Social Network Linkbaiting - Front Page Package

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I want to be the first to post my results for this service that Mason offers. Mason took the onus of creating the article complete with images for my client's site and submtting the entire article to Digg. He lit the fire on Digg and my article, much to my surprise went first page in under 8 hours. It was truly amazing how fast it happened.

All I had to do was host the article on my client's site and watch the traffic come rolling in. The first night there was ~2,000 unique visitors and the next day close to ~20,000. The traffic has leveled off since it went first page 10 days ago, but even today there was over 300 Digg referrals and plenty of other sites that pick up Digg traffic continue to link to our site.

I did not have the expectation that this Digg article would result in multiple sales for my client, I was only interested in the links that would come out of this. For the first week, Google was perplexed by the onslaught of traffic to this site. Overnight some of the keyword phrases that drag solid traffic backed down and stayed down for a few days. After a week, the site started to see a major lift in organic rankings, but interestingly enough it was for a broad range of keyword phrases, not just a handful, it was mostly across the board.

It is hard for me to disentangle the massive amount of links I'm building for this client from the directory submissions, social bookmarking, etc., but I do know that this exercise was very, very positive. I liken it to a large jolt of electricity that for the proper site can have an extremely useful effect for your organic SERPS.

I'm happy to answer any other questions prospective buyers of Mason's service may have, feel free to shoot me a PM.
[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']I want to be the first to post my results for this service that Mason offers. Mason took the onus of creating the article complete with images for my client's site and submtting the entire article to Digg. He lit the fire on Digg and my article, much to my surprise went first page in under 8 hours. It was truly amazing how fast it happened.[/FONT]
[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif'][FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']All I had to do was host the article on my client's site and watch the traffic come rolling. The first night there was ~2,000 unique visitors and the next day close to ~20,000. The traffic has leveled off since it went first page 10 days ago, but even today there was over 300 Digg referrals and plenty of other sites that pick up Digg traffic continue to link to our site.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif'][FONT='Verdana','sans-serif'][FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']I did not have the expectation that this Digg article would result in multiple sales for my client, I was only interested in the links that would come out of this. For the first week, Google was perplexed by the onslaught of traffic to this site. Overnight some of the keyword phrases that drag solid traffic backed down and stayed down for a few days. After a week, the site started to see a major lift in organic rankings, but interestingly enough it was for a broad range of keyword phrases, not just a handful, it was mostly across the board.[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif'][FONT='Verdana','sans-serif'][FONT='Verdana','sans-serif'][FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']It is hard for me to disentangle the massive amount of links I'm building for this client from the directory submissions, social bookmarking, etc., but I do know that this exercise was very, very positive. I liken it to a large jolt of electricity that for the proper site can have an extremely useful effect for your organic SERPS.[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif'][FONT='Verdana','sans-serif'][FONT='Verdana','sans-serif'][FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']Feel free to PM me with any specific questions.[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
I want to be the first to post my results for this service that Mason offers. Mason took the onus of creating the article complete with images for my client's site and submtting the entire article to Digg. He lit the fire on Digg and my article, much to my surprise went first page in under 8 hours. It was truly amazing how fast it happened.

All I had to do was host the article on my client's site and watch the traffic come rolling. The first night there was ~2,000 unique visitors and the next day close to ~20,000. The traffic has leveled off since it went first page 10 days ago, but even today there was over 300 Digg referrals and plenty of other sites that pick up Digg traffic continue to link to our site.

I did not have the expectation that this Digg article would result in multiple sales for my client, I was only interested in the links that would come out of this. For the first week, Google was perplexed by the onslaught of traffic to this site. Overnight some of the keyword phrases that drag solid traffic backed down and stayed down for a few days. After a week, the site started to see a major lift in organic rankings, but interestingly enough it was for a broad range of keyword phrases, not just a handful, it was mostly across the board.

It is hard for me to disentangle the massive amount of links I'm building for this client from the directory submissions, social bookmarking, etc., but I do know that this exercise was very, very positive. I liken it to a large jolt of electricity that for the proper site can have an extremely useful effect for your organic SERPS.

Feel free to PM me if you want to know more.
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