Spam Gone Wild XI: <Insert Awesome Wallet Opening Tagline Here>

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Ordered 5 days ago, 301'd site in quotes showed up 6 results yesterday. Site in quotes this morning shows up 17,000 results, and is definitely the spammiest of the spam links wise, so I can only assume that it has begun.

Will report back with results, interesting couple weeks ahead.
^^ So the links are indexing that quickly for you still??

It's hard to tell how quick the links index, due to the way GWT updates, but the content on the link websites itself seems to be indexing quickly. The number in google is fluctuating between 6k and 17k, dancing all over the place.

I'm not expecting anything much in the next few weeks really though - any serp jumps are a bonus as far as I'm concerned. My main reason for running it is just sheer link volume and making a diverse anchor set so that I can build some more targeted links for my main target KW without worrying so much about having a v. unnatural link profile.

The links taking ages to index is positive from that point of view - if they index over weeks/months then that's perfect. I'm building a site for a long term return rather than a few hundred $ in the short term. Have big plans for it.
It's hard to tell how quick the links index, due to the way GWT updates, but the content on the link websites itself seems to be indexing quickly. The number in google is fluctuating between 6k and 17k, dancing all over the place.

I'm not expecting anything much in the next few weeks really though - any serp jumps are a bonus as far as I'm concerned. My main reason for running it is just sheer link volume and making a diverse anchor set so that I can build some more targeted links for my main target KW without worrying so much about having a v. unnatural link profile.

The links taking ages to index is positive from that point of view - if they index over weeks/months then that's perfect. I'm building a site for a long term return rather than a few hundred $ in the short term. Have big plans for it.

Ok i see - thanks for sharing your experience.

My links just started to show up by "" query, looking forward!
Ok i see - thanks for sharing your experience.

My links just started to show up by "" query, looking forward!

Yeah - it's going to be interesting how it all holds up given the recent webspam update, I've not got any warnings or any obvious penalties yet, but on tenterhooks, as the site wasn't really ranking for anything when I ran SGW anyway..

Up to 30k links in the index now for site domain in quotes.
I was getting ready to order another SGW, and then Google released Operation Sodomy on the 24th. What kind of results is this getting after the update? Is SGW DOA now, or is it still producing results? Feedback from Grind or a recent buyer would be greatly appreciated...
I was getting ready to order another SGW, and then Google released Operation Sodomy on the 24th. What kind of results is this getting after the update? Is SGW DOA now, or is it still producing results? Feedback from Grind or a recent buyer would be greatly appreciated...

5 day old site...

I had two sites get deindexed on Dec 28 2011 for on page issues. One of them was a valuable EMD so I worked to get it reindexed and managed to do that, took 6-8 weeks. I did nothing with the second site because A. I was earning nice income from Bing Yahoo and B. Communicating with Google is like dealing with my X, nothing good can come of it, so I just worked the site hard to support my Binghoo ranking. That included SGW, several times. So for no apparent reason (maybe a 4 month penalty) my site was reindexed on the 27th and today sits at #1 for a nice term. I credit much (if not all ) of that success to SGW. Also the deindexing was timed perfectly because any ALN et al, posts I did have already been deindexed and removed, so I am not getting hit with that as so many other sites are.
I was getting ready to order another SGW, and then Google released Operation Sodomy on the 24th. What kind of results is this getting after the update? Is SGW DOA now, or is it still producing results? Feedback from Grind or a recent buyer would be greatly appreciated...

I'll let you know if my newest order ever runs...
5 day old site...

still%20works%20for%20me.gif to see proof like that. Will be placing order #5 shortly...

@Lexicon: I know it is tough to be patient after your site(s) got raped by Google, but it will definitely run. I too got a bit impatient on my last order and thought my order slipped through the cracks or got blown off, but it was just a matter of Google getting around to indexing the links. You are probably looking at 2-3 weeks from the day you order before you start seeing the links show up, but it is worth the wait.
Should I bother with listing lots of Secondary Anchors? as - (We'll automatically turn your main anchor into hundreds of relevant anchors and use them all)
ok got one let's see the results now :)... hope it can be completed as soon as possible
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