This is what made me rack up muslim kills

All my buds and my dad were and are in the military but I dont know any braches or unit numbers EPIC FAIL

Everyone here knew you were road kill know your outed, bash the military then cant back up your lies
I swear to God... If you can make just one post, just one, without butchering the English language, then I'll ask one of my military friends to send you an autographed love letter.
Hey mods I have no problem being banned to prove I am not Popeye, I just respect the guy, this fuck bashes him and then cant stand behind his own lies about the military
Again no answers for where his dad or friends serve and unit, I doubt this guy is even in the states!!
ERRRR forgets dads unit number and cant name any of the "most all my buds joined the military" guess your dad and your buds arent that close = Clueless Asshole
Here is the bottom line he questioned Popeye for being in the military I questioned him about his dads and his buds he came up with nothing about units or anything
Fuck, dude... I understand you want to back up Popeye, but try to keep that shit confined to one post. Nobody wants to see 6 of your posts in a row.
Pistolpete... stop fucking posting 5 times in a row. Compress what you want to say into ONE post... and that's it.