The Game We Play

And income streams are far superior to wages for a ton of reasons. I understand that some people can be happier with a job, but it's an illusion of security at best.

Unless happiness is an illusion, theyre either happier or illusioned

Unless happiness is an illusion, theyre either happier or illusioned

They can be both happy and disillusioned until reality crashes into them.

But I was specifically referring to the huge amount of people who think being self employed is risky. These same people will go on about how they need to give an employer 2 weeks notice before leaving a job, and yet somehow don't realize that their employer will might dispose of them without any notice at all, and it happens all the fucking time. Once they happens, they have zero income. If I stop working completely, by choice, I'd still be making income for many years. I'd say I'm squarely in a more secure position, and in complete control of my own income. They are not, whatsoever.
In the morning, I woke to find a splined rusted pecking tower embedded in my right arm. It was prepared in a soft way, using a black, oiled jelly. Struggle was not going to work here.

A swirling pool of memories at boiling point filled my vision. How could the world have changed this much? Where was the shipyard? Where was my old town? I guess none of it mattered then.. I had to get access and get out.

I lay there looking at the darkening state of my arm. The skin remained bright red from inflammation, but the muscles felt so cold, yet burning. Through my pale skin, I could see their color was nearly black. It was like a pipe draining dark sewage into my veins. I had to get back to the research lab.

That's when they opened the hatch. I heard voices - English speaking. Familiar. Am I alright then?

The hatch closed, and the sound of high voltage and florescent light bulbs shattered my ears. The smell was putrid. Slowly, the foamy mammal was lowered to my chest. It began to incubate its swollen flap glands in a tender way. I didn't want to disturb it and set off an attack, so I did my best to swallow the vomit that was trying to force its way up my throat. But that backfired on me because as the disgusting heap of wrinkled skin above me began convulsing, I could feel more and more heat radiating from it. The flap glands became clarified and finally ruptured onto my face, into my nose and my mouth. Instantly I could hold the vomit no longer, and my heaving set off all the alarms in the building until the wheezing pickpocket was let loose.

The mammal began shrieking in a terrible manner, as though it was very frightened. Something was writhing around under its skin with great speed and force, clearly intent on escaping. I guess its time had come. I hoped I still had at least 5 minutes. The abdomen stretched and split open, pouring the entrails down onto my legs. Held my breath.

The steaming worm-like appendage flew back and forth, knocking over the metal tray and bursting the ceiling lights before struggling to detach its base from the tattered, foamy mammal carcass hanging above me. Bursting through the viewing window and tearing its pinkish veined skin on the shattered glass, it escaped; disturbing the pack of flies, encouraging them to disembowel the swarming idiots on the blue tarp in the research building. There was nothing I could do.
In the morning, I woke to find a splined rusted pecking tower embedded in my right arm. It was prepared in a soft way, using a black, oiled jelly. Struggle was not going to work here.

A swirling pool of memories at boiling point filled my vision. How could the world have changed this much? Where was the shipyard? Where was my old town? I guess none of it mattered then.. I had to get access and get out.

I lay there looking at the darkening state of my arm. The skin remained bright red from inflammation, but the muscles felt so cold, yet burning. Through my pale skin, I could see their color was nearly black. It was like a pipe draining dark sewage into my veins. I had to get back to the research lab.

That's when they opened the hatch. I heard voices - English speaking. Familiar. Am I alright then?

The hatch closed, and the sound of high voltage and florescent light bulbs shattered my ears. The smell was putrid. Slowly, the foamy mammal was lowered to my chest. It began to incubate its swollen flap glands in a tender way. I didn't want to disturb it and set off an attack, so I did my best to swallow the vomit that was trying to force its way up my throat. But that backfired on me because as the disgusting heap of wrinkled skin above me began convulsing, I could feel more and more heat radiating from it. The flap glands became clarified and finally ruptured onto my face, into my nose and my mouth. Instantly I could hold the vomit no longer, and my heaving set off all the alarms in the building until the wheezing pickpocket was let loose.

The mammal began shrieking in a terrible manner, as though it was very frightened. Something was writhing around under its skin with great speed and force, clearly intent on escaping. I guess its time had come. I hoped I still had at least 5 minutes. The abdomen stretched and split open, pouring the entrails down onto my legs. Held my breath.

The steaming worm-like appendage flew back and forth, knocking over the metal tray and bursting the ceiling lights before struggling to detach its base from the tattered, foamy mammal carcass hanging above me. Bursting through the viewing window and tearing its pinkish veined skin on the shattered glass, it escaped; disturbing the pack of flies, encouraging them to disembowel the swarming idiots on the blue tarp in the research building. There was nothing I could do.

