Source Code - SEE THIS MOVIE

Breaking the laws of the universe makes for bad entertainment.

Yeah, none of it makes sense if you really think about it.

Just like Inception, going into someone else's dream? For realz? But hey, it kept me intrigued and engaged throughout the movie and I felt great after watching it. That's all I care about and that's good entertainment in my book.

You want to know what's bad entertainment? Transformers 3 and Sucker Punch, now those are BAD entertainment... really bad... really really bad...
While watching Source Code, did anyone else think "hey cool, I could probably rape all the hot chicks in the train without any consequences, over and over again"?

Or is this fucked up? I'm thinking it's an utterly normal male reaction.. right?

Imagination is fine. Breaking the laws of the universe makes for bad entertainment.

The data that this guy is looking for doesn't exist. It's possible could see a bomb sitting at his feet and just glanced over it. But it's impossible that he opens a door he never opened and finds something he never saw.

Independence Day VS Battle Los Angeles

In IE the aliens come for our natural resources. They never say what exactly but we could theorize that it's a rare element that they can't find elsewhere. Then they proceed to obliterate us with giant weapons from high up in the sky, also believable.

In Battle Los Angeles they come for our water (what?????) They give a shitty excuse that our water is liquid. But come on, they don't have fucking microwaves?

1. Find comet
2. Melt comet

Then... They launch a GROUND ASSAULT? Really? These guys likely invented faster than lightspeed technology to search the universe for planets with melted ice just so they could drop shock troops onto the ground and get raped by people with seriously low tech weapons.

Independence Day while not supremely realistic is definitely more realistic than Battle LA, which makes it a better movie.

Likely if aliens do show up they'll simply vaporize us for orbit and take what they want after the planet is void of any disturbances. Not much of a movie but definitely realistic.

What would make a better movie:

The earth falling out of orbit because a giant asteroid crashed into the moon fucking shit up.


The earth falling out of orbit because space rabbits landed on earth and they're really fat?

TLDR: Stop defending lazy writing.

Hahaha. I loved this movie. Only because I was about a pint of vodka in while watching it. The writing was just god awful, yet hilarious at the same time. One of my favorite lines is 'There's no time this!'

Think I'm gonna download it, crack open some Harpoon Leviathan IPAs and go to town on some projects. Thanks for the reminder
The main cast on that movie is Jake Gyllenhaal its a nice movie try to download one..
Love and other drugs is a nice movie also staring Jake Gyllenhaal :D
Downloaded and watched Source Code with the GF last night after recommendations in this thread.

.. great film!!. Was good to watch something different for a change with a good storyline.
Dude, i forgot all about that flick! Being out of the States is killin my movie game, I dont see enough ads for them. MUST...SEE...THIS...FILM.
The data that this guy is looking for doesn't exist. It's possible could see a bomb sitting at his feet and just glanced over it. But it's impossible that he opens a door he never opened and finds something he never saw.

The "theory", is that they are accessing a parallel universe, and the "connection" gets severed after 8 minutes. But, if they had of explained it like that, then it'd have opened up a bunch other bs. Instead they made a complete bs explanation.

You want to know what's bad entertainment? Transformers 3 and Sucker Punch, now those are BAD entertainment... really bad... really really bad...

Sucker Punch could have been good. The opening sequence was great. They just went too artsy.

Haven't seen Transformers 3 yet. Can't say I like the idea of them going a "serious" route though.
bumping this .. but i just watched this movie and DAMN! what a great film. so many twists ... also i wasn't' expecting it, but it definately makes me appreciate my time here right now and to not sweat the small stuff. Crazy good.

TBH, i didn't see it in theaters b/c of the name, sounded too dumb, but that's just me judging a book by its cover
meant to throw this is in my post as an edit .. but couldn't ...

i don't know why ppl were ripping it apart, i just read the other posts in here. I thought it was great and would not call it lazy writing at all. excellent entertainment and every movie stretches reality, that's why they are entertaining.

i saw limitless too, i liked it, but if i had to rip apart a movie, it would be this and not SC
People who rip on sci-fi movies are usually reality seekers. If I watch a crime-drama, I want things to make sense and make me feel like it could really happen.

When I watch a sci-fi, I want entertainment and a story that sorta flows... don't much care if it could ever really happen in real life.
haha exactly ... science "FICTION" keyword there..

i guess i'm just not smart enough about physics to let a simple plot hole ruin the movie for me
watched it yesterday based on the recommendation. You know it was a good movie when it seems to last 20 minutes. +rep