Social Bookmarking Bomb • 1000+ SB sites, Report with bookmark urls,Minimum footprint

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Is there any risk to blast one time without dripping feed for 1 month old website ?
I want to see results fast !

I got the report back in 2 days pretty fast. The report also had the day and time of the post which i liked. I would use again.
Yo river, paid back on July 11th, 4 week drip action. Shot you a PM, still waiting on update. Gracias senor.
This is a follow-up to the post I left on the 21st. I ordered one social bookmarking blast for a brand new site in a very competitive niche. The blast was completed on 7/23. For the general keyword, I am now #20 in the niche.

Very impressive. I highly recommend this service!!
Just placed my first order for this. I'm hoping for the same results other people have seen.
I weighted my keywords like so:
40% keyword 1
40% keyword 2
20% assorted smaller keywords

Hopin' for the best.
Hey Jon,

Placed an order and sent you all the details via email 2 days ago.

Please let me know if you received it OK.

Jon completed my order, hugely over-delivered, all nicely reported.

This is a beautiful service, fast, reliable and very effective when it comes to SERP leverage. Last time I ordered my rankings changed dramatically. Main keyword I was trying to rank is now 1st spot, two other are knocking to the 1st page doors despite the page wasn't optimized for them properly.

I hope to see similar results this time and will be very happy to report any SERP movement.

Thanks Jon for a great job.
ordered another 2 blasts, this time for sites that are already on the first page with fairly competitive keywords.

Keyword #1 currently 7th | 5,400 Local Exact | allintitle: 413,000
Keyword #2 currently 5th | 9,900 Local Exact | allintitle: 211,000

will report back serp movement when I am back from holiday.

#1 Now 1st
#2 Now 4th

Savage.. Another order on its way!

New order, new keyword, new site (for the service, not a brand new site)...

Keyword #1 currently 3rd | 22,200 Local Exact | allintitle: 765,000

Our competitors are big department stores in the UK with, I imagine, ridiculous seo budgets. Lets see what happens here :D
Just paid!

Your transaction ID for this payment is: 94S79435M39305832.

This looks good, will give my review upon completion!
Thanks for orders & feedback everyone, I really appreciate it.

I'd just like to put this out there... we've been getting quite a few orders with misspelled titles & urls. I caught a few before they got queued, but I can't always spell & error check all your stuff or fix it after it's done.

Double check your TITLES & URL :)
Thanks for orders & feedback everyone, I really appreciate it.

I'd just like to put this out there... we started getting quite a few orders with misspelled titles & urls. I caught a few before they got queued, but I can't always spell & error check all your stuff.

Double check your TITLES & URL :)

Thanks for catching mine too lol. I was in a rush and messed up that keyword :) thanks for the save.

i ordered a dripping one a few days ago and since then, i have not heard anything from you guys,,,just wonder if i should get daily report from that right?

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