The Internetz is good, but don't let it hurt your eyes

Been using flux for a couple of years now.

Halogen, tungsten, florescent... you're supposed to match it to the type of lighting in the room you're in when it's dark outside.

Interesting, I'm going to give it a try now, I'll report back on control.
Thanks faggot

EDIT: It seemed right as soon as it fixed the color/brightness. Reps
I remember the thread that popped up about flux some time ago, but at the time I just disregarded it and kept acquiring eyestrain.

Just installed it now and it's been running for 10 minutes. It already feels much better on the eyes (dark outside). As long as the orange won't become a nuisance , this is awesome. +rep
^ The orange totally doesn't become a nuisance. I switched it off a couple times to begin with late at night and immediately put it back on. Hit the 24 hour preview if your considering switching it off, feels so much nicer on the eyes.
So I don't have to wear my blue blockers at night anymore?

Going to try, plus rep.
I've been using it for about a year now, and I wouldn't be able to do anything after sundown without it.
Looks good.

I'd also recommend this:

In terms of the orange tint i prefer to think of it as how they advertise it. Not orange, but 'warmth.' :action-smiley-052:
Yeah been using it for a while as well...helps a ton.

tip: play around with the timezones if you don't work the regular hours like most here otherwise it will start going dark too soon. Mine uses PST and I'm in EST :p
Used it for the past few months and going to sleep is so much easier after using my laptop all day.
I have serious sleep problems, last night I was up at 2 just reading this crap here lol, installed will report back in a week or so.
Yeah, flux is great. I also use one of these in Winter months when I fail to get outside when there's anything that could be described as "sunlight" available.

The home of the Litebook Elite in the UK

My body clock is longer than 24 hours, so if I don't reset it with light, I end up going to bed at the same time my wife is getting up for work. Using the lightbook (and remembering to go outside) helps reset it.
Ok so I installed this yesterday and I have been using the computer for roughly 10 hours now and I dont know how i have gone this many years without this amazing piece of software!