Social Bookmarking Bomb • 1000+ SB sites, Report with bookmark urls,Minimum footprint

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Jon ran into a problem with my site and he was able to do a different site for me. I will definitely be using his service again. Thanks so much for your hard work!

Hello, Just sent in my order, my paypal unique # is 7LF292743R498982H, please when do i receive the completed work... thanks... :-)

OK River going to give a couple direct blasts a schwing.


For anyone interested here is the specs:

KW1: #11 (main kw getting 67% of links)
KW2: #7
KW3: #16
KW4: #60
KW5: #5

KW's 2-5 are only getting 33% of the links. Doing this as a test as they are very low comp local keywords and want some anchor diversity.

2nd order was configured differently as a 50/50 blast.

KW1: #8
KW2: #7

So, let's see how effective we climb page 1 vs. page 2 and beyond terms. These are all local keyword terms. The first package is much less competitive than the second.
local chiropractic in a large metro vs. local physical therapy in same large metro. I guess I could also note that package 2 only consisted on main keyword forward/backward.

No link building on either domain in 2 weeks+

Will post results 48hrs after blast and if I'm up to it around 10 days after.

Had very little SERP movement using drip feed on 2 other clients so hoping direct blast will do a little more.

So it's been about 2 1/2 days since delivery. Here's how it's looking:

KW1= 9 (from 11)
KW2-5 (from 7)
KW3- 13 (from 16)
KW4-7 (from 60)
KW5-5 (no movement)

KW1-no movement
kw2-no movement

Also curious if anyone has hit same keyword/URL using a redirect with this yet and if results were good?

Thanks River! Stellar delivery and service again.

Keyword#1: Ranking at start of order was NIT 100 pages of google.
Updated Keyword #1: Ranking #5

Keyword #2: Ranking at start of order was NIT 100 pages of google.
Updated Keyword #2: No change yet.

Both Keywords were medium competition keywords.

Thanks River.. so we'll see what happens with a little more time but that's pretty damn cool for $35.
Hi, If I order another blast for the same site but an inner page this time and different keyword, will I be able to have the actual url rather than shortened url in the bookmark?

Oh and just curious if my report from my first blast is ready.

want to place a 2nd order. I don't remember how I payed last time and I adon't have time to search. :)
Please pm me this details.

Also, what is your TAT now ?
Order place. Unique Transaction ID #9WD261015W996194W

Looking forward to see if social bomb can help me move up a couple of spots.
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