The Game We Play


Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
Its very simple, but will likely come off as batshit crazy and/or too cynical to those whom read this without any real education in modern business, finance, human psychology and/or a functioning rational human mind.

If your goal in life is to be rich/wealthy or anything less than being part of the actual ruling class, then you are going to lose and this game isn't really for you at all.

I highly doubt most of you reading this will have the stomach or heart for playing this game for real. Most people think they can do it, but realize later that its just too tough or the odds are just not in their favor, so they quit. I cannot blame anyone for quitting. Its an exceptionally tough game to play and conquer. However, those who continue to play, never giving up or giving in, will learn what it truly means to be successful.

Those of you whom have family members or friends, or may even be there themselves, that believe in the myth of "job security" will also have a tough time accepting this as fact. That's fine too, because we need you drones to continue doing your drone thing so that we may benefit from it.

Facts you must accept in order to fully become a rich and powerful bastard in America:

- America is not a country, its a business.
- There are no nation states, only corporations vying for control.
- Democracy is a myth the populous must believe in and focus on to their core.
- All news, politics, and government = bullshit.
- Everything is for sale.
- Everyone has a price.
- Money is not real, it is merely a tool we use to keep score and use as accountable leverage.
- Credit & debt = leverage.
- The game begins when you are born.
- The game ends when you die.
- All men are created equally. (We are all born human, after that, we are no longer equal.)
- Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and Liberals = the spoon. (ie. film The Matrix)
- The system is not broken, as it was never designed to handle the modern game of life/business in the first place.
- Profit is okay.
- Growth is amazing.
- Losses are mehh (live to fight another day).
- Never trust commercial banks with your money. (private banks are better)
- Never invest in anything related to the casino on Wall Street unless you are part of their club.
- There are far larger profits to be made outside of Wall Street.
- Regulation is the enemy of all corporations and monopolies.
- Capitalism is a mindset standard that we use as a shield to get out of trouble.
- The Free Market is a myth. Only sheep like competitors. And We know what happens to sheep.
- Cheap money is our friend.
- All problems and crises are opportunities to profit.
- Slow and steady is for building absolute and true wealth.
- Perception is everything.
- Greed is not good, ITS AWESOME!
- The loudest in the room, is also the weakest. (ie. those that brag/showoff, the self-proclaimed gurus and experts of any field.)
- Aggressive and ruthless is the only way to truly win.
- Winning is all that matters.
- You must compartmentalize your business and personal lives as much as possible. Both are games, but they must not mix. Instead find a balance between the two to stay sharp.
- In life, show respect only to those that earn it or deserve it.
- In life, treat others the way they may treat you.
- You are not invincible or smarter than everyone, so act accordingly.
- The world and life is not fair, accept it and move on.
- Karma is for the weak and far too slow anyway, do what you must but only if its worth it.
- People want to be heard, but will never wake up, so don't waste time on them anyway.

(These are purely from my book of success that I've learned and crafted over the years. Some are lines from films, songs, articles I've come across and applied to my game. I've held some of the REALLY good stuff back, as I don't want to give that out for free. I've also kept things general, as going in-depth would give you leverage over me, and I'm not a fan of that.)

Game on, my foolish friends! :banana_sml:
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Damn you for holding back on us.

Some good, some bad.
I have actually resigned discussin politics on WF, you guys are too shrewd and / or jaded.


- The system is not broken, as it was never designed to handle the modern game of life/business in the first place.
- You must compartmentalize your business and personal lives as much as possible. Both are games, but they must not mix. Instead find a balance between the two to stay sharp.
That's the problem with society. We tend to commercialize every aspect of life. The problem with commercializing everything is that once something is given a monetary values, the race to seep profits from it never ends. At one point a certain roadblock is going to keep you from getting your new profit level and then you'll have to militarize the "product" or whatever it is that's for sale. In the push for preserving this new asset we destroy everything around it.
Also there is job security in protecting these assets you tried so hard to achieve. That's the whole point :)

- You must compartmentalize your business and personal lives as much as possible. Both are games, but they must not mix. Instead find a balance between the two to stay sharp.

Not really.
- Don't give out your mobile nr. MOST IMPORTANT

- If you work on your own or in a 9-5..working hours are working hours (ha.. preaching as I am sitting here doing freelance stuff at night)
Point is: Your working hours are your choice.

