The death of eCigarette offers?

I would be more worried about them good ole boys - the tobacco lobbyist. The FDA, FTC and state AGs pale in comparison.

We need some int smoke offers (esmoke or quitting method)
Hook it up

ecigs are illegal in Canada and in many other countries (Australia too). A quick search on google shows you where you can legally sell em. For example, they are 100% legal in UK.

"On March 27, 2009, Health Canada issued an advisory against electronic cigarettes. The advisory stated "Although these electronic smoking products may be marketed as a safer alternative to conventional tobacco products and, in some cases, as an aid to quitting smoking, electronic smoking products may pose risks such as nicotine poisoning and addiction."[10]"
The government doesn't want to lose its huge tax revenues from tabacco sales. That's probably concern number one!
The government doesn't want to lose its huge tax revenues from tabacco sales. That's probably concern number one!

Thats exactly what my thoughts were. A bunch of the ecig companies ive spoken to have told me not to really reference quitting smoking, more that this is an alternative to help them be able to get nicotine where you can't smoke etc.
Rumor has it that people (probably tobacco companies) are doing research on the materials that make up the eCig. Of course they are going to spend millions to find flaws in the materials so they can shoot down the eCig since it's probably taking away from their revenue. Supposedly there's some kind of harmful chemical in them similar to anti-freeze.
I actually went out and bought some Ecigs "Smoke Everywhere" not the rebill but at the mall.

So now when I write my blog it won't be fake so that part is covered. As for making false claims I'm not really making any. I actually like the product. Once you get used to it its actually pretty good. Best part is being able to smoke as much or as little as you want which in the end does help you cut down.

Electric Cigs FTW!

P.S. If you need a testimonial for your flog/farticle PM me... i charge $5 :)
WTF is Sybarite & why all are whoring their banners in their sigs?

Why don't you sign up and find out. Syb is an awesome company you should check it out. as for ecigs, I'll be blowing it up when syb gets their exclusive in.
Rumor has it that people (probably tobacco companies) are doing research on the materials that make up the eCig. Of course they are going to spend millions to find flaws in the materials so they can shoot down the eCig since it's probably taking away from their revenue. Supposedly there's some kind of harmful chemical in them similar to anti-freeze.

and I'm sure once this happens it won't be a big deal that people's banners/flogs said "TOTALLY HARMLESS!" or "won't cause cancer!"

those are some wild medical claims being tossed about. Lose 15lbs versus "totally safe alternative to smoking with no harmful affects" about some made in china $hit?

ya'll have fun

ya'll have fun

Yeah, I mean I'm not saying that it's going down the shitter and everyone who promotes it is fucked. I'm just saying that it's not the safest thing in the world to promote right now. When multimillion dollar affiliate networks, who have fully employed legal teams, get scared thats when I stay away. My partner and I actually bought the Smoking Everywhere eCig just to see what it was like when we were trying to decide if we were going to promote it. Pretty interesting little thing.

If you are a small fry who just promotes it here and there and has the disclaimer that there's no guarantee that it's safe and doesn't cause cancer then you are probably alright but who really knows where the line is drawn?
and I'm sure once this happens it won't be a big deal that people's banners/flogs said "TOTALLY HARMLESS!" or "won't cause cancer!"

those are some wild medical claims being tossed about. Lose 15lbs versus "totally safe alternative to smoking with no harmful affects" about some made in china $hit?

ya'll have fun

More likely it was about saying it was a quitting tool.
There's a lot of shit going on with e-cigs legally, but so far they're fine as long as they avoid making the claim that they're for quitting. Last I checked they were in a lawsuit with the FDA about whether or not the FDA has jurisdiction over them.

The only way for the FDA to not have jurisidiction is to not market them as a quitting tool.

Also, the people who make Chantix(anti smoking med made by pfizer) are lobbying pretty hard against the e-cigarette.
More info on the release by the fda

FDA and Public Health Experts Warn About Electronic Cigarettes
FDA hazy on e-cigarettes' safety -

Advertisers will be hit first if they decide these are no good, doubt the fda will go after affiliates.
As of right now, they're not accepted as under FDA jurisdiction.

The studies form the FDA are utter shit. They only examined a few brands, and while they find a "carcinogen" and remembered to mention it's in anti-freeze, they somehow failed to mention it's in a lot less sinister products..including Tobacco itself(so it's nothing new)

Once again there is pending litigation to see if they have jurisdiction.
Don't promote shit as a "quit smoking" tool, and it will hopefully be fine. Here's the rundown right now:

-E-Cigarettes are currently under attack by the Oregon and Connecticut attorney general
-Smoking Everywhere is currently suing the FDA, saying they have no jurisdiction over E-Cigs unless they're marketed as a quit smoking tool.
-Current legislation, the "Family Smoking Prevention and Control Act" would give the FDA control over tobacco. E-Cigarettes may or may not come with this.
-The FDA said that e-cigarettes aren't healthy, saying they contain "diethylene glycol", a carcinogen also found in anti-freeze. They examined the products from only 2 companies before making this report.
-While they said diethylene glycol was in anti-freeze, they did not say it was also in cork, printing ink, glue, many dyes/oils, skin cream, lotions, deodorants. It can have negative effects in some cases, but is not inherently dangerous.
-The FDA is being lobbied by an organization called "Action on Smoking and Health" who believes marketers could see jailtime to promote them...they later pulled back that press release though.
-"Action on Smoking and Health" is a front organization. It's actually run by Pfizer who own the rights to Chantix, a "stop smoking" pill that is FDA approved. However, it has a nasty habit of leading to suicide. Which explains why they want no competition, and wants E-Cigs under FDA regulatory control.

So there go. A crash course in the FDA+E-Cigarette orgy of doom.
I was actively developing my own brand, and decided in the end it was not the worth the hassle. I believe this is why we see rebills now, because they needed a way to rapidly scale by any means neccessary. Disregarding the merits of the actual product, if it is to be banned that is much money wasted on creating, and promoting the item. A waste for affiliates as well in the long run.

However, if they find the product to cause problems as well, well the money needed to fight those law suits will bankrupt you.

I highly doubt they will clear ecigz in the immediate future. This is HUGE money to be lost by these companies, they will do everything in their power to stop it from coming.

So while its hot right now, it's upto you to decide if you want to take those risks.
The reason they are targeting them is that the barrier to entry in selling these is very low, just a matter of ordering a batch from Alibaba or some shit. This makes taxing and regulation impossible of course compared to regular cigs. What will happen if popularity keeps increasing and cig sales take a bit of a hit is that the FDA will jump in and issue some ruling to regulate which makes barrier to entry impossible for the mom and pops. Then, either a drug companies or tobacco companies are free to step in and take over the entire market. The government can tax the hell out of it and everybody's happy.

I have tried the product and it is indeed quite effective. Even though they don't want you to market it as such, the product is a pretty effective quitting aid.

As for the "concerns" on what they currently contain, its all bullshit. There are 2 chemicals which they made a big deal about, diethylene glycol (anti freeze) whose toxicity is 7x less dangerous than caffeine and Nitrosamines which is a known carcinogen in rats. The funny thing is that if you do some research, both of these are pretty common. The antifreeze thing is oxidized by the body into a compound that is found in stuff like tea plants, black pepper, parsley, poppy seed, spinach, beets, cocoa and chocolate. The Nitrosamines, are actually found in a variety of products like fried bacon, cured meats, beer and certain cosmetics.