Purchased the BOMB yesterday and woke up today and the service had already been carried out (wasn't expecting it to be this quick, very impressed with the quick turnaround). I was going to leave feedback on Monday after a few days, but I am pretty amazed with what I have seen thus far. This site I used is in insurance and it has had shitloads of links threw at it and it just hasn't managed to budge for months.
Had three keywords lined up, the main one has stuck in its usual position 11/12 at this time, but the second keyword has jumped up 4 pages right up to 11/12 where the main keyword stands. The third keyword is a monster term and that has jumped from around page 8 up to mid page 4. So, two of the keywords have jumped up 4 pages after just one day (have never seen this happen before, especially in a niche like this). I'm pretty sure the main keyword in 11/12 will hit the first page v-soon.
As for the actual links, opened up Google Docs and all the ones I checked were just fine. This is the best service I have used on WickedFire, as no other has shifted keywords like this esp after just one day; I'm sure more of these links will have a positive impact over the next few days. Will definitely have a few more sites lined up (just gonna monitor this site over the weekend and will report back). Cheers man.
Had three keywords lined up, the main one has stuck in its usual position 11/12 at this time, but the second keyword has jumped up 4 pages right up to 11/12 where the main keyword stands. The third keyword is a monster term and that has jumped from around page 8 up to mid page 4. So, two of the keywords have jumped up 4 pages after just one day (have never seen this happen before, especially in a niche like this). I'm pretty sure the main keyword in 11/12 will hit the first page v-soon.
As for the actual links, opened up Google Docs and all the ones I checked were just fine. This is the best service I have used on WickedFire, as no other has shifted keywords like this esp after just one day; I'm sure more of these links will have a positive impact over the next few days. Will definitely have a few more sites lined up (just gonna monitor this site over the weekend and will report back). Cheers man.