"There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."

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Those damn communists, think there all cool with alternative thoughts on god...

That is a pretty awesome campaign actually.
Professor Dawkins said: "Religion is accustomed to getting a free ride - automatic tax breaks, unearned respect and the right not to be offended, the right to brainwash children.

That tax break thing has always killed me, Talk about the fast track to getting us out of debt ... Religion is BIG business. If they did more charitable works instead of building a megaplex with million dollar crosses and stained glass windows then the tax exempt status is warranted ... else pony up preacher man.
I liked this campaign a while back:
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That's one thing I love about America, despite our shortcomings -something like this definitely wouldn't fly. What I can't seem to understand about the extreme left in Europe (especially with regard to religion), is the obsession with proving that a)God doesn't exist b)religion is stupid c)creative design is dumb (anyone who has read books on the physics of M theory would actually have to at least think more about this if they were being OPEN MINDED....).

...Then when you try to present them with scientific evidence that would make any intelligent person at least question the probability that there was/is some kind of "first cause", they become as dogmatic as the coocoo far right extremists!

They turn into the left wing version of Fox News....I'm talking foaming at the month crazy and close-minded and the like....

I mean if God doesn't really exist, why state the obvious?!? Furthermore, the extreme left - particularly in Europe - have made a religion out of rationalism, which clearly has as many drawbacks as non-moderate "religiousity".

I mean if we left it up to the rationalists, we wouldn't be enjoying most of what we consider "a given" today (they told Swedenborg he was crazy for imagining man could "fly" without scientific "proof", they tried to get Marconi a co-inventor of the radio committed because he said he "thought that sound could be transmitted in wireless form"....the list goes on and on...)

It's funny how conservative liberals become when you start discussing anything outside of the far left extreme.

This isn't a swipe at you Lazy though! ;) I'm just venting Popeye style (just kidding popeye...)
"Professor Dawkins said: "Religion is accustomed to getting a free ride - automatic tax breaks, unearned respect and the right not to be offended, the right to brainwash children."

BBC NEWS | England | London | 'No God' slogans for city's buses

Extreme Left wing propaganda at it's finest. It's scary how close this sounds to the idiots you hear chanting at recent political rallies. Totally. Effing. Scary....

The fact of the matter is that any sociologist will prove that of the approx. 6.5 billion people on the planet, most have some sort of belief in a "higher power". How condescending to assume that only the "brainwashed" would adopt such beliefs. That group is actually in the majority - so what evidence is there of brain-washing.

There are plenty of secularists who are turned off by religion but not the concept or belief in "God". To assume that one could only subscribe to such beliefs based on indoctrination is not very "humanist" at all....

....It sounds remarkably similar to the people professing that only the "un-informed" would vote for the one U.S. President of a certain party and mixed background....
I agree with you that atheists are often just as bad as the religious extremists (I'm an agnostic, but very much against organised religion), but it's hardly extreme left wing.

There's a big difference between signs on buses and say Stalin's actions against the church. It's kinda like equating showing one of those fucking fish bumper stickers with the actions of the Spanish inquisition.

We might be slightly to the left of you, but (unfortunately imho) we are right of centre from a global perspective and a lot more capitalist than socialist.
The fact of the matter is that any sociologist will prove that of the approx. 6.5 billion people on the planet, most have some sort of belief in a "higher power". How condescending to assume that only the "brainwashed" would adopt such beliefs. That group is actually in the majority - so what evidence is there of brain-washing.

There are plenty of secularists who are turned off by religion but not the concept or belief in "God". To assume that one could only subscribe to such beliefs based on indoctrination is not very "humanist" at all....

So we should also assume that since the majority of ancient greeks believed in zeus and thought sacrificing animals would bring rain, that there is no way they could have been wrong?

You can't base the validity of a belief on how many people believe in it.

