*Super Mininet REFUELED* - Random Interlinking - More Authority - Keyword Protection

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Must have been problem at my end, order placed for a site that recently got slapped down from page 1 to page 5. Cheers
Just ordered a Backlinkarena package. I bought a mininet package from onthewayup last week, and he did an amazing job! Definitely going to continue using his service.
Got my BLA+level6 mininet. Posting here since the other thread is closed...

There are a lot of links at play when you get such a large package and I still don't yet have the 10k blog comments and 50k profile blast to the mininet going yet. I put this bad boy on a very competitive set of phrases, so I won't be able to say page X -> page Y. Just moving 3-5 spaces in a couple weeks would be a win. A few of the article directory links from the BLA are already gone, but that's about the only negative I've seen so far (even the moodles are sticking for now).

One very quick measure of success is that one of the URL/phrase combos marketed today gained enough strenght to flip page attribution away from root on the phrase...if you deal with big sites and comeptitive phrases, you'll know what I mean. Fingers crossed that I don't trigger too much dancing with such a large package.
Hey everyone,

I ordered DeShea's level 1 package for a new site two days ago and it is already done. If that isn't fast service I'm not sure what is. He says 8 days scheduled. I skimmed over quite a few of the links and they all seem to point to where they are supposed to as well, when I have some more time I'll go through all of them more thoroughly to make sure but I'm sure they are correct given his reputation here.

I'm trying to rank for a very competitive keyword. I've been sub 1000 for over a week now. I was at around 300 but then dropped off of the SERPS. I'll report back after a bit of time has passed with some more definitive results on what the mininet did for my rankings.

I highly recommend Deshea. Great guy, great service and trustworthy. All relationships come down to a matter of trust.


Tried emailing you 2-3 times, Tried calling 540-494-4949 it says its disconnect by verizon wireless.

I tried pm'ing you.

Looking for an update on my order that was placed 10 business days ago.

Please email me. Paypal Transaction ID: 30W06694MC908664P Sent 5/28

Tried contacting you for a while now man. My order still hasn't been finished and there's alot of problems with my links. Guessing you're under attack again?

Either way this is extremely important to me and I need this done man. You've never failed to pull through so I'm going to continue to put my trust in you. Please have my package completed by the end of the week or reimburse me.

Hope things go better for you.


Andy C.
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