Sold another site, $19,500


Haters gonna H88
Sep 24, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
So thanks to all the haters who propelled me to success. Thanks to all the cool doods on the this forum that helped me understand seo when I first started out. I've always been a kick ass designer/programmer/graphic guy but didn't know anything about seo until I came here. I sold 5 sites in the xx,xxx range int he past 12 months which was just for shits in giggles.

Just thought I'd say thanks. So yep - thanks.

>>> Gun show on the 28th in OC. lol

:::Begin go buy nazi memorabilia, go donate to the klan, go buy new ghillie suits, go buy new guns, etc. etc. etc:::
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Congrats man, I've a few sites I been procrastinating about selling myself - did you sell on flippa or another avenue?
Been flipping websites for last two years.. bringing in similar income.

Favorite part is that high you get when you get a new website idea and ride that high for 48 hours and build enough of it out to get going.
Good Job selling sites in this economy. Great work finding people with the monies.

So what the hell is a gun show in Cali like?
is it time to remove the backlinks so you can buy it back for $XXXX in 4 months?

;) congrats.

LoL - Yeah one of the sites flopped (after I sold it) which I made a thread about here. Sucks that that happened... It honestly had nothing to do with me though. I removed 2 homepage links but I highly doubt thats why it was kicked off. The fucker revised some of the text and threw up 2 affiliate offers, maybe that's what triggered the downfall of that one site..

Congrats man, I've a few sites I been procrastinating about selling myself - did you sell on flippa or another avenue?

Another avenue. Never sold on flippa. I do have latona's which sold a 1.2mill site the other day on there ready to sell my sites tho. I've never pursued flippa though.

what industry and perhaps share a little more about your selling process - congrats

I slang debt relief. Debt management, Debt settlement, loans, etc. But did have sites in slightly different niches (loans, etc) Process: I spammed owners in the top 10 positions for random keys; sent out about 200 emails several months back. I got buyer 1, buyer 2 - and those two buyers have bought multiple sites from me (repeat buyers). So thats how I found 'em.

flippa i assume. do you use paypal or escrow?

Word to the wise, NEVER FUCKING EVER USE PAYPAL. I think I made a thread about it here. Those fuckers are bad! If buyer sends you money, you transfer domain - they WILL hold that money for 180 days. I'd recommend you use escrow. I personally used paypal for my first sale, and after the first sale my repeat buyer just wires the money into my account and once I see it, I push the domain/site.
Word to the wise, NEVER FUCKING EVER USE PAYPAL. I think I made a thread about it here. Those fuckers are bad! If buyer sends you money, you transfer domain - they WILL hold that money for 180 days. I'd recommend you use escrow. I personally used paypal for my first sale, and after the first sale my repeat buyer just wires the money into my account and once I see it, I push the domain/site.
Yeah I'm about ready to go ape shit on PayPal. They've frozen 3 of my accounts in the past two months, with roughly $17.5k on them. (I was away when they froze them so I didn't transfer funds like I normally would.) They've severely fucked my business, which is why I'm writing so much content as of late.
Yeah I'm about ready to go ape shit on PayPal. They've frozen 3 of my accounts in the past two months, with roughly $17.5k on them. (I was away when they froze them so I didn't transfer funds like I normally would.) They've severely fucked my business, which is why I'm writing so much content as of late.

Yeah, I'm sorry to see it dude. I couldn't stand working in a business to where money was held (like that copeac thread); or paypal ran businesses. I actually had a thread on how they did this to me.. I actually got my money released. Are they just holding it for 180 days like usual? Threaten them with the Attorney General, Banking Commissions, etc - and they will release your funds... Thats what I did, and they released that shit quick.
Yeah, I'm sorry to see it dude. I couldn't stand working in a business to where money was held (like that copeac thread); or paypal ran businesses. I actually had a thread on how they did this to me.. I actually got my money released. Are they just holding it for 180 days like usual? Threaten them with the Attorney General, Banking Commissions, etc - and they will release your funds... Thats what I did, and they released that shit quick.
For two of my accounts, with smaller amounts they are holding for 180 days. However, the large account with roughly $10k in it is marked as "suspicious payment activity." I called and they said they are actually investigating me. I don't really get why. The account is six years old, has done steady revenue for the last three and is verified in every way possible. The only thing I can think of is that I recently got a few larger payments from international clients. Still, FUCK PAYPAL.
Congrats dude. I just beat Tick in Chessmaster with a Four Knights style opening. Tick's conservative with pawns so it was basically even exchanges, then picking off the ranks with my rooks.
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good shit man. i always look forward to your posts. make an epic 2000 post thread and share some wisdom.