Steve Jobs - Now counting his days [News]

What ignorance I spewed ? It was F A C T S

Jobs spewed everytime he could how he's lifestyle was the only and best way to live.

He admonished (sp?) his sheeples and everyone who listened how he was better than anyone.

He's partially responsible for the state of internet now, pushing RIAA/MPAA to go all frenzy on ppl.

He's one if not the major possessor of share of disney and other evil corp.

I don't whish him to die, but I really really don't care.

And why would I own an Iphone or any apple products.

Pray your flying spaggheti zombie jesus all you want, it will surely cure him.
I don't feel like calling all the bullshit in your post since that would take me way too long.

Let's pretend the shit you said is true. What the fuck are you doing on a marketing form? That would make him a great marketer and businessman to have such a following.
Didn't this shit happen a few years ago. Where a rumor spread that Steve Jobs was dead or dying, and Apple Stock tanked for a few days?
I didnt say he wasnt a good marketter, and even that, hes more a guru than anything else.
I strongly believe that Steve Jobs health is already built into the price of the stock as is, as much as I love Steve as a visionary and hope he has many years to come, Apple is strongly positioned for years to come with or without Steve. The volatility you see on the news of Steve Jobs Health is nothing more than investors acting to uncertainty. Each time the market has dipped on his health it has come storming back within days to weeks, investors still believe in this company and that is why they are buying on the dips. This stock is still a hold in my mind. If it dips on news of his health best believe I'll be in line to buy buy buy.
although i never bought into his crap and havent gotten any overpriced apple turds i still whish him well, cancer sux for everyone.
We're all future corpses, so I'm not sure why anyone would take even a split second getting joy from the death of Steve Jobs, as if their day of rot isn't coming as well. But unfortunately this is the kind of shit the Internet has given birth to. You take the bad with the good.
I strongly believe that Steve Jobs health is already built into the price of the stock as is, as much as I love Steve as a visionary and hope he has many years to come, Apple is strongly positioned for years to come with or without Steve. The volatility you see on the news of Steve Jobs Health is nothing more than investors acting to uncertainty. Each time the market has dipped on his health it has come storming back within days to weeks, investors still believe in this company and that is why they are buying on the dips. This stock is still a hold in my mind. If it dips on news of his health best believe I'll be in line to buy buy buy.

That's because in the past it always turns out Steve Jobs isn't dying.

The company is where it is because of Steve Jobs health. If I had reason to believe he was going to die within the next couple of weeks I would be short selling the stock because in the past everybody at Apple besides Steve Jobs has proven they don't have nearly the same vision he has and the company will stagnate at best.

If Scottrade would allow me to get a margin account before I turned 21, and there was more confirmation on this rumor (because the current sources don't seem very reliable) I would be short selling this stock.

Once the dip happens I might buy to cover, but long term without Steve Jobs I don't think Apple is going anywhere special.
Well, I said not all non MSM companies were created equal. But whatever.

XMCP's Lovely "Quality News" Tiers

Top Tier: BBC, CBC, Al-Jazeera English(AJ Arabic doesn't qualify), Foreign Policy
Upper Mid: Financial Times, Guardian, NYTimes, Reuters, Christian Science Monitor
Mid Tier: Washington Post, Time, Newsweek
Lower-Mid: CBS, ABC, CNN, LA Times, JPost
Low Tier: MSNBC, Sun
Newsertainment: Fox, Enquirer, Daily Mail, wherever the fuck this came from

Not bad but I would throw some PBS shows like Frontline in the Top Tier along with The Economist which is probably the best thing in print. However, the Enquirer has broken some legit stories before, I think they were the ones that broke the Bill Clinton Sperm dress story. Either way, I hate Apple and their gay fan boys, but mad respect for Jobs and hope he gets better.

edit: Oh yeah and switch Fox and MSNBC because they both suck but half the time MSNBC just runs prison shows rather than news related shit.
The vicious hatred towards a dying man... just weakly disguised admiration and envy.
he is a world class salesman to be sure.

I admire his skill and hate to watch people genuflect before him.

BTW, in case you actually need to be told this: SELL any apple stock you have left.