Are you available for copywriting projects?
Are you available for copywriting projects?

Sorry but nope. (I know you were being sarcastic anyway haha) A member here requested that I write a book yesterday. Suddenly this got real.... I read some to some friends and family and they were laughing so hard, and agreed I should write it. Crazy shit.
I've been interested in your work manipulating people. I've spent a good bit of time trying to think a few moves ahead of that and where it's leading. Taking a look at trends, demographics and extrapolating them over the short and long term. Not that it does me much good, but it's good mental gymnastics.

If you truly want to learn how to manipulate everyone (not that bullshit social engineering or cashvertising stuff that basically throws a generalized blanket over everyone. they work well for advertising, but you're only skimming the surface of how to truly understand one's psyche, and only with this understanding can you then truly manipulate anyone benevolently or not), in your free time, study the works of Carl Jung, Aušra Augustinavičiūtė, and Victor Gulenko.

For the record, there are 16 unique forms of cognition based on the works of MBTI and Socionics, so you'd have to tailor each manipulation tactic for each psychological type.

Down the rabbit hole we go...
If you truly want to learn how to manipulate everyone (not that bullshit social engineering or cashvertising stuff that basically throws a generalized blanket over everyone. they work well for advertising, but you're only skimming the surface of how to truly understand one's psyche, and only with this understanding can you then truly manipulate anyone benevolently or not), in your free time, study the works of Carl Jung, Aušra Augustinavičiūtė, and Victor Gulenko.

For the record, there are 16 unique forms of cognition based on the works of MBTI and Socionics, so you'd have to tailor each manipulation tactic for each psychological type.

Down the rabbit hole we go...

Coming back UP the rabbit hole...

If your goal is manipulating mass amounts of people IRL, you really only need to manipulate 3-4 of those 16 types, and they'll do the rest of the manipulating for you. You'll need to placate another 2-3 types, discredit, or smear them, whatever.

Not my thing, but I do find MBTI interesting. I thought it was astrology when I was first introduced to it, but learned differently when I looked at it again years later.
Coming back UP the rabbit hole...

If your goal is manipulating mass amounts of people IRL, you really only need to manipulate 3-4 of those 16 types, and they'll do the rest of the manipulating for you. You'll need to placate another 2-3 types, discredit, or smear them, whatever.

Not my thing, but I do find MBTI interesting. I thought it was astrology when I was first introduced to it, but learned differently when I looked at it again years later.

Yup. Like you I also initially thought MBTI was bullshit. Much of psychology is bullshit. For example, Abraham Maslow's school of behaviorism is huge in American psychology (positive reinforcement/negative reinforcement), but the truth is, some psychological types are prone to reinforcement whereas other types are resistant to positive/negative reinforcement. But you won't hear this in college or high school class rooms. I spent a year studying the depths of psychology, starting from the roots with Freud, and holy moly it's amazing how incredibly complex and practical the human psyche is, and how unaware the general public is of how their very own instruments of mind work.

You don't have to manipulate every single type to reach your goals, as you said. You can make tons of money from just one of the psychological types, and if you focus on theme exclusively, you have lifetime customers who will gladly give you their money for the value you provide. For example, in Socionics, ISTjs and ISFjs (you won't see these types in entrepreneurship, they're the typical "worker drones") have the mobilizing psyche function of unconsciously wanting to be more creative (weak, unconscious extraverted intuition. aka Ne). So, sell these types products on how to work on improving their creativity/give them value helping them in their weaker areas, and they'll love you and give you their money 4eva.

Also, I noticed there's a lot of bias against being worker drone, and the general consensus among these forums is that working a 9-5 is hell. This is true and false. It's mostly true for intuitive types that 9-5 is hell, which predominate these forums. But it's false for many sensors because they are the ones who actually are fine with 9-5 jobs (yeah, you never hear that on the forums) because of the perceived illusion of security. While many of us berate them for being sheep, they think of us "heh, let them think we're sheep, we're satisfied being sheep" and for the most part, they are. Yeah, you see the worker drones bitching about little things such as work drama and how their pay and bosses suck, but some of them tolerate that stuff very well because they're happy they have someone telling them what to do from 9-5 and then giving them a paycheck so they don't have to do any thinking on their own, as opposed to entrepreneurs / free thinkers you see on the boards who can't tolerate any of that shit and realize how much easier it is to achieve security/stability/whatever if you start your own business.
Yup. Like you I also initially thought MBTI was bullshit. Much of psychology is bullshit. For example, Abraham Maslow's school of behaviorism is huge in American psychology (positive reinforcement/negative reinforcement), but the truth is, some psychological types are prone to reinforcement whereas other types are resistant to positive/negative reinforcement. But you won't hear this in college or high school class rooms. I spent a year studying the depths of psychology, starting from the roots with Freud, and holy moly it's amazing how incredibly complex and practical the human psyche is, and how unaware the general public is of how their very own instruments of mind work.

