The Game We Play

in order to succeed you really need to understand WHAT your business REALLY is and then focus on that.

More important is, understand what your customers really are. Not the typical survey bullshit, but a humanized model of the average person that lands on your offer. If you know them better than they do themselves you're virtually giving them no option.

In other words the short hand of what you wrote is...

be ruthless, dont listen to anybody else and work hard 24/7
I think even the premise of all men being born equal is a fallacy, when you look at differences in prenatal care. A great documentary that fits into this thread is 'The Lottery of Birth' (free on amzn prime). My favorite point from that film was it used to be thought that 50-70% of the world's wealth was inhereted (hello ruling class) but a followup study showed that's wrong because it didn't take into account the amount that the wealth built upon itself...the updated figure was over 85%. So maybe top 2-3% control 85% of the world's finances and thus governmental policies.

If I might offer a slant on the game: recognize that we're but one planet on an average star system. This star is one of hundreds of billions in the galaxy and the galaxy is one of hundreds of billions (possibly more, we just don't know yet). Think the universe gives a shit whether you win or lose given the infinitesimal nature of it all? If we're lucky we exist for 65-85 years and the universe has been around for live however you want to live, it won't change anything. If you want to get to the ruling class level, then do it. If you want to be a minimalist, then do it. If you want to buy a lot of shit because it makes you feel good, PM me for affiliate links.