I want to share with you my experience of working with Instagram Shoutouts once again.
My recently launched shoutout (I paid $20 for) generated 15 orders from my dropshipping site and brought me $282 in profit!
This method works really great for me and I want to leave a small guide for you here.
1. Firstly choose the most popular accounts with the niche similar to yours. For example, if you are selling Harry Potter merchandise, you should look for the 'Harry Potter' accounts. There are different services for the account picking, but I personally recommend Websta (Websta - the best Instagram web viewer (Webstagram)). Simply enter the preferred theme in the “Username or tag” field and you’ll get a list of popular accounts to choose from:
2. Once you have picked the preferred accounts (the more the better), you have to contact them through Instagram Direct (direct messages on Instagram). Unfortunately, this function is not available on PC; on Instagram you can send direct messages only from your mobile phone or tablet. Log in to your Instagram account and search for the chosen accounts in the search field. I usually send them a short message concerning ShoutOuts, and ask them to contact me on e-mail (it’s more comfortable to communicate through e-mail than through Instagram Direct). My message usually looks like this:
3. Send this message to all of your chosen accounts and wait for their reply. Check your e-mail. Normally they contact me later on the same day, so you don`t have to wait long. Agree upon the terms and the prices, ask for the payment details. Generally I try to make ShoutOuts for 24-48 hours (longer time makes no sense). The price depends on the number of followers; try to find popular accounts (10k followers and more).
The ShoutOut basically consists of the grabbing picture of the item (it can be a collage of different pictures as well) and a promotion text. The text should be short and simple providing some information about the product and its price, name of your account and link to your webstore. You should add some hashtags as well.
This is an example of my ShoutOut text:
Harry potter golden snitch bracelet
Nice, right?
@world.of.harry for only $ 9.99 & FREE shipping worldwide!
check out WorldOfHarry.com for more deals like that!
ask @world.of.harry for more merch!
4. So, the payment has been transferred and the ShoutOut posted. Finally, you should get this:
After your ShoutOut is posted you will immediately start getting more traffic and sales and have a fast followers growth as well. I recommend making ShoutOuts once a week per account to get regular sales and constant followers growth.
Try it!
My recently launched shoutout (I paid $20 for) generated 15 orders from my dropshipping site and brought me $282 in profit!
This method works really great for me and I want to leave a small guide for you here.
1. Firstly choose the most popular accounts with the niche similar to yours. For example, if you are selling Harry Potter merchandise, you should look for the 'Harry Potter' accounts. There are different services for the account picking, but I personally recommend Websta (Websta - the best Instagram web viewer (Webstagram)). Simply enter the preferred theme in the “Username or tag” field and you’ll get a list of popular accounts to choose from:

2. Once you have picked the preferred accounts (the more the better), you have to contact them through Instagram Direct (direct messages on Instagram). Unfortunately, this function is not available on PC; on Instagram you can send direct messages only from your mobile phone or tablet. Log in to your Instagram account and search for the chosen accounts in the search field. I usually send them a short message concerning ShoutOuts, and ask them to contact me on e-mail (it’s more comfortable to communicate through e-mail than through Instagram Direct). My message usually looks like this:

3. Send this message to all of your chosen accounts and wait for their reply. Check your e-mail. Normally they contact me later on the same day, so you don`t have to wait long. Agree upon the terms and the prices, ask for the payment details. Generally I try to make ShoutOuts for 24-48 hours (longer time makes no sense). The price depends on the number of followers; try to find popular accounts (10k followers and more).
The ShoutOut basically consists of the grabbing picture of the item (it can be a collage of different pictures as well) and a promotion text. The text should be short and simple providing some information about the product and its price, name of your account and link to your webstore. You should add some hashtags as well.
This is an example of my ShoutOut text:
Harry potter golden snitch bracelet
Nice, right?
@world.of.harry for only $ 9.99 & FREE shipping worldwide!
check out WorldOfHarry.com for more deals like that!
ask @world.of.harry for more merch!
4. So, the payment has been transferred and the ShoutOut posted. Finally, you should get this:

After your ShoutOut is posted you will immediately start getting more traffic and sales and have a fast followers growth as well. I recommend making ShoutOuts once a week per account to get regular sales and constant followers growth.
Try it!