Social Bookmarking Bomb • 1000+ SB sites, Report with bookmark urls,Minimum footprint

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Just checking my order: 8YD33630GP698951B.
Did order the 15th don't know If the report Is just lost or something.
New feature - select your Drip Feed speed

For Drip Feed packages, you can now select how slow you want your bookmarks dripped

  • 1 week drip: ~150 bookmarks / day
  • 2 week drip: ~80 bookmarks / day
  • 3 week drip: ~50 bookmarks / day
  • 4 week drip: ~35 bookmarks / day

We'll soon add automatic reporting so you'll be able to track your dripped bookmarks daily. Until then, I'm still emailing reports manually when your jobs are 100% completed.

SBB Order Forms
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