The Bullshit Side of the Internet Marketing Guru Industry

Oh the irony of this thread full of people who pushed acai, grants and bizopps so hard
Its true that most of those self claimed IM gurus are nothing but scammers!I remember two years ago when i used to buy loads of shit that come up on warrior by people claiming you will be making tons of money in quick time.But after spending a lot of money,sleepless night in front of the PC i learned two things;most of those slef claimed gurus on warrior are full of shit & they are here to rip your money nothing else!Secondly,there's no short cut in this industry to become successful you have to work hard,be persisitent,never give up & most importantly be smart with what you are doing.Then you will be successful here surely :).

People give Kern a bad name. I personally have benefited from a lot his stuff. Say what you want but with open rates 200% higher than industry averages he knows email marketing.

The problem is lazy fucks who are still looking for the magical key on the keyboard they can push that will make money fly out of their computer screens.....when they don't find it they yell "Scam!"

Like deMarco talks about in Fastlane Millionaire people want the even not the process. They spend $2000 for a "training course" then expect to get the result - the event - without the process.

Yes you can get a done-for-you profitable internet business - if you are willing to pay 6 or 7 figures. Large corporations do it all the time. You just can't buy it for $2k worth of info that you will never implement.

I think the problem alot of people here have is people setting themselves up as "Gurus" when we are all still learning.

Another point, if you have ever descended to the cesspool of MMO info products you'll know the strange irony of the fact that the same people who complain of being scammed are the ones who won't buy a product that says
"yes you will have to work, yes there are risks, yes nothing is guaranteed"

BUT WILL buy a product if you say

"This hands-free, push button, done-for-you autopilot tool that requires no risk, no work, no money, no list, no sweat, no tears - hell you don't even have to turn on your computer - will make you a millionaire overnight...GUARANTEED"

If they should be lambasted for anything it should be because of the fact that many of these products discuss 'strategies' but very few of them discuss fast execution...
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Humans are supposed to be the most advanced species on the planet, at the absolute pinnacle of advanced biological and technological evolution. The dawn of the information age has come, thus we should strive to create a better, fairer and prosperous world for ourselves, our children, and future generations for eons to come.

That's why, after finishing 5 phds in computer science, I have spent ten whole years of my life creating 'malvertizing man monster'. The initial deposit is only $2997. You are then guaranteed over thirty billion dollars return on investment with three months!

Then you, your family and your friends can truly enjoy the dream of financial freedom which most people couldn't even imagine.

Want to sail a beautiful yacht, travel the entire globe living in 5 star, all inclusive accommodation, eating the best food with the most expensive wine, having the best sex with your favorite animals?

It's POWERFUL, It's REAL, It's a money making system that is proven to work, time and time again, for EVERYONE!

Get yours now and make the world a better place for you, your kids, future generations, the entire planet, and alien civilizations living light years away in our universe.

Are you going to let them all down?

Please send me your bank account number and sort code and you won't be disappointed.

You had me at "5 phd's"

PM me deets.
It was supposed to be satire.

I hate those scammers and have been heavily reading about it all.

Looks like "they" have done a disinfo campaign [ame=""]Salty Droid the Documentary. Jason Jones SCAMMER - YouTube[/ame]

what a load of bullshit that video is, if anyone believes it, making out salty droid to be the scammer