TattoMedia is a scam!!! Be careful.

LinkTrust > HasOffers

I would have trouble trusting an affiliate network that is powered by their own mainstream tracking platform. They can easily pull data from other networks using their systems it's just not worth it.

Also, today at Ad:Tech there was only a HasOffers booth. Wouldn't you want to split the booth in half and use one part for the network and the other for the tracking software? Or do you not want people knowing that they are related? Hm..
I heard That they are splitting up. Spoke to hasoffers about this today at adtech. They were vague about the topic but they claim to have separated ties with tatto.
I heard That they are splitting up. Spoke to hasoffers about this today at adtech. They were vague about the topic but they claim to have separated ties with tatto.
This doesn't make sense. Essentially these two companies are owned by the same people. Why would you want to just sell of a company that is leeching and building off of your other one? The concept is good, the execution and rumors are awful. Also, claiming you have split with them isn't the greatest thing because nobody knows if it's 100% true. Is it another rumor to offset bad publicity? Surely any publicity is good publicity but this seems to be an exception.

They were being vague about it?..hahaha

Probably told not to talk about it, or trying to downplay it like they are actually splitting or know nothing about it. :/
I don't get why they're making it so difficult to reclaim a few hundred bucks, it should be a drop in the bucket for them from the commissions their larger affiliates make in a day.

Unreturned phone calls, unanswered IMs and Emails.
I don't get why they're making it so difficult to reclaim a few hundred bucks, it should be a drop in the bucket for them from the commissions their larger affiliates make in a day.

Unreturned phone calls, unanswered IMs and Emails.

Maybe they want you to believe that ? But reality is quite opposite and you are their typical affiliate ?;)

IMO, network should sit with you and count every lead + protection of quality bitching from advertiser or something like that in order for you not going direct, I hardly believe in all that $50k/week via CPA network stories.
And this is top networks, my ass. Only Neverblue so far looks somewhat good from really top of top along with some others of course;)

Fuck Neverblue too. Faggots didn't pay 14k from me because the quality of the leads 'were not so great'. Advertiser didn't pay NBA, NBA didn't pay me.

Then the advertiser still had the balls to say "we still want to work with you".

I heard That they are splitting up. Spoke to hasoffers about this today at adtech. They were vague about the topic but they claim to have separated ties with tatto.

I had lunch with Lee Brown (Co-Founder / Has Offers) at Ad:Tech NY and he told me that Has Offers is no longer TattoMedia and they are 2 different companies with 2 different owners. (I am sure that Mike (from TattoMedia) can confirm this) Lee said that people where thinking that there was to much of a conflict of interest with them running both companies (I tend to agree that myself also) and they wanted to grow Has Offers. If you went to Ad:Tech then you know that they only had a booth for Has Offers and they are making that a big push right now. We do not currently use their system but I was reviewing the new back end system that they are going to use and they are pretty cool.

Those guys have always been good to us and they always seem super open to chat.
Proxyhub, seriously, that sucks then....so far I never faced it with anyone but how it usually looks when they fuck you like that lol ? I mean they simply deduct leads from current revenue ?
It's a side question, but I'm just curious, what type of paid traffic did you use to generate 5500 in commission and how much did you spend total on that campaign? I think that's pretty impressive. We'll I'm still a noob as well...;)
I had lunch with Lee Brown (Co-Founder / Has Offers) at Ad:Tech NY and he told me that Has Offers is no longer TattoMedia and they are 2 different companies with 2 different owners. (I am sure that Mike (from TattoMedia) can confirm this) Lee said that people where thinking that there was to much of a conflict of interest with them running both companies (I tend to agree that myself also) and they wanted to grow Has Offers. If you went to Ad:Tech then you know that they only had a booth for Has Offers and they are making that a big push right now. We do not currently use their system but I was reviewing the new back end system that they are going to use and they are pretty cool.

Those guys have always been good to us and they always seem super open to chat.

Similar conversation and real nice guys there. Shoemoney's video on their company really impressed me too. More dev then sales. That's how it's done. I'm just not impressed with the name.
It's a side question, but I'm just curious, what type of paid traffic did you use to generate 5500 in commission and how much did you spend total on that campaign? I think that's pretty impressive. We'll I'm still a noob as well...;)

What the fuck?
It's a side question, but I'm just curious, what type of paid traffic did you use to generate 5500 in commission and how much did you spend total on that campaign? I think that's pretty impressive. We'll I'm still a noob as well...;)

The right question is: How much money do you spend to pay that traffic?
there are several networks promoting it, granted they don't own the offer but still.
It's a side question, but I'm just curious, what type of paid traffic did you use to generate 5500 in commission and how much did you spend total on that campaign? I think that's pretty impressive. We'll I'm still a noob as well...;)

Would you like to know what keywords and ad copies he used as well?!
Ah yes, the classic Chinese fraud affiliates posting because they didn't get paid. This is hilarious. They're getting smarter and smarter these days :)

Its funny that he's using a fake name "elmer" when he's real name is Xiao*ang Xu*. I took our some letters for privacy. Oh and you don't want me to paste his asian paypal and his fake address.

Its interesting how this affiliate was promoting Flycell and how angry Flycell was for attempting to fire their pixels improperly.

We like 99% of other networks do not pay for fraudulent traffic and as clearly as this. Nor do we like affiliates "faking" their IP addresses to be US addresses and US names to go around the system.

And now I wait for this fraud affiliate to reply with his fake defense. LOL