Steve Jobs - Now counting his days [News]

That was the Drudge Report actually, which used to be a report newsletter and not just links. I believe the Enquirer broke the John Edwards and Tiger Woods scandals. It's still gossip, but they have tightened up their standards over the years after getting sued so much.

Yeah I knew it was something pretty big. People confuse them with the one that's always reporting celebrities being abducted by aliens and shit. They're basically like a print version of TMZ.

seriously, i had no idea wickedfire was apple fan boy central.

i personally think steve jobs and bill gates both suck. may linus torvalds live a long and healthy life.

It's not an Apple fan boy club, I fucking *HATE* Apple, Jobs, and their smug faggot userbase. That being said, I wouldn't ever wish the man death or cancer, it's ridiculous. What if that was your father or brother or something, it's just a horrible thing to say to wish death on someone simply because you dislike their product or business model. Jobs is a grade A douche bag but the fuck is going on in your mind to get joy out of his suffering with cancer? Sick is sick bro.

Maybe I'm just a soft ass bitch, who knows...
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I'm praying for his death, and hope he burns in hell, among with his faggot fan boys.

Since he's a self proclaimed Buddhist, I'm sure he'll reincarnate as a goat born somewhere in Afghanistan, where he'll get daily fornication from bored farmers.

Fuck Apple. They don't innovate technology - they copy and steal.

You should watch the Pirates of Silicon Valley.

And yes I own a MacBook Pro and do all my PC work on it as well for business. Probably the best investment in computer hardware I've ever made. It was well worth the money! Before that I owned a HP which was nice but kept on crapping out on my only after a year and before that I had a sony Vaio which was somewhat better, but then was just too damn slow for what I was using it for at the time.... Although I do like their programming and the functionality and even the OS of apple, I will probably ever own the MacBook Pro and that's it. I wish Android made an OS for PC. Now that would rock!
Well, I said not all non MSM companies were created equal. But whatever.

XMCP's Lovely "Quality News" Tiers

Top Tier: BBC, CBC, Al-Jazeera English(AJ Arabic doesn't qualify), Foreign Policy
Upper Mid: Financial Times, Guardian, NYTimes, Reuters, Christian Science Monitor
Mid Tier: Washington Post, Time, Newsweek
Lower-Mid: CBS, ABC, CNN, LA Times, JPost
Low Tier: MSNBC, Sun
Newsertainment: Fox, Enquirer, Daily Mail, wherever the fuck this came from

Completely agree except CBC doesn't belong anywhere above the mid-tier level.

CBC, at a national level not provincial level, over the past few decades has become incredibly left-leaning (due to the Conservatives lack of support for them on a fundamental level) and corrupt.

CTV has more of a CNN look in it's programs but when it comes to the actual content it's far more fair than CBC these days. Especially when it comes to political shows.

Watch Power and Politics (CBC) and then Power Play (CTV) and the difference is night and day. Power and Politics is absolute garbage, I guess that's what happens when you primarily consolidate all your offices to Toronto and cut funding to provincial branches to fund new anchors and failed hybrid-newsreports (very MSNBC feeling).

Shows like The Lang and O'Leary Exchange aren't terrible, and Mansbridge is one of the best in the business. But not what it used to be at all, unfortunately.

/mini rant no one really cares about
Lets not go on money/staff, because if we did, Fox would win, and they're hardly reliable. I think in the case of the guardian, sure, it's their job to sell newspapers, but their sales method isn't lies and shocking headlines. The people who want that read the Sun. They base their marketing strategy on truthfulness - shocking headlines filled with lies could easily decrease their readership, not increase it, so all newspapers can't be grouped together.

The BBC on the other hand, who are they working for, directly? Not the taxpayer. The government. Sure, they have to remain sounding fairly unbiased, but slipping out the occasional lie among a load of truth is much more effective at working on the more intelligent segment of the population. The BBC could just totally ignore the government, and be totally unbiased, but, while the government couldn't directly punish them for it, there are always ways for them to be punished - spending cuts aimed towards them, not giving them coverage to certain events...

The BBC have a monopoly on the broadcasting in this country, and it seems to go largely unnoticed.

