Spam Gone Wild III - Raw & Uncut

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A week and half after the start of the blast my main keyword has gone from 12 to out of the top 1,000, the main secondary keyword has gone from 42 to out of the top 1,000 and even the name of the site from 1 to 570. The name of the site (3 words) in quotes is still #1 though so it's probably not penalized. With the success that others are having I'm tempted to try it on another site but don't really want to end up killing another site since this probably isn't great on a brand new site (I can deal with no gain but losing all existing rankings on an existing site sucks).
I bitched and whined to Grindstone too about one of my keywords. And it went something like this.

Me-Waaaaaaaaahhh, it's not on page 1. Brand new domain. Medical marijuana niche. Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Grind-WTF? It's a brand new domain and medical marijuana niche, stupid. You're on Page 2 of Google.

Me-Oh duh.

Case in point, this shit ain't a miracle cure for your right foot AIDS problem. Good domains=rock, new domains=eh, shitty domains=get wiped off of planet earth. Man has said it at least 432 times. Build a site, 301-it, and you'll be fine.
I bitched and whined to Grindstone too about one of my keywords. And it went something like this.

Me-Waaaaaaaaahhh, it's not on page 1. Brand new domain. Medical marijuana niche. Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Grind-WTF? It's a brand new domain and medical marijuana niche, stupid. You're on Page 2 of Google.

Me-Oh duh.

Case in point, this shit ain't a miracle cure for your right foot AIDS problem. Good domains=rock, new domains=eh, shitty domains=get wiped off of planet earth. Man has said it at least 432 times. Build a site, 301-it, and you'll be fine.

Mine was a 6 year old site and a non-shady niche. I'm not whining about it or demanding a refund, just saying what happened. Any service called spam is probably a risk so whatever, it is what it is. I'll give it another week or so before I call it a complete bust. The site I used it for wasn't going to make much money on page 2 so it was worth a risk to try to get it up to page 1.....if it were a site that was currently making me a bunch of money I wouldn't have taken the chance.
Mine was a 6 year old site and a non-shady niche. I'm not whining about it or demanding a refund, just saying what happened. Any service called spam is probably a risk so whatever, it is what it is. I'll give it another week or so before I call it a complete bust. The site I used it for wasn't going to make much money on page 2 so it was worth a risk to try to get it up to page 1.....if it were a site that was currently making me a bunch of money I wouldn't have taken the chance.

E-comm stuff responds slower, still haven't figured out why yet. I'm confident your site will come back, and higher, but right now I know this part sucks. One thing I'd suggest is taking that article under the products and adding about 800 words of high quality content. Might not bring it back but worth a shot.

Our success rate to ranking/falling off the map is running 95%+ now, I'm sorry you're currently in the 5%. Like I said above, I don't think you'll stay there.

Thanks for posting up though, as it's a good reminder to people, don't blast direct what you can't afford to take a hit on.
up from position 5 to 3 for my keyword, although rank checker for firefox is showing position 1! Hopefully rank checker is predicting what will happen :) whats it showing for you grindstone?

This is a pretty tough keyword too, so even a gain from 5 to 3 is impressive.
E-comm stuff responds slower, still haven't figured out why yet. I'm confident your site will come back, and higher, but right now I know this part sucks. One thing I'd suggest is taking that article under the products and adding about 800 words of high quality content. Might not bring it back but worth a shot.

That was my plan, I ordered a new 1,000 word LSI article from Core Content Club last week, just waiting on delivery and I'll either replace the current stuff or add to it.
That was my plan, I ordered a new 1,000 word LSI article from Core Content Club last week, just waiting on delivery and I'll either replace the current stuff or add to it.

Cool, keep us posted.

Just ordered, looking forward to this.

Thanks, looking forward to good results.

Checking in on my order from last week, any idea when it runs?

Today, in about 4 hours.

Herp Herp
Wuts the turn around like.

Blasts start within 24-48 hours of order, take about 24-48 hours to blast, you'll start picking up links shortly, then after about 2-4 weeks you'll have more links indexed than you know what to do with.
One of my keywords went to #1. From 13 to 4-5, now #1. 110k exacts per month.

Fantastic, your success is our success.

Check your PR ladies, an update just hit and SGW sites are reaping the benefit.

One I hit 3 weeks ago went from PR0 to PR2, and lots of SGW clients are reporting even better upgrades.

[5:36:27 PM] xxxxxxxxx: My brand new site just hit PR 3
[5:36:45 PM] xxxxxxxxxxx: grats
[5:39:02 PM] buylinkstoday: sgw site?
[5:39:24 PM] Aaron Matthew Kelly: yea mine that i hit with sgw is pr3
[5:39:34 PM] xxxxxx: pr4

Fantastic, your success is our success.

Check your PR ladies, an update just hit and SGW sites are reaping the benefit.

One I hit 3 weeks ago went from PR0 to PR2, and lots of SGW clients are reporting even better upgrades.

[5:36:27 PM] xxxxxxxxx: My brand new site just hit PR 3
[5:36:45 PM] xxxxxxxxxxx: grats
[5:39:02 PM] buylinkstoday: sgw site?
[5:39:24 PM] Aaron Matthew Kelly: yea mine that i hit with sgw is pr3
[5:39:34 PM] xxxxxx: pr4


Shit, one of mine went to PR5 from 0 others PR3-4, niceeeee
You fucking conehead, you're pissing me off with your 0-5 jump. Me jelly.

Hit up buylinkstoday on skype if you want to join the SGW customer chat, he's in there dropping knowledge bombs like a fat lady on ex lax.
Shit, one of mine went to PR5 from 0 others PR3-4, niceeeee

Bought an EMD 6 weeks ago and hit it with a few good PR blogrolls, but the main thing I did was to hit it with SGW and it went from a PR0 to PR6 and my other site went from a PR3 to a PR5 and the last one went from a PR0 to a PR2. Plus the rankings have been outstanding.
Wow, page I blasted -> PR4. Domain -> PR2. Me likey.

GS- if we did one blast and landed oh so close to 'joy-zone' but are still hovering on the outskirts of page 1 is a second blast a viable option or would you do something else?

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