Social Network Linkbaiting - Front Page Package

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Mason is a professional. Emails are answered quickly and the work is top notch.

It took 2 attempts for Mason to push an article to page one for my client's site. This however, is a bonus! Now my client has 2 outstanding pieces of content that both generate impressive traffic. The 1st article has over 200 Diggs on it, so it still could be considered link bait. The 2nd article has over 700 Diggs.

This is a service I plan use often. I've already contacted Mason about a 2nd site.

If his work with Digg wasn't enough, he also offers some bonuses. He utilitizes other social sites and those links generate traffic too.

I've met some very impressive people here on WF. Mason is definitely one of them. If you need link bait on a site, you'll be very happy if you use Mason.
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