The Official Trading Thread

^ It was down like 14% in the pre market on Thursday after being down about that much the day before. Pretty crazy.

[ame=]Sept 27: CELG & NFLX Gains // JPM triple bottom? - YouTube[/ame]
I went from being up $1700 all day to only up $200 within the last 3 minutes of the day thanks to PCLN spiking up at the close.

No more condor spreads for me. FML.
This is pretty interesting:

Some traders got 'no taper' decision news early

Looks like somebody in Chicago traded on the Fed news 2-3 milliseconds after it was released, which is faster than the information takes to travel from DC to Chicago lol.

Just Marty and Doc Brown makin' a little extra cash for those future strip clubs. Nothing to see here.

I am studying quantitative economics with computer applications in school and let me tell you, this is all the buzz right now with my professors. We were talking today about how independent trading is moving toward gaming the algos rather than public perception, and getting data any bit earlier than the competition can be worth ungodly amounts of money.

I have been thinking a lot lately about the April 23, 2013 mini flash crash and whether or not the, "Syrian Electronic Army" was really responsible. It seems these algos using social signals to trade leaves a lot of potential for manipulation. The right trades surrounding the immediate price changes of that flash crash could have meant millions upon millions in profits in the blink of an eye.
Government shutdown very likely to occur on Tuesday but that isn't the end of the world. The real trouble begins if the debt ceiling is not raised, then we can really see a huge affect on the markets. Keep in mind, these should be looked at as two different events. LINK.

Last week was quite solid, with the best trade being in CELG; entered on Thursday, exited majority of position on Friday for a 127% gain. I been been speaking about CELG throughout the whole week and in my forum, so the heads up was there.

This is what I really like at the moment:

Well there you go, even with the markets pulling back 1% today at the open, the company I posted above (CSIQ) opened in the red too but within 15 minutes was back in the green. Right now it is up 4.07% for the day. I am up 18.18% on my options as of this moment. I initiated my position when it was up 2% for the day.
Well there you go, even with the markets pulling back 1% today at the open, the company I posted above (CSIQ) opened in the red too but within 15 minutes was back in the green. Right now it is up 4.07% for the day. I am up 18.18% on my options as of this moment. I initiated my position when it was up 2% for the day.
Just curious, do you still do any internet marketing or are you 100% into daytrading/investing?
I am telling you guys, that CSIQ trade is killing. Since my entry yesterday, since my entry yesterday - I am up 59% on my options. The stock itself is up over 8% since I posted that chart above.

I expect this run to last us much longer.
I will throw another pending killer play for you guys. Double bottom confirmation with a chance to break pivot on upside.


Very simple instructions here. If we close above $6.91 on the daily, you buy with both hands. We if get there but reverse under, followed by another down day, you short the stock.

I will say this, the volume today is 500% higher than average + tons of accumulation/distribution. Considering it spiked 9% today on no news, this could be an insider move. Wouldn't be surprised to see some big news come out for it soon.
mgrunin, just curious -- what's your past 12 month return from day trading activities (excluding any long term positions)?

I've recently dabbled in mechanical investing, focusing on a 10 - 20 stock portfolio rebalanced weekly. Expected annual return is ~30%, using a modified version of trending value.

I wrote a python script to screen for these stocks, weekly turnover is generally around 6 or 7.
mgrunin, just curious -- what's your past 12 month return from day trading activities (excluding any long term positions)?

I've recently dabbled in mechanical investing, focusing on a 10 - 20 stock portfolio rebalanced weekly. Expected annual return is ~30%, using a modified version of trending value.

I wrote a python script to screen for these stocks, weekly turnover is generally around 6 or 7.

I believe I answered a similar question several pages back. Right now, it would take me some take to figure that out since I have withdrawn funds in and out and also trading across several different brokerages so I can't tell on a glance.

Great job. In 2014 I will be working on a script myself for trading.
Here we go. How is CSIQ doing? It is up another 2.52% today while the overall markets are down 0.80%. I just hit 100% return on my options.

What about that NFLX recommendation above? Netflix is now trading at $328, and currently places me at +28% for the options I purchased this morning.

Lastly we have IMMU. It broke that $6.91 level and then skyrocketed 5% to $7.25. I was late on my entry and took my trade around there. It has pulled back since then and is currently trading at $7.09. Which puts me at a loss of 12% or so so far.
Another trade for you guys. I haven't covered Apple in a while, but it broke above the pivot I was looking for:

By the way, I still like IMMU as a play. It sold off and found good support right at $17, and bounced right back to $7.19. If it breaks ATH at $7.25 - go long. I am not breakeven on the position.
Missed out on this big winner today. I posted it last night on my forum:

It opened at that pivot early this morning but failed to break it and sold off. 2 hours later it tested it again and broke free. It is now trading +6% for the day.

This is the stock today after breaking the pivot from yesterday..
