Social Bookmarking Bomb • 1000+ SB sites, Report with bookmark urls,Minimum footprint

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Jon I ordered a week long drip and it said the drip started 3 days ago but I did not receive a report for yesterday. I just want to confirm everything is going ok.

Oh yeah, I placed another order:
If you have the right AM that is telling you the tricks of the trade to getting your ads approved on FB, you won't need to spend any extra money on software like this. Sure, it's more difficult these days to get your ads submitted now that Facebook has fired their entire advertising program employees. But it's not imporssible. You need the right targeting, the right ad, and follow the correct guidelines/restrictions.
just ordered, looking to go from 19-1 with scrapebox support... Will report back.

just got report, went from 19-7 without doing any blasts yet, hopefully backing this service with scrapebox pushes me to the top. Can't ask for much better service.
Word on SBB spreads - saw it mentioned how good it was on another forum, so I decided it was time to try it out for myself...esp after seeing all the rave reviews here.

Just ordered one blast + description spinning - transaction 06W759229C909533U

Am currently on page one now...looking to see if this can get me top 3.

Thanks ahead of time!
There are so many different programs for these. Just make sure you are using the most targeting you possibly can.
No updates

New order is placed for DRIP FEED with Description writing & spinning addon. Receipt No: 3073-0475-0118-5661

I placed an order on 23 July for DRIP FEED but didn't receive any update yet. Please provide update about status.....
Hi Jon,

Placed my second order today.

My receipt number for this payment is: 2359-7854-1489-9533.

Please confirm receipt of payment.
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