The Game We Play

So your going to spend the majority of your life working to retire in luxury when your old and sick?

No. I was talking about strategy and timing. I was being somewhat vague, which seems to have caused you to misunderstand. I'll try to clear things up for you.

The heritage bit is my ideal retirement. Fact is I could do that right now. It costs very little to live as a reclusive mountain hermit. However, the things I want to do will probably keep me involved in worldly affairs well into my old age, especially if my strategy is successful. That means living out my final years in peaceful seclusion might be a simple luxury that I won't be able to have due to circumstances.

I'm still going to build myself a nice little meditation retreat in the mountains, even if I won't get it use it much.

As different as it sounds your meaning of life isn't very different from mine. The way I see it is my meaning of life is to pass on a better life than you had to at least one other person. Money, power, freedom, influence, politics, legacies, even the criteria for people we chose to have sex with. These are all just means to the end game. Being able to pass on more than we were handed.
As different as it sounds your meaning of life isn't very different from mine. The way I see it is my meaning of life is to pass on a better life than you had to at least one other person. Money, power, freedom, influence, politics, legacies, even the criteria for people we chose to have sex with. These are all just means to the end game. Being able to pass on more than we were handed.

I really like that.
sheep gon sheep

could it be that you just turned yourself into a guru, preaching what everyone already knows, selling it as crazy news/secret intel? 20 hours of never seen before jew-truths anyone?

since you wont quit dropping hints at your arb fund, how about you just tell us where to send the monies?
As different as it sounds your meaning of life isn't very different from mine. The way I see it is my meaning of life is to pass on a better life than you had to at least one other person. Money, power, freedom, influence, politics, legacies, even the criteria for people we chose to have sex with. These are all just means to the end game. Being able to pass on more than we were handed.

I agree. To give him credit since he didn't write it himself, Jon did mock shitload of fake gurus under legal threat, posted ebooks for free (the one he thought shouldn't be paid for), brought shitload of cynical kindhearted people together and made it possible for every poor dude with a least amount of will to earn some money. That is what I mostly remember him for, not the amount of money he makes.
- All news, politics, and government = bullshit.
- Everything is for sale.
- Everyone has a price.
- Money is not real, it is merely a tool we use to keep score and use as accountable leverage.
- Profit is okay.
- Growth is amazing.
- Losses are mehh (live to fight another day).
- All problems and crises are opportunities to profit.
- Slow and steady is for building absolute and true wealth.
- Greed is not good, ITS AWESOME!
- Aggressive and ruthless is the only way to truly win.
- Winning is all that matters.
- In life, show respect only to those that earn it or deserve it.
- In life, treat others the way they may treat you.
- You are not invincible or smarter than everyone, so act accordingly.
- The world and life is not fair, accept it and move on.
- Karma is for the weak and far too slow anyway, do what you must but only if its worth it.

Game on, my foolish friends! :banana_sml:

Those are my favourite ones by our jewish guru Jon :)

P.S Jon you never replied to my PM
- You must compartmentalize your business and personal lives as much as possible. Both are games, but they must not mix. Instead find a balance between the two to stay sharp.

No fucking way. Life is business, business is life. If someone is in the way, push them aside. Blend them together and master it as one.
If you guys don't like the Jon's truth about the game, you can play mine instead. I've been researching all the tidbits about this old shipyard, and I found something... You'd think that when you open the box, it'd be filled with delicious paleo snacks. But actually, those kits were replaced with pickled carrying coats and a slimed, moldy vitamin sac.

Someone told me that I should be able to find new purpose after seeing that. But honestly I was so disappointed. It smelled. I don't get why someone would do that.

So next time around I will bring plenty of fiber and French ammo leather to be prepared. I'll never forget that hot night when the dusty ground was crawling with mangled white flies. I screamed into the canopy, alerting the others of the newfound protein source. It was good, if you could get past the vinegar and cumin smells from the insects writhing on the ground.

Nearby, unbeknownst to our small group; hanging in the trees you could find wet, wrinkled wolf grubs. They may have been useful for lighting the path and clearing out viruses, but they also constantly shrieked.

If we ever make it out of here.... when we make it out of this horrible place, I will be a different man.

Maybe you don't want to join me
^^Jon's game is sunshine and lolipops compared to some of the nightmarish hellscapes you've painted in my mind with your posts. You should keep posting though!
- Winning is all that matters.

You do realize you're becoming a drone one way or another by settling for and following a strict pattern of your own established rules just because you feel like they're giving you an edge over everyone else. Remember that bruce lee - "become like water" clip. I'll take sanity and inner peace any day over winning a made up game chess game and worrying about staying on top of everyone in a brainwashed society.
- this list is retarded, and Jon is just mad that there are youtube users who sit at home and stream their video game sessions and are making him look like a peasant with their earnings.
- this list is retarded, and Jon is just mad that there are youtube users who sit at home and stream their video game sessions and are making him look like a peasant with their earnings.

I doubt they make Jon look like a peasant. But I imagine that they make decent money and love what they're doing. Unfortunately they are also under the thumb of big G. I think it wasn't until recently that youtube even allowed partnerships if you were streaming a video game. It's not my scene, so I don't know the details.

It's not how much money you're making. If you're making good money and loving what you do, then that's what counts in the end. After all, it's your happiness that counts and everybody has their own pursuit of happiness.

Some people love to make money and then leverage it to gain more power, and in that regard Jon's post makes total sense. Especially since you can then leverage that power to gain even more money. Rinse and repeat. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but for some people, that's one hell of a rush!
Jon's posts of late sound like someone who's at that point where they've achieved a level of success that money is no longer an obstacle in life. At that stage, you begin to rise above the noise and view things like a Bilderberger.

Reminds me of a debate that I had with some friends recently. Which scares you more, govt or big business? They all said big business. Although govt is really just a mouthpiece of big business, I can't recall Microgoogfaceapple kicking in your door one day and taking everything you've earned. They don't see that because they've never earned anything worth protecting.

Anyway, it sounds like your next challenge is trying to actually become a Bilderberger. Congrats Jon.