- if you are on vacation or weekend, you are AWAY.
Remember the good old times? (eh, you kids probably don't)
My dad was a small town medical DOCTOR ...for 2-3 towns in the vicinity as well.
But when we went to Italy in the summer... that was 2-3 weeks he could NOT be reached.
Back then, it could not be helped. But even with todays tech, do likewise.

That's the problem with society. We tend to commercialize every aspect of life. The problem with commercializing everything is that once something is given a monetary values, the race to seep profits from it never ends. At one point a certain roadblock is going to keep you from getting your new profit level and then you'll have to militarize the "product" or whatever it is that's for sale. In the push for preserving this new asset we destroy everything around it.
Also there is job security in protecting these assets you tried so hard to achieve. That's the whole point :)

Perhaps the society you want, is not the one you've got, and that's the problem in itself.
Corporations / monopolies almost always come about from regulation. Those at the top love regulation, it sets the bar high for competition.
The real sorry losers are not the ones that chose to play by the rules and have a "normal" life, it's the ones who want an out but can't muster the self discipline to commit and actually do the work necessary to get shit done.

"The one quality which sets one man apart from another- the key which lifts one to every aspiration while others are caught up in the mire of mediocrity- is not talent, formal education, nor intellectual brightness - it is self-discipline.
With self-discipline all things are possible. Without it, even the simplest goal can seem like the impossible dream. " -Theodore Roosevelt
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- The loudest in the room, is also the weakest.
As long as you're playing this game you're stuck playing by somebody else's rules. Those ruling elite you're so fond of joining have set this all up and even though we have to start out playing their game, we don't have to end it that way.

This game is what it is, and I agree with your assessment of it. You've found a very effective path to where you want to be. I do admire your success. However, your strategy isn't the only way, and not everyone shares your goals.

I've been interested in your work manipulating people. I've spent a good bit of time trying to think a few moves ahead of that and where it's leading. Taking a look at trends, demographics and extrapolating them over the short and long term. Not that it does me much good, but it's good mental gymnastics.

Anyway, I've come to a few conclusions myself about this game. I foresee some major changes on the horizon. Small changes at first, most won't pick up on them, but these are like snowballs rolling down the side of a mountain. If you can know exactly when and where the snowball starts, you can position yourself well to take advantage of it when it becomes a large and unstoppable force. And I'm not talking about buying stocks of companies like google when they were IPOs either, I'm talking about things of real consequence.

Of course, maybe I'm just a little lazy and am looking to get the most bang out of the least effort. Cast a pebble in the right place and right time and you can cause an avalanche. Multiplying my efforts in such a way would be ideal strategy for me. I've been looking for an opportunity to create such conditions, but if I have to wait 10 or 20 years for the right place and time to come by, then so be it. I'm a very patient man.

I don't care for wealth for wealth's sake, only for what I can do with it. Ideally I'd like to spend the last years of my life in a secluded mountain hermitage meditating, but that might just be a pipe dream. Reality may not allow me such a simple luxury.
I think everything you posted in your OP all boils down to achieving satisfaction in life. If you believe that being in the ruling class will grant you that satisfaction, then so it will be. If you believe in some bullshit that money is the root of all evil, then you'll despise being in the upper class.

My point is this: your beliefs shape all of your behaviors. It doesn't matter what these beliefs are, but if what you want in life is success, happiness, women, or whatever, then you better alter your belief systems to match the behavior that will bring you those results.

If you want money, simply understand the rules of wealth and work hard towards achieving whatever results you want. Sky's the limit.

So if someone wants to be uber rich, they could adopt your belief system. If one doesn't care for money, then they shouldn't.

The most important point that you posted is that perception is everything.

The NLPers use the reframing principle to look at the same situation with a fresh set of new eyes, and by this principle you may uncover new things that you previously overlooked.

For example, take someone who makes $100k doing a 9-5 job in the U.S., and let's suppose that he's relatively satisfied with his life as he separates his job from his personal life, and he takes care of his diet and his relationships.(yenno, basic shit that most Americans fail to achieve).