With their TV coverage, I have always appreciated how they don't show any ads between programs. The Superbowl was shown live a few weeks back and there was not one single disturbance throughout (lol the Superbowl was made for ads) and their World Cup coverage was miles ahead of ITV. They always show the best programs as well (Dragons' Den, The Apprentice, Top Gear etc) and of course the 24 hour news. I have been able to dump some links on the BBC blogs as well so just can't fault them lol. Talking about online, they are doing well there, with a UK Alexa rank of #5 and with global I think they are at #40. Will stop ass kissing now!:) To be fair to the Guardian, I think they get cited more than any other UK newspaper on Wikipedia.
I am a blackberry user but this is just terribly sad. It's incredible to think that no matter how much money, how known you are....or how much impact you've had in your life - your health and happiness can never be bought.

Some people here truly are douchebags.

I like my iphone/ipod/ipad/imac/mbpro/mbair.

^^::waits:: ...

that's fucking terrible
I had a chance to have a conversation with him at a conference once where he was speaking. We actually got to chat for a while, quite a nice guy.
How the fuck is MSNBC ranked above FOX? MSNBC is the lefts version of FOX.

no, a better comparison would be fox and the huffington post. Msnbc is biased and sensationalist but if we are strictly talking about news quality and programming it is still a step up from fox.

At the end of the day though it doesn't really matter, they are both crap and anybody with a brain will get the majority of their news from better sources. "Cable news" is great for entertainment but it sucks for intelligent coverage and reporting. Moxie pretty much nailed it, you could have learned more about the situation in egypt in 20 minutes on Newshour then with 24 hours of watching CNN or anything worse.

Also on the thread's topic, I get why people don't like apple but I definitely don't understand how they can say that apple doesn't innovate.
All you guys saying its good hes dying is a prick. I hate the guy, but would not wish anyone to go through something like this. It's such a shitty situation. My neighbor had pancreatic cancer. It wasn't a good last few months.

exactly. all these douches have no clue what a cancer patient goes through.
I'm not a fan of apple products, but they definitely hold their own ground. And they are most certainly innovators when it comes to a gadget's design and "sleekness." It's not like they came up with any new technologies, but they did make stuff look neat, and sturdy.
Hello friends,

Any person who get happy because other people have cancer is bad person.

While some people no like products Apple and Steve Jobs it no mean should want him die.

Should only wish person die if they do very bad thing like kill people or rape children. No should wish person die because they make product you no like.

Good luck bros
Hello friends,

Any person who get happy because other people have cancer is bad person.

While some people no like products Apple and Steve Jobs it no mean should want him die.

Should only wish person die if they do very bad thing like kill people or rape children. No should wish person die because they make product you no like.

Good luck bros

Indian wisdom FTW
Awesome breakdown. I'd probably put BBC in the upper mid tier though, they spew a lot of shit disguised as truth. I'd trust the Guardian over them. With Egypt recently, they were constantly in support of Mubarak until the final moments, with most of the video footage being pro-government.
They're not free from bias, but it's well managed in the vast majority of issues. But what impresses me about them is the large array of topics they cover. Their "world" news is truly world news, and that's a rarity.
How the fuck is MSNBC ranked above FOX? MSNBC is the lefts version of FOX.
They're ranked in their categories, not by order. That said, MSNBC is more accurate than Fox by a sizable margin. They're just as opinionated, they frequently pick and choose what they hype, but they don't outright fabricate information at near the same level as Fox. But they're in that category because they're seeking to entertain, not inform.

Completely agree except CBC doesn't belong anywhere above the mid-tier level.
CBC, at a national level not provincial level, over the past few decades has become incredibly left-leaning (due to the Conservatives lack of support for them on a fundamental level) and corrupt.
I don't care too much if it's left/right wing. I care if it's accurate and significant. There were a few other good ones pointed out in this thread (like the Economist) that are pretty right wing, but still are high quality.
They're not free from bias, but it's well managed in the vast majority of issues. But what impresses me about them is the large array of topics they cover. Their "world" news is truly world news, and that's a rarity.

They're ranked in their categories, not by order. That said, MSNBC is more accurate than Fox by a sizable margin. They're just as opinionated, they frequently pick and choose what they hype, but they don't outright fabricate information at near the same level as Fox. But they're in that category because they're seeking to entertain, not inform.

"they don't outright fabricate information at near the same level as Fox."

Say whom? Media Matters? MSNBC isn't guilty of picking and choosing, fabricating, taking out of context? Come on, be real. MSNBC is the exact same thing as FOX only for lefties.