You don't have to manipulate every single type to reach your goals, as you said. You can make tons of money from just one of the psychological types, and if you focus on theme exclusively, you have lifetime customers who will gladly give you their money for the value you provide. For example, in Socionics, ISTjs and ISFjs (you won't see these types in entrepreneurship, they're the typical "worker drones") have the mobilizing psyche function of unconsciously wanting to be more creative (weak, unconscious extraverted intuition. aka Ne). So, sell these types products on how to work on improving their creativity/give them value helping them in their weaker areas, and they'll love you and give you their money 4eva.

Also, I noticed there's a lot of bias against being worker drone, and the general consensus among these forums is that working a 9-5 is hell. This is true and false. It's mostly true for intuitive types that 9-5 is hell, which predominate these forums. But it's false for many sensors because they are the ones who actually are fine with 9-5 jobs (yeah, you never hear that on the forums) because of the perceived illusion of security. While many of us berate them for being sheep, they think of us "heh, let them think we're sheep, we're satisfied being sheep" and for the most part, they are. Yeah, you see the worker drones bitching about little things such as work drama and how their pay and bosses suck, but some of them tolerate that stuff very well because they're happy they have someone telling them what to do from 9-5 and then giving them a paycheck so they don't have to do any thinking on their own, as opposed to entrepreneurs / free thinkers you see on the boards who can't tolerate any of that shit and realize how much easier it is to achieve security/stability/whatever if you start your own business.

If you haven't seen it yet, you will love this

Adam Curtis: The Century of the Self on Vimeo
Yup. Like you I also initially thought MBTI was bullshit. Much of psychology is bullshit. For example, Abraham Maslow's school of behaviorism is huge in American psychology (positive reinforcement/negative reinforcement), but the truth is, some psychological types are prone to reinforcement whereas other types are resistant to positive/negative reinforcement. But you won't hear this in college or high school class rooms. I spent a year studying the depths of psychology, starting from the roots with Freud, and holy moly it's amazing how incredibly complex and practical the human psyche is, and how unaware the general public is of how their very own instruments of mind work.

You don't have to manipulate every single type to reach your goals, as you said. You can make tons of money from just one of the psychological types, and if you focus on theme exclusively, you have lifetime customers who will gladly give you their money for the value you provide. For example, in Socionics, ISTjs and ISFjs (you won't see these types in entrepreneurship, they're the typical "worker drones") have the mobilizing psyche function of unconsciously wanting to be more creative (weak, unconscious extraverted intuition. aka Ne). So, sell these types products on how to work on improving their creativity/give them value helping them in their weaker areas, and they'll love you and give you their money 4eva.

Also, I noticed there's a lot of bias against being worker drone, and the general consensus among these forums is that working a 9-5 is hell. This is true and false. It's mostly true for intuitive types that 9-5 is hell, which predominate these forums. But it's false for many sensors because they are the ones who actually are fine with 9-5 jobs (yeah, you never hear that on the forums) because of the perceived illusion of security. While many of us berate them for being sheep, they think of us "heh, let them think we're sheep, we're satisfied being sheep" and for the most part, they are. Yeah, you see the worker drones bitching about little things such as work drama and how their pay and bosses suck, but some of them tolerate that stuff very well because they're happy they have someone telling them what to do from 9-5 and then giving them a paycheck so they don't have to do any thinking on their own, as opposed to entrepreneurs / free thinkers you see on the boards who can't tolerate any of that shit and realize how much easier it is to achieve security/stability/whatever if you start your own business.

Damn niggaz tell me moar!
Holy 4 hours.

Video description is enticing. I'll watch it. Thanks for the link.

Yup do it, it's bar none the best documentary I've ever seen (I'm biased towards marketing of course) and definitely the best one out there on the beginnings of mass corporate and government persuasion. If I could describe one documentary as "mind blowing" this would be it.
Yup. Like you I also initially thought MBTI was bullshit. Much of psychology is bullshit. For example, Abraham Maslow's school of behaviorism is huge in American psychology (positive reinforcement/negative reinforcement), but the truth is, some psychological types are prone to reinforcement whereas other types are resistant to positive/negative reinforcement. But you won't hear this in college or high school class rooms. I spent a year studying the depths of psychology, starting from the roots with Freud, and holy moly it's amazing how incredibly complex and practical the human psyche is, and how unaware the general public is of how their very own instruments of mind work.