As IM's , we should know how easy it is to convince people that something is true even if it is not. At least , I do, or else i wouldn't be having such high acai berry conversion rates :)
I guess the thing that bothers me is these humanists. They are often even more extreme in Sweden if you think Britain is left of America. For me, it's just a question of respect. I mean I don't exactly "believe" in Santa Claus but I'm not going to spoil other peoples' "fun" (if you want to call it that). I wouldn't dare want to pull up to Victoria Station and see a big, red bus that reads "Santa Claus Doesn't Exist So Enjoy Life". I feel that these extreme atheists (and those gung-ho members of the humanist movement tend to be) are obsessed with trying to "un-brainwash" people so that they see the "fallacy" of religion. The fact of the matter is that if you live in a society where "most" people or a great deal, have some sort of religious belief, that should be respected. That means that the atheists don't go around trying to "unbrainwash" the religious people and the religious people don't try to "convert" the atheists. That said, from what I have read, a good 25% of Brits are somewhat or mildly religious and for good or bad, the Church of England ain't going no where....
Actually I am told that the numbers are increasing (as is often the case during bad economic times....)

I don't know, I guess I would feel about that sign the same as I would a sign which read "God is Real, Stop Lying to Yourselves Humanists/Atheists...Have a Good Time Because You are Going to Hell"....(lol actually you could see something like that in America, lol...)

To each his own I guess ;)
I think the reason why atheists are getting more agressive (and yes, sometimes you can count me amongst the pushy ones) is that right now, the problems religion brings are mounting and affecting the life of bystanders.

So we should also assume that since the majority of ancient greeks believed in zeus and thought sacrificing animals would bring rain, that there is no way they could have been wrong?

You can't base the validity of a belief on how many people believe in it.

As IM's , we should know how easy it is to convince people that something is true even if it is not. At least , I do, or else i wouldn't be having such high acai berry conversion rates :)

What I am questioning is the popeye-eque belief that many of these people have that those of us who believe are "brainwashed", "ill" or "under" informed, etc simply because we have evaluated the facts and have come to a different conclusion.

Stated another way, just because something seems outlandish to YOU or ABSOLUTELY FALSE to you doesn't not make it so.

Two hundred years ago if you had told someone you are right now moving at 800 miles an hour "akin to saying that a sacrifice brings rain...." they would have looked at you and believed you were ill-informed at best and crazy at worst.

The average person right now would probably think so. The fact of the matter is that no one can deny another person's direct experience and rather than assuming "oh you don't really believe that, someone brainwashed you"...be open-minded enough to know that just because you can't see something, doesn't mean it isn't there.

After all, 100 years ago, people couldn't see that matter is an illusion and energy and mass are interchangeable and interconvertable.

Off to sleep!
I agree with you that atheists are often just as bad as the religious extremists (I'm an agnostic, but very much against organised religion), but it's hardly extreme left wing.

There's a big difference between signs on buses and say Stalin's actions against the church. It's kinda like equating showing one of those fucking fish bumper stickers with the actions of the Spanish inquisition.

We might be slightly to the left of you, but (unfortunately imho) we are right of centre from a global perspective and a lot more capitalist than socialist.

Not sure what you meant by this.
"I'm an agnostic, but very much against organised religion)"
"Stalin's actions against the church"
Seems like you both agree.

But I probably shouldn't start.
Eli - because it affects us.

Growing up in one of the most catholic parts of Germany, I was singled out of the "normal" religion lessons taught in school. (Yes, back then it was taught) My mom was asked several times why I wan't baptized.

I could have cared less about the catholic lessons (the protestant ones were fun, old lady reading from the bible and giving out cookies) if it wasn't handled as a "downgrading" so much. (inlcuding me getting called out of the middle of a rel class because the pariah had to be removed)

Important issues, such as abortion, rape victim treatment, planned parenthood, gay rights, etc...., even SCIENCE itself are being influenced by the bible thumpers.

A lot of the current war (on both sides) is religiously motivated.
The whole fucking thing wouldn't have started if not for a few religious fucknuts imposing their world view on others. (Quite drastically, too)

So for me, the time of "laissez faire atheism" is over.

The religious fuckwits are sitting pretty in a world others have fought hard to gain, and fought hard AGAINST religion to gain it, too.
The modern state would not exist if not for the renaissance and segregation of church and state.
The modern world would not exist if not for scientists fighting religious doctrine in their quest for truth.
Medicine would still consist of bible humping, prayer and the occasional exorcism if not for people going against religious grain and looking at the microscopic world, looking at the inner workings of bodies (yep, that was forbidden by the church),......
I could fucking go on for ages.

And THAT is why I spit in the face of religion.


Religion never had any respect for anyone but their very own believers.

I am not one of them, so you can kiss my heathen ass.

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