*Super Mininet REFUELED* - Random Interlinking - More Authority - Keyword Protection

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Just submitted an order for a "level 1 package" - looking forward to seeing the report and results. Keyword currently #20

transaction ID for this payment is: 2UW10369LU112790V.

P.S. - Thanks for the discount code

No problemo. Christmas time can be tough on all of us. I look forward to working with you.

I got 2 level 3's to finish up today, then I'll start queuing everyone's order in the Client portal.

Thank you all for the support!

Since it's friday, and I'm in a good mood, I'm going to introduce you to two tools that I have found to be VERY USEFUL.

1. SEO VIP TOOLS - This handy dandy tool lets you take links from a report, convert them to clickable links (if the links aren't clickable in excel, or even if they are) and allows you to open them all up in different tabs - a perfect way to check your report links quickly, and painlessly.

2. SEO Site Tools - Chrome Plugin - Believe it or not, this tools allows you to view the page rank of your site, even if google hasn't updated their toolbar yet. I've been testing this for the last two google updates, and it has been spot on. Worried that our blogs don't have PR - well, they do. Use this plugin to check the CURRENT page rank (remember, the google update is like a bank statement letting you know where you stand at that point). The SEO Site tools updates every 30 days, and is great to keep up with your page rank, even though google hasn't updated it on their toolbar.

There you go, two helpful tools. Buy me a beer sometime :)

We sent out a bunch of reports and a bunch of profile blast reports today, so make sure you guys are checking the client portal for your reports.

As far as the new orders I've received for the past two days (there were a bunch) I will be adding everyone to the client portal today. If you don't hear from me in the next 24 hours with your client portal information, please kick me in the ass and tell me to get it to you!

P.S. - The coupon is still going on. You can find the coupon a couple posts above this one, and the order Now link is on the main page - make sure you're using the coupon to receive $25 off any orders - unlimited!

As always, thank you guys for all your support!:bowdown:​
Hi there -

I would like to place an order for Level 1 Mininet. I have a small question for which I have sent you a PM.

If it improves SERP ratings, I would definitely order more. Waiting for your reply...

Everyone has been added to the client portal, and had their orders queued. Check your email for your Client Portal UN and PW. If I somehow missed you, please just contact us.

As always, thanks for your support!
Got my reports a few days ago and finally got the chance to look them over.

I'm very impressed. Good unique content, and randomly interlinked. Probably going to expand the 2 mininets before I even see the results from this one!
I have a question regarding the content.

Level 1 for example

5 ezine articles (is this 5 independent, unique articles?)
5 blog posts (are these also 5 independent, unique articles separate from the ezine ones?)
5 wikidot pages (are these again 5 independent, unique articles separate from all else?)
5 .EDU articles (same question here...)
5k profile blast

Essentially, what I'm asking - is level 1 20 independent, unique articles? Not spun?

Thank you very much, the service sounds excellent!
Proxyhub - Thanks for the review!

donjon - all our articles are 100% unique from each other. It is 20 independent, unique, 100% copyscaped, straight-outta-the-writers-head type of articles ;)

As for anyone who ordered today or sent a PM to me, I will get back to you early tomorrow morning. It is now 1:30 am, just finished up the rest of the mininets, and going to get some rest to prepare for another long day in my Pajamas.

I love my job!
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