Someone from the upper echelon would look down at this person and think "pfffft what a loser," and he would be justified in his viewpoint because of his perception.

Now take someone from Africa looking upon this white man's 9-5er life. He'd probably think to himself "That guy is living the dream."

For anyone reading this, it's incredibly important to create your own strong perception of the world that benefits YOU the most.

Jon, since you're already ballin in the 0.01%, your perception for the most part only applies to you. Most people don't belong to this high of an upper class, so for them to adopt your worldview would be toxic as they'd be affirming things that don't currently apply to their lives. Cognitive dissonance taken to an extreme.

A far better perception for most people who have the capability to succeed, imo, is to fully accept yourself for who you are, and not feel bad about yourself in the meantime while you strive to make it to the top. And never settle. And always persist.

Still, I respect your success. Dat jewmoney.
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Its very simple, but will likely come off as batshit crazy and/or too cynical to those whom read this without any real education in modern business, finance, human psychology and/or a functioning rational human mind.

If your goal in life is to be rich/wealthy or anything less than being part of the actual ruling class, then you are going to lose and this game isn't really for you at all.

I'd gladly "lose" any day than associate with people who have an interest in "ruling" over anybody.

Silly short-sighted humans. Enslaving themselves in a game they created.

From what you've revealed about the ruling class thus far, they seem to be slaves to their own game to some extent.

- You must compartmentalize your business and personal lives as much as possible. Both are games, but they must not mix. Instead find a balance between the two to stay sharp.

I would say this is incredibly unhealthy. If you're a sociopath, you'll have an easier time doing this, of course. But still not healthy.

And if your personal life is a "game," your missing the point of living. Quantifying your social life & emotional well-being as well as interpersonal relationships isn't something that leads to happiness. Trust.

If your life is a "game," than who's metrics are you using to measure your success? How do you "win" at your personal life?

- In life, treat others the way they may treat you.

What the fuck does that even mean? Anybody may treat me in a number of ways, depending on the weather, the last time they got laid, their religious outlook, etc...

What a horrible principle to live by.

- All problems and crises are opportunities to profit.

True dat. And to think, there are individuals out there that intentionally (and secretly) create miserable conditions for others so that they swoop in to the rescue and offer a solution (an incredibly profitable solution, of course).

Our species is fucked.

- The game ends when you die.

The game ends when you stop quantifying your personal life and chasing pointless little goals arranged by other people with some semblance of happiness as the carrot dangling in front of your face.

There's so many points you made that only make sense if you have a very shallow and short-sighted view of reality and the human species in general. I suspect most of the ruling class fall into this category (but again, I don't know or pretend to know anything about anyone in the "ruling class").
As long as you're playing this game you're stuck playing by somebody else's rules. Those ruling elite you're so fond of joining have set this all up and even though we have to start out playing their game, we don't have to end it that way.

This game is what it is, and I agree with your assessment of it. You've found a very effective path to where you want to be. I do admire your success. However, your strategy isn't the only way, and not everyone shares your goals.

I've been interested in your work manipulating people. I've spent a good bit of time trying to think a few moves ahead of that and where it's leading. Taking a look at trends, demographics and extrapolating them over the short and long term. Not that it does me much good, but it's good mental gymnastics.

Anyway, I've come to a few conclusions myself about this game. I foresee some major changes on the horizon. Small changes at first, most won't pick up on them, but these are like snowballs rolling down the side of a mountain. If you can know exactly when and where the snowball starts, you can position yourself well to take advantage of it when it becomes a large and unstoppable force. And I'm not talking about buying stocks of companies like google when they were IPOs either, I'm talking about things of real consequence.

Of course, maybe I'm just a little lazy and am looking to get the most bang out of the least effort. Cast a pebble in the right place and right time and you can cause an avalanche. Multiplying my efforts in such a way would be ideal strategy for me. I've been looking for an opportunity to create such conditions, but if I have to wait 10 or 20 years for the right place and time to come by, then so be it. I'm a very patient man.

I don't care for wealth for wealth's sake, only for what I can do with it. Ideally I'd like to spend the last years of my life in a secluded mountain hermitage meditating, but that might just be a pipe dream. Reality may not allow me such a simple luxury.
So your going to spend the majority of your life working to retire in luxury when your old and sick?