*Super Mininet REFUELED* - Random Interlinking - More Authority - Keyword Protection

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We've finished 10 pending orders today, and 10 pending orders will be finished on Monday to catch us up with those who wanted the new super mininet instead of the old one.

If you have a pending order in the queue, expect it to be done by Tuesday.

Thanks guys for all the support!
Gonna try this out :) btw, I think you mentioned in your previous mininet thread/service that this is scalable where we can upgrade later? Will the same apply here? I think you also said (in your previous thread) that if we upgrade later we only pay the difference. Just double-checking since if I see good serp movement, I'd wanna upgrade later.
sennin436 - You got it right, you would just pay the difference. You picked a good time to try this out....

*******WEEKEND SPECIAL*******



No Limits. Try our package out at a discounted price!

*******WEEKEND SPECIAL*******

So what is the linking structure like. Does all the properties i.e. ezine articles, blog posts, wikidot, .edu all link to the money site???
***Review*** Super Mininet REFUELED

I am friends with DeShea. I appreciate his honesty, focus-on-detail, professionalism, and being a good person to dialog with and explore ideas. If you can't accept my opinion of D as a person, then you can read my review with a skeptical mindset.

My Level 2 Review

Here is my unbiased review of Super Mininet Level 2. I don't want to give away any details that DeShea may not want divulged as the CopyCatters are wide awake and doing their thing. ;) We all know who they are. Plumbers do plumbing. Bank robbers rob banks. People who can't think for themselves simply copy a business model that works. People copy DeShea because he knows what he is doing.

My tools:
I check current whois, past whois; seo spyglass; fake pagerank checker tools; banned site software lists; dialog with a few private groups I belong to; high-priced monthly $ seo services to check for problems and website/backlink diagnostics. The below comments reflect my 1-day of reviewing the links with the resources I have.

Communication: 10/10.
D has always been extremely responsive to my phone calls and emails. Keep everything in context - he is human and he has significant others and parental demands. If he has a daughter who has to see the doctor for a flu shot, then realize he will not be available for 2-hours if he is taking his daughter to the doctor's office. We receive the low SEO prices we do because D works 80+ hours a week.

1. Blogs. Permalink provided in final report. If you have read D's progress, then you know he either owns or knows the links are permanent. The PR is low because the sites are on class C servers, unique IPs to minimize footprints. The blog's home page, right now, is low & my permalink is low because of the move to control over the websites. If you know how PR evolves, then you will know that the home page and the inner page will move up with time. The sites look unique. The sites have the anchor text and backlinks. These are permanent so you don't h ave to worry about your permanent link being removed. The CopyCat crowd do not own their own blogs, so the permanent links can come down.

2. Directory Articles. Good quality articles focusing upon subject matter and contextual relevance.

3. "edu" Posts. D took some intellect and planning on this aspect. I have reviewed the report for 1-day - and there are other aspects I want to review. The 1-day analysis shows these are quality backlinks from edu blogs/sites & will be very effective. I looked at the home page, my permanent link, and they do appear to be 100% solid. D thought outside the box to capture this aspect of his service.

4. Web 2.0 Authority Sites. As with D's other services, these are first class.

5. Inner-linking. This was performed in D's great random way. The links were customized for the project. I simply don't want to say more than I should so the CopyCatters run with the info. Let if suffice that if you have special demands/requirements, then D will work witih you for an appropriate solution. I personally have different requirements for different projects, and work with D and others so randomness is always present.

It has been one-day. It's to early to comment. Let me say that I am a repeat customer, and I order what works.

Overall: 10/10.
Nobody I know does it better. In addition, D is courteous, professional, and responsive. The back-end platform is 100%+ what I need to access the reports and analyze the projects and timelines. D does this for a price that is lower than competing services. The new Mininet is more powerful and permanent due to the implemented changes.
So what is the linking structure like. Does all the properties i.e. ezine articles, blog posts, wikidot, .edu all link to the money site???

Seabreeze - Wow, thank you for your review. The only thing I can say, is just wait until our .edu blogs are finished. Like you noted, I can't divulge too much information due to copycatters, but our .edu blog network will be one of a kind. Should be done by Wednesday, but our .edu replacement links will definitely do the trick until then ;)

SeoReborn - the linking is completely unique and random, and is never linked the same way to the same properties. All properties do link to your money site.
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