The death of eCigarette offers?

Would appreciate a little communication when you run out so we don't keep sending unproductive traffic over there.

We aren't the advertiser, just the AOR for them. While it was up we gave it to a few networks who were all told well in advance that it was going down. If the network you ran it with never alerted you, that's the networks fault. But I understand where your coming from.

I had good action last month at blucigs but that crashed - probably due to the big yellow warning box on their site about faulty chargers and a very long delivery time. Switched to smoke-51 a few weeks back and Nothing. Don't know if this is an ecig problem or a vendor problem.

Same story here. Blucigs converts well but they got problems. I don't believe its a product problem. Buddy of mine found the vendor that supplies Blu and he decided to market his own brand. With half ass effort on his part, he is making decent money. Not sure thats the way to go due to the possible litigation risks but there is definitely money there if you can find a good vendor. If all these vendors constantly running out of product, they are obviously still selling.
Smoke Assist is a better offer (legit). and better LP.
give it a go.
Hydra has it...not sure if exclusive.
We aren't the advertiser, just the AOR for them. While it was up we gave it to a few networks who were all told well in advance that it was going down. If the network you ran it with never alerted you, that's the networks fault. But I understand where your coming from.

This is the affiliate program being used for Smoke51: ""

This looks about as in-house as it gets - No?
ecigs do have carcinogens though. I use to sell them back in may. i stopped once i found out they had carcinogens and just went back to traditional ones lol

Oh do they? I've found nothing that indicates this.

Substantiate the claim.

You have fairies in your garden. Just thought I'd point that out.
Oh do they? I've found nothing that indicates this.

Substantiate the claim.

You have fairies in your garden. Just thought I'd point that out.
Read earlier in the thread.
As of right now, they're not accepted as under FDA jurisdiction.

The studies form the FDA are utter shit. They only examined a few brands, and while they find a "carcinogen" and remembered to mention it's in anti-freeze, they somehow failed to mention it's in a lot less sinister products..including Tobacco itself(so it's nothing new)

Once again there is pending litigation to see if they have jurisdiction.
Don't promote shit as a "quit smoking" tool, and it will hopefully be fine. Here's the rundown right now:

-E-Cigarettes are currently under attack by the Oregon and Connecticut attorney general
-Smoking Everywhere is currently suing the FDA, saying they have no jurisdiction over E-Cigs unless they're marketed as a quit smoking tool.
-Current legislation, the "Family Smoking Prevention and Control Act" would give the FDA control over tobacco. E-Cigarettes may or may not come with this.
-The FDA said that e-cigarettes aren't healthy, saying they contain "diethylene glycol", a carcinogen also found in anti-freeze. They examined the products from only 2 companies before making this report.
-While they said diethylene glycol was in anti-freeze, they did not say it was also in cork, printing ink, glue, many dyes/oils, skin cream, lotions, deodorants. It can have negative effects in some cases, but is not inherently dangerous.
-The FDA is being lobbied by an organization called "Action on Smoking and Health" who believes marketers could see jailtime to promote them...they later pulled back that press release though.
-"Action on Smoking and Health" is a front organization. It's actually run by Pfizer who own the rights to Chantix, a "stop smoking" pill that is FDA approved. However, it has a nasty habit of leading to suicide. Which explains why they want no competition, and wants E-Cigs under FDA regulatory control.

So there go. A crash course in the FDA+E-Cigarette orgy of doom.
I was promoting Smoke51 through MB on some porn sites for a while lol.... Made some decent money, glad I got out of that early :)