Social Bookmarking Bomb • 1000+ SB sites, Report with bookmark urls,Minimum footprint

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Received my report.

Experiencing some huge jump in serps (G00gle UK) afterwards. Clicked on a couple of links (out of 1199), all seem to be working.

I am 100% satisfied with this service.
sir anyway to use visa card? there is no paypal support in egypt...i can use moneybookers or alertpay tho...also how will this package do with an arabic website?
Jon delivered in lightening speed. I quickly checked on the report, and things are done as instructed. I've already seen some serps movements on the keywords that were provided, despite their competitiveness. I have to wait and see how they will fare in next few days or weeks. Overall, I am extremely impressed with Jon's professional service, and will definitely order more. Thanks again for an awesome, speedy work!
very impressed.

ordered on the 28th, completed on the 1st.


Will definitely be using this service again.
Jon delivered in lightening speed. I quickly checked on the report, and things are done as instructed. I've already seen some serps movements on the keywords that were provided, despite their competitiveness. I have to wait and see how they will fare in next few days or weeks. Overall, I am extremely impressed with Jon's professional service, and will definitely order more. Thanks again for an awesome, speedy work!

Simply a service that worth every single cents. Thanks

Ordered some more, seeing great results.


River, please reply to my emails, PMs and/or skype messages as you've been unreachable, thanks.

Hi, do you have any updates regarding the use of several urls per order?


There is only one way to improve this service even more. More bookmarking sites :D

On a good day, I can actually get 1500-1600 unique sites if titles & descriptions are super clean.
Ordered the drip on 2 sites. Reports were delivered as promised and look great. As of now I have not seen much for SERP movement. One site was for local SEO so competition was low to medium for the top terms. Have not seen much for movement on this site yet. The other site was an SEO related site with high competition. I've actually seen more movement from the higher comp site than the lower so far.

I'm going to order a full blast to another site. Local with medium competition and 14 month old domain. Will report on any differences I see between the drip blast and the full as far as speed of SERP changes etc. I'll give better details of a baseline after I order as well.

I also weighted these about 70/30. 70% to the main kw targeted and 30% to 3-5 related terms on each.

So far a great service and will update later if I see more movement.
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