You don't have to manipulate every single type to reach your goals, as you said. You can make tons of money from just one of the psychological types, and if you focus on theme exclusively, you have lifetime customers who will gladly give you their money for the value you provide. For example, in Socionics, ISTjs and ISFjs (you won't see these types in entrepreneurship, they're the typical "worker drones") have the mobilizing psyche function of unconsciously wanting to be more creative (weak, unconscious extraverted intuition. aka Ne). So, sell these types products on how to work on improving their creativity/give them value helping them in their weaker areas, and they'll love you and give you their money 4eva.

Also, I noticed there's a lot of bias against being worker drone, and the general consensus among these forums is that working a 9-5 is hell. This is true and false. It's mostly true for intuitive types that 9-5 is hell, which predominate these forums. But it's false for many sensors because they are the ones who actually are fine with 9-5 jobs (yeah, you never hear that on the forums) because of the perceived illusion of security. While many of us berate them for being sheep, they think of us "heh, let them think we're sheep, we're satisfied being sheep" and for the most part, they are. Yeah, you see the worker drones bitching about little things such as work drama and how their pay and bosses suck, but some of them tolerate that stuff very well because they're happy they have someone telling them what to do from 9-5 and then giving them a paycheck so they don't have to do any thinking on their own, as opposed to entrepreneurs / free thinkers you see on the boards who can't tolerate any of that shit and realize how much easier it is to achieve security/stability/whatever if you start your own business.

This gave me a medium-sized chubby.
as opposed to entrepreneurs / free thinkers you see on the boards who can't tolerate any of that shit and realize how much easier it is to achieve security/stability/whatever if you start your own business.
I was with you up until that.

There is absolutely nothing easier about starting your own business and being an entrepreneur. It's more rewarding, sure, but not easier. Not if you're doing it right and or didn't stumble onto a business by accident.
There is absolutely nothing easier about starting your own business and being an entrepreneur. It's more rewarding, sure, but not easier. Not if you're doing it right and or didn't stumble onto a business by accident.

I'm sure meant psychologically easier, in the sense that the struggle to start your own business might be more physically and mentally grueling--but bearable--but most people on this forum would find it unbearable to hold down a 9-5, regardless of how "easy" it is. In fact, precisely due to how easy it is, for many of us here.

Game on, my foolish friends! :banana_sml:

Sounds like Jon might be getting a little bored with how things are moving around him right now. Maybe even feeling the SEARING HOT Breath of Father Time on his back/chest. (Lulz)



I'll tell you now, between 20 and 50 years of age is where you really NEED to be at full stride. After 50, you want to go from being a Star Actor/Director, to now owning ALL the Studios!!!

Thinking about the LONG game and knowing what Business you're in.....back in the late 1980's the CEO of McDonalds Corporation (Michael Quinlan ) was being interviewed and he asked his interviewer if he knew what business McDonalds was in? The Interviewer said, "Hamburgers of course." Mike laughed and said that's what most people think. He informed his interviewer that McDonald's MAIN business was REAL ESTATE!! Not Food. (Found something to back up the interview I heard back in the day. HowStuffWorks "McDonald's Real Estate")

He went on to say that in order to succeed you really need to understand WHAT your business REALLY is and then focus on that.

I found PROFOUND beauty in the Genius of that business model. It is still with me today.

I'll leave a few things I've picked up from Dr. Robert Anthony along the way as I exit this thread:

"Most people WAIT all their lives for their ship to come in, the problem is... they never sent one out!!"

"Now, for those who DID send a ship out, when it DOES come had better be prepared to UNLOAD IT.....and FAST!!"

"You can only have two things in life, reasons and results. Reasons don't count!!"

"You cannot control without being controlled."

"There is no right or or wrong, only consequences."

"If you are not rich, notice how you make yourself poor."

"The one who Loves the least controls the relationship."

"Divorces are final LONG before they go to court."

"The biggest risk in life is NOT risking."

"If you find a good solution and become attached to it, the solution may become your next problem."

"Hoping and Wishing are excuses for not doing."

"The reward in life will always be in proportion to the risk!!"
While many of us berate them for being sheep, they think of us "heh, let them think we're sheep, we're satisfied being sheep" and for the most part, they are.

I think it's the same reason people still light up cigarettes though they're fully aware of the health risks and know they can do better than that for themselves. Makes you feel relaxed for a few minutes, and if everyone's doing it you around you already then to hell with the discipline it takes to follow that voice of reason in your head telling you to ditch them for good, yee know