This is pretty interesting:
Some traders got 'no taper' decision news early
Looks like somebody in Chicago traded on the Fed news 2-3 milliseconds after it was released, which is faster than the information takes to travel from DC to Chicago lol.
Just curious, do you still do any internet marketing or are you 100% into daytrading/investing?Well there you go, even with the markets pulling back 1% today at the open, the company I posted above (CSIQ) opened in the red too but within 15 minutes was back in the green. Right now it is up 4.07% for the day. I am up 18.18% on my options as of this moment. I initiated my position when it was up 2% for the day.
Just curious, do you still do any internet marketing or are you 100% into daytrading/investing?
mgrunin, just curious -- what's your past 12 month return from day trading activities (excluding any long term positions)?
I've recently dabbled in mechanical investing, focusing on a 10 - 20 stock portfolio rebalanced weekly. Expected annual return is ~30%, using a modified version of trending value.
I wrote a python script to screen for these stocks, weekly turnover is generally around 6 or 7.