of fact, many Americans actually see problems with those things and debate about them. They see the dirt and corruption of the politicians.

That's because those are domestic issues.

But when it gets to foreign politics and actions of the US abroad, such as foreign aid, then by your own statement above it looks like you don't even allow for the possibility of it hurting people.

I would argue that foreign aid actually hurts the recipients on many levels. But that would drive the conversation even farther away from my point.

But the point is not about foreign aid, health care or minimum wage.

So let me simplify it:

- For domestic shit, Americans see both the good and the bad; they see bad motives behind seemingly good deeds. Politicians are corrupt and do fucked up shit.
- For foreign shit, Americans see only the good; they fail to see bad motives behind seemingly good deeds. Politicians are honest and never do anything fucked up.

So if politicians are corrupt and the corporations are greedy when it comes to fucking over Americans, why isn't it obvious that the same politicians and corporations are just as fucked up when acting on foreign soil?

That's all I ever said in this thread.

Dude, any action taken helps some people and hurts others. I can't think of any exceptions.

Each side will focus on who the other side is hurting in order to advance their own liberal/conservative agenda. It doesn't mean everything is exclusively evil or good.

If we are oblivious to the negative experiences of those overseas, it's natural. It's nothing to shit your pants about. Yes, we need to learn more, but we're not evil or bad or stupid if we don't.

We need to expose people to international issues, media, culture and values. We need to reduce bureaucratic spin and censorship that hides the opinions of people on the ground.

I'd say this is something that all countries are struggling with in one way or another. It's nothing especially crazy in the US.
I'd say this is something that all countries are struggling with in one way or another. It's nothing especially crazy in the US.

Now we are getting somewhere :)
Subigo -"growing up on military basis". What military bases did you live at, I assume that means your dad was in the military, what branch was he in and what unit???
Subigo -"growing up on military basis". What military bases did you live at, I assume that means your dad was in the military, what branch was he in and what unit???

Parris Island, Camp Pendleton (Oceanside, off base), and Fort Leonard Wood (middle school and high school).

And it was my step-dad, Marine Corp, Marine Corp Detachment (engineer training school at ft. wood). And I'm not sure what unit he was in before the detachment at ft. wood.

See, not that hard, is it? And I didn't even serve or "kill me some Muslims".
BTW when you say most of your buddies are now in the military makes ZERO sense, there aren't any schools at fort wood, or any other military bases, less than 2% of people in the USA are in the military care to try again??