TechCrunch Reports on the Facebook Click Fraud

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hint: take a glance at the facebook thread.

although this is something that does infact deserve it's own thread
Upside: Facebook might finally take some action on click fraud
Downside: We will now have to deal with a bunch of spam posts from web 2.0 startups
Upside: Facebook might finally take some action on click fraud
Downside: We will now have to deal with a bunch of spam posts from web 2.0 startups

i had one of those web 2.0 social networking nerds tell me "advertising online doesn't work, when will people realize that? it's like corporate charity.." mean advertising online works? Why wasn't I told?! But seriously reading some of those comments on that article are pretty hilarious. The one person talking about how we're lucky for the clicks we do you like your internet free? Ugh. mean advertising online works? Why wasn't I told?! But seriously reading some of those comments on that article are pretty hilarious. The one person talking about how we're lucky for the clicks we do you like your internet free? Ugh.

these are the same people who start these web 2.0 startups and then wonder why they can't profit

reading those comments make me mad... half these people don't even know what online advertising is... "15-20% click fraud is normal"... wtf
I was just finishing reading thru this whole article and I saw a lot of Wickedfire guys commenting on it

I'm betting when it does get some more discussion from normal digg users, the majority will be sarcastic comments about how they run adblock and don't care.
This is Brandon on the Facebook communications team. I wanted to chime in to make sure that our voice was part of this discussion and to clarify how we are addressing this issue.
We take click quality very seriously and have a series of measures in place to detect it. We have large volumes of data to analyze click patterns and can identify suspicious activity quickly.
Over the past few days, we have seen an increase in suspicious clicks. We have identified a solution which we have already begun to implement and expect will be completely rolled out by the end of today. In addition, we are identifying impacted accounts and will ensure that advertisers are credited appropriately.

thats on the article at the end now. he doesnt even refer or mention the fact that everyone is blaming facebook for the click fraud.
LOL well, based on the comments at techcrunch and then this little gem at digg I think I've found my lulz material for the night:

New article:

Where do I send my IP logs :rolleyes:
Glad there picking up on stuff like this, click fraud is a major issue all over the place.
One person suggested Murphy review the forum’s rules (linking to a pornographic image) and another said “you are unwelcome here.”



i can't believe how influential some wickedfire threads have become in the